The You Know Your A Grower Thread

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
when you go over a family or friends house
you looking a potential rooms that can be used to grow weed
like IF i had this house i'll be growing weed in that room right there

ink the world

Well-Known Member
When every time you smoke w/ someone you have to say "yeah i get it from a good friend, but he's out right now" and that friend is ALWAYS out.


Active Member
When you'll make yourself late for work 'cause you're expecting a delivery that only you can take.

You distract yourself day dreaming about new super cool ideas to do with growing weed.

You spend so much time day dreaming about your super cool ideas you shoot them down because of something that wouldn't work and try and think of a new super cool idea!

You get way to excited over a website that has bulbs cheaper than your closest store, AFTER postage!


When your mother in law has a geranium she "just loves" so you try to clone it for her.


Well-Known Member
When you run out in between harvests... and go without rather than buying the shit you used to smoke everyday


Active Member
When you have nightmares about getting busted
When you have missed vacations so you wouldn't spoil a grow


Well-Known Member
When u join a 'Rosemary Grow off competion' and the 1st things u talk about are.. Super soil, Cloning, LST... Serious, I cant make that up. Check the sig..


great thread that deserves a resurrection....

when your money (including the coins) stick to your fingertips at the local store all damn week b/c you've been harvesting, and CANNOT find a way to get that shit off of your fingers.... and refuse to buy gloves for some reason :)


Well-Known Member
when every time you walk into your house you smell the air to see if you need to change the carbon filter yet, or light more incense


Well-Known Member
great thread that deserves a resurrection....

when your money (including the coins) stick to your fingertips at the local store all damn week b/c you've been harvesting, and CANNOT find a way to get that shit off of your fingers.... and refuse to buy gloves for some reason :)
little dubya d 40 take care of that.