The You Know Your A Grower Thread

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
You know your a grower when you explain things better to the customer in the grow shop better than the employees.

You know your a GUERILLA grower when you buy Pro-Mix by the pallet.



Well-Known Member
You have to calculate your 'grow' costs on your electricity bill and pay it so your roommates don't bitch about splitting the bill.


Well-Known Member
when you actully read 264 post just to to do it..

then go back to see where the count ended....94

people were counting off as they went...

then it went off and on untill it reached 94..

now no numbers just comments....

so now i dont know how many ( you know your a grower when ) their is now......fuck


Well-Known Member
^^^^ simple.

#420<<<<< yup! I call 420:) When everyone is bored at home tommorrow, cause RIU is shut down for the day (its true, reopened by 4/20). Youll be harvesting a few plants, cause PERPETUAL GROWS KICK ASS!!


Well-Known Member
when your folks have only been inside your apartment one time the whole 2 years youve been living in it and the rest of the time you tell them to stay in the car and you'll be out in a second
o man... :lol: ur just like me! Honestly 90% of this shit is just like me :lol:


Well-Known Member
even better....

when you're mother is constantly suggesting places you could work at and you reply with "mom, i have a master plan i cant tell you about, but you just have to trust your child"
hahahahahahahahah too funny, just like me!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
When u 'Browsed' RIU for a year, cause u thought u might get caught somehow.

When u have a box of latex gloves in ur room, cause ur scarred the THC is gonna give u a dirty drop.

^^ U have latex gloves, cause u have important shit to do today, and cant be smelling like DIGGITY!!

When u drive past ur house, cause u seen the mail-man. Not sure if cops are there, to arrest u for your new beans.

If u signed up for The Attitudes newsletter, to get deals on beanz..

If u make 2 seperate orders, to get extra free beanz!^^^

If u signed up for a e-mail alert from Reserva Privada to get those ever elusive Purple Wreck seeds.

If u can tell a chef, milli, gallon, quart, gram, ounce, pound conversions faster than he can.

If u ever 'search' Craigslist, for 'grow lights' 'waterpipes' 'MMJ' and find great deals, but never go ahead with it<<<paranoia factor
ahhahaha I have Reserva Privadas reminder for like 5 fucking months now :( attitudes too.. itll never be back in stock.. I always check CL for grow materials but never buy...


Well-Known Member
when you look at street lights in a whole new perspective.

when you are walking down the street and stop to ask your friends if they knew that the bulbs used in "that^" street light are the same ones used to grow fucking dank ass ganj.

when you see an hps light thats easy to reach and think about comin back in the middle of the night to swipe it, but then you're good nature/integrity convinces you to do otherwise
AHANHAHAHAHAHA fuck yea i tell my friends that shit ALL THE TIME!! ahahahaha


Well-Known Member
When you realize the subject you know better than anything else is marijuana cultivation.


Well-Known Member
When you walk 5 blocks in the middle of winter with 2 huge bags of soil over your sholder..