If I was king of America right now, I would immediately enact a law that gives gays every legal right and benefit or marriage as traditional couples. They can get a license, the whole 9 yards and be called "life partners" or something like that. Problem solved. If they continued to protest and bitch and complain, they can leave.
So you would allow them to adopt a single last name?
You'd allow them to adopt children without impediment?
You'd recognize their tax and estate parity? They'd get to write "married" on their monuments?
A central right of the married is to use terms like "husband" and "wife". Since you would grant them EVERY legal right and benefit, they'd get this as well?
Assuming they form and succeed with a very popular LGBT denomination with congregations all over the place, would your state grant theat denomination the same rights of licensure, non-profit and ordination?
Or would you hide some "separate but equal" codicil that diminishes what you call "non-traditional" marriages and impede their assimilation as full equals in all particulars?
If you grant them full legal parity and benefit, about what are you anticipating they'd complain? There's an internal inconsistency here. cn