The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

If she wanted to be with you,she would,but she doesn't,so let that hoe go,and grow some nuts.I don't know why people cry over spilt milk,you can't make her stay.

Obviously I know that I cannot make her stay. Even if I could I wouldn't want her to stay, if she's not happy here or is feeling like she needs space then that is what she has to do. I'm not crying over spilled milk either, I was just lookin' for a different perspective on the situation. But thanks for the comment :)

Obviously I know that I cannot make her stay. Even if I could I wouldn't want her to stay, if she's not happy here or is feeling like she needs space then that is what she has to do. I'm not crying over spilled milk either, I was just lookin' for a different perspective on the situation. But thanks for the comment :)

So is she already gone?
November 3rd shes hoppin' on a bus.. I wish she were gone already though. It's fuckin awkard.. Trying not to be pissed off and keep myself from choking her lol... :wall:
November 3rd shes hoppin' on a bus.. I wish she were gone already though. It's fuckin awkard.. Trying not to be pissed off and keep myself from choking her lol... :wall:
I tell you what,fuck november 3rd,pack her bags without her knowing,fuck her one more time,and then say you see those bags over their,she's gonna say yes,then tell her their yours,get the fuck out,it's check out time.
I tell you what,fuck november 3rd,pack her bags without her knowing,fuck her one more time,and then say you see those bags over their,she's gonna say yes,then tell her their yours,get the fuck out,it's check out time.

thats what i'm talkin about. fuck giving that bitch any more of your time and hospitality. boot her out NOW!!
Bcuz look man,you got a crib for the both of you,she don't like staying like their,tell her somebody else will love to stay here sice you don't.
I know it's hard... Same atmospher run the house with our divorcing parents. I hope she will come back to you. The distance between my (older) boyfriend and I whilst I'm at university could be easily taken as a 'break' by some... I hope it is simply a need to be physically distant and not emotionally distant or an excuse to sleep with other people. Whilst we're apart I am doing my own thing, having to organise my time alone so I understand there may be things she needs to sort out alone, perhaps she should go back to school in the meantime. I may have to move away from the capital city, all I know, family and friends, but I tell myself if I love him I will do it. It is scary, I'm young, too and still living with my parents, scared of moving far away from the familiar and I am 3 years older than your wife... God only knows how she feels. Do you think he felt a little 'pressured' to marry you? Not that there's anything wrong with you, you seem perfectly reasonable, she might just be freaking out.

She could either be young, mentally mature and committed to the relationship but just needs time to sort her own shit out (liked and my 3 years of college)

Or she just saw you as available and (aforementioned) a provider of things girls her age may want (a man who can drive, has money, will take care of her but isnt /quite/ old enough to be her dad) as is the case with most girls that age dating a man a good few years older. It is not always the case but very often is.

God I hate it when a woman screws Up one of the few good guys left on this earth. If she really has screwed you over and isn't coming back I hope it was simply because she freaked out and not out of spite, though I hope she doesn't ultimately screw you over at all.

It's also sad that people have to say leave young girls alone because the immature ones pull stunts like this or aren't serious. Just as you may say you need a WOMAN there are young women out there that need to date a MAN like you if you give them a chance before the BOYS turn them into the damage goods you're having to deal with. Looks like a few teenage boys ruined her already or she never really cared for you..

I'm glad there are guys like you that will still give a younger girl a chance.. Not all of them are like that. I've been ready to settle since 16... Just so sad you got burned...

I pray she either comes back with her shit together and apologies or you find THE ONE that will make all this a distant memory, hun x
i can virtually guarantee you this little bitch has several dicks lined up for her when she goes back to the city. dump that piece of shit and never look back, unless you like fucking after several other dudes have had their way with her....
And keep everything you ever bought her,snatch the necklace off of her lol..tell her you want the shoes,you want all that shit,tell her run it.
Typically the" I need some space" card means she is rethinking the relationship or there is someone else. Usually when a woman says that, it means the relationship is over. Been there and done that more than once myself
i was arguing with some little bitch boy earlier in this thread and he/she took offense i guess.
Oh I see,carne he's a good dude tho,you should already know about toke n talk,people are gonna have differences,gotaa keep your cool on here man,I know I be trying to.
Typically the" I need some space" card means she is rethinking the relationship or there is someone else. Usually when a woman says that, it means the relationship is over. Been there and done that more than once myself
Look on the bright side, at least your not being strung along and lied to.

I'm pretty sure I'm in that boat right now, but still not totally sure.
thought long and hard on this one. give her the break. willingly. lovingly.
haven't read thread; prolly repeating what someone has already said.