The world ending? What will you do...

so,,does everyone else know? or just me?

cause if everyone else knows, lol, you´d better just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show, possibly trying your best not to get stampeded, whereever you go.+
forget trying to spend money, who´d want it? :laugh:
so,,does everyone else know? or just me?

cause if everyone else knows, lol, you´d better just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show, possibly trying your best not to get stampeded, whereever you go.+
forget trying to spend money, who´d want it? :laugh:

Only the people on RIU know about it.
Yeah I'm going to end up going somewhere around June not sure where though but it has to be warm have a beach, some good drinks, and some better bud... now that I think of it road trip to Miami with 4 zips of some dank that's sounds like my vacation now I just need to gather some people up to go.

nice dude... yea miami is definately ALOT of fun!!!
retribution there are a couple id deal with and they would be expecting me im sure, then say goodby to friends and family then gas up the hog load my trunk with weed grab the wife and head for pikes peak and enjoy the show
well i would get all the weed and alcohol i can get then get my closest friends and find some dope chicks and bring everything/one to my highschool science classroom because i dont know why but even a minute seemed like an eternity in there
First I would go butt fuck my old high school administrator (so fine), then I would get a party bus with at least a pound of good smoke, get my family, two closets friends and their families and head to the beach rent a yacht and sail away and watch fireballs rain down...
Who thinks 2012 is going to fuck shit up?
First I would go butt fuck my old high school administrator (so fine), then I would get a party bus with at least a pound of good smoke, get my family, two closets friends and their families and head to the beach rent a yacht and sail away and watch fireballs rain down...
Who thinks 2012 is going to fuck shit up?

Nah I don't think that 2012 stuff is real I did a lot of research on it for a term paper and facts point to no, but i do believe the world is on a decline with the economic situation we are in, especially with the oil consumption we far to much to ever replace it with an alternative fuel I'd go more into detail but that's a thread on its own and its now BBBT (bowl before bed time lol)
Nah I don't think that 2012 stuff is real I did a lot of research on it for a term paper and facts point to no, but i do believe the world is on a decline with the economic situation we are in, especially with the oil consumption we far to much to ever replace it with an alternative fuel I'd go more into detail but that's a thread on its own and its now BBBT (bowl before bed time lol)

Yea I'll have to agree with you about the world being on a decline, as for 2012 Im about 50/50 not sure what to believe. Toke up bro, I think I'm about to do the same.
2012 is silly.......all the fuck the mayan did was stop makeing a calander......PERIOD......they got bored and its now repititous so quit..........everybody has now put shit into its meaning all on their own....................its like reading to Kill a Mocking Bird....bottom of last page.....THE END>..............oh fuck we all gonna die.................
If I knew the world was ending, I would try to get as many girls I knew ( and didn't know ) to queef.

And if you didn't know, queef means to pussy fart.