There is more evidence of God than can be denied.

Do you believe that a higher power and infinite intelligence is at work in the universe?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 16 66.7%
  • Uncertain

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters
The term "being" is where many folks get hung up. Perhaps better to describe it as a system.

We are consciousness, in some multi-dimension

We are placed in the hologram we're in now

We leave the hologram as a more advanced consciousness.

Rinse - Wash - Repeat
So let's assume that the universe is in fact infinite (philosophical definition) and that life exists throughout the universe. How do you explain the DNA code, the opposable thumb, the fact that in order to ensure survival the organism must intuitively and primordialy know things about its environment, this all points to a much greater intelligence, a higher knowing.
So let's assume that the universe is in fact infinite (philosophical definition) and that life exists throughout the universe. How do you explain the DNA code, the opposable thumb, the fact that in order to ensure survival the organism must intuitively and primordialy know things about its environment, this all points to a much greater intelligence, a higher knowing.
If evolution wanted to ensure survival why didn't it create the same organism; why isn't the world filled with Lions and sharks, it's as if the higher knowing, the conscious universe, we could use the term god if it had not been so misused, was trying to create and sustain an entire ecosystem.
Good video, but I must ask, if natural selection chooses what will increase survivability, therefore does it not intend to increase survivability? If nature intends things then it must be conscious.
There is no intent in nature. Natural selection is a process

If the white moth shows up better against the darker bark, it's more likely to be eaten by a bird and less likely to pass on it's white moth genes, less white moths reproduce while the darker moths flourish. Eventually you end up with only dark moths
There is no intent in nature. Natural selection is a process

If the white moth shows up better against the darker bark, it's more likely to be eaten by a bird and less likely to pass on it's white moth genes, less white moths reproduce while the darker moths flourish. Eventually you end up with only dark moths
Thanks for explaining that; the volume was kinda low. That makes more sense.
There is no intent in nature. Natural selection is a process

If the white moth shows up better against the darker bark, it's more likely to be eaten by a bird and less likely to pass on it's white moth genes, less white moths reproduce while the darker moths flourish. Eventually you end up with only dark moths
So I'm interested to know; do you believe in a dead universe; do you view the universe as a machine, a clock work universe. Do you not see order in everything and was there not a plan for this order, or is nature just that, the natural way of things, as if it could not possibly be any other way?
The Scientific peer review process is corrupt. We are told what is real. Unless we have the time and resources to quantify theorem, we are told to have faith in the latest writings. We KNOW very little. For an example could any of us here, prove unequivocally that the earth spins, without pointing to someone else's theories? If the earth IS spinning why do the clouds stand still. If we are made from a singularly and are hurtling through space as space expands why have the star consolations remained in a fixed position?
The Scientific peer review process is corrupt. We are told what is real. Unless we have the time and resources to quantify theorem, we are told to have faith in the latest writings. We KNOW very little. For an example could any of us here, prove unequivocally that the earth spins, without pointing to someone else's theories? If the earth IS spinning why do the clouds stand still. If we are made from a singularly and are hurtling through space as space expands why have the star consolations remained in a fixed position?
The clouds only appear still bc you are spinning along with the Earth, it's called the non inertial frame. The consolations only appear to be fixed bc you have only been here an exponential fraction of time; most stars are light years away, it would take millions of years to even notice a millimeter of change.

But you proved your point; I can not prove to you that the earth is spinning without pointing to a theory, unless I could take you to outer space, if I could just change your frame of reference.
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I believe in god, a higher power etc.
Evolution is dumb though, natural selection is much different...Wont get into supporting evidence, most everyone Already has their mind made up

Also clouds Arent still
I didn't ASK for an explanation. Any halfwit could google and come up with an answer, told to them by someone else. I asked for proof. (not calling you halfwit)
Well no offense but I do feel like you're calling me a halfwit and assuming I'm a Google junkie. I studied the theory of relativity and that is how I can assure you of such things, bc any halfwit can do such a thing and realize that the theory makes so much sense that it is obviously true.
So I'm interested to know; do you believe in a dead universe; do you view the universe as a machine, a clock work universe. Do you not see order in everything and was there not a plan for this order, or is nature just that, the natural way of things, as if it could not possibly be any other way?
I'm not sure what you mean by a "dead universe"

As humans we're used to seeing patterns and order in things, that's one of our evolutionary advantages that improves our survivability, same thing with faces, you ever stare at a carpet or a stucco wall with random designs on it and eventually see faces? Our brain does that all on its own
Well you cannot use evolution as per humans we have reached the max more or less were not like any other species that will in fact die off or change we can manipulate our self already before birth via genetic DNA work ..
If you were to look at last ancient cave man and dressed him in todays clothes know one would know he is pre historic evolution takes millions of years not one magical god saying let there be a nose lol WTF..
Is there a god >?? not a hope in hell speaking of hope well then if it comforts you then GOD and hope = same fucking thing wishful thinking ..
Does anyone know where Jesus is buried ??? when he was actually born ????
kinda funny really when when you break it all down you got the 6 so called people John Paul etc speaking of this Jesus yet not one of them EVER spoke to him let alone sat down and ate together NEVER happened EVER .. what a crap of shit religion really is
The fucking Blind leading the Blind its like me talking or saying i know pandawanda and saying it like it is when in fact i know fuck all about the guy just what i herd on RIU
shit look at witnesses in courts 2 - 5 years after they only will remember some stuff ut they will fabricate it like it was a EVENT when in fact it was a speeding ticket
no different again like today ,, We were taught to think comunism is bad bla bla , yet if a person looks in there back yard which is worse your brain washed at birth to believe what ever ..
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you edited your post after you read my reply, then you wrote about your butthurtedness, that is a dishonest display.
I edited my post bc I was thinking of a better way to put it. Butthurtedness, what do you think you fucked me up the ass or something get the fuck outa here.
Yes there is evidence of god, if you can read and write than you can understand. Just look at the DNA code; there is no way that carbon atoms would have formed the double helix on there own, there absolutely must be a higher intelligence at work. You can still debate; the truth is most often counter-intuitive and what may appear as evident could in fact be false, there could be another explanation.
If your God had to create us complex human beings. Then how did your even more complex God come into existence? If he can just be then can't we just be?