Equal rights? This is what ppl dont understand. Marriage is not meant to be an equal right for just anyone. So no, nobody is being bigoted because they dont want the thousands of years old definition of marriage changed to accommodate an alternative lifestyle group.
Well marriage is a right of any hetero couple that isn't of a immediate blood relation..
It should be a right of anyone..
Not the religious bull crap part of the ceremony...but where your state allows you to get the benefits of marriage, financially, and to be able to give any children raised in the union a chance to have healthcare and what not...
I don't believe in religious weddings...and would never get married in a church for that reason...But marriage still has a few tax perks that there is no reason that gays should have to miss out on...
And again I know my state is against gay marriage, but they just had people vote on it again not too long ago...and that second vote against gay marriage took away benefits from a lot of people...
Let's say that John married susan and had 2 kids, but John and susan were never happy so they split..and then John met Carl and they get along great, and John can't imagine his life without Carl, and perhaps John got the kids when he and Susan split...so the kids are attached to Carl as well...so this somewhat strange family is living and doing their own thing...perhaps Carl has a better job than John, so John stays home with the kids while Carl works...
Well now John and his kids can't be covered under Carl's insurance because they aren't qualifying family members...even though they have been living as a family unit for years..