There is more evidence of God than can be denied.

Do you believe that a higher power and infinite intelligence is at work in the universe?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 16 66.7%
  • Uncertain

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters
If you take that to its next logical step, what is consciousness? Chemical and electrical impulses inside our brains

So what does "real" really even mean?

I 'm shocked !

Shit gets a lot weirder when you go even further down the rabbit hole..

What are chemicals, what is electricity? Both are governed by the laws of physics.. laws that are by all intents and purposes completely arbitrary..

This is the only thing that has ever planted doubt in my mind
If you take that to its next logical step, what is consciousness? Chemical and electrical impulses inside our brains

So what does "real" really even mean? that I am shocked ?


Shit gets a lot weirder when you go even further down the rabbit hole..

What are chemicals, what is electricity? Both are governed by the laws of physics.. laws that are by all intents and purposes completely arbitrary..

This is the only thing that has ever planted doubt in my mind
In comparison...maybe. But IF the universe is infinite than there are infinite life sustaining planets...that means a lot of them.
The fact that the odds against life existing are infinite (mathematical definition) and yet it does exist. Example the odds of the moon crashing into the Earth and creating the perfect balance for life to form; you can say this was a chance occurrence but when you factor in all of the other things that were required such as the mass of the earth and moon and it's proper distance from the sun then it begins to appear that there is order and reason behind it all; it's as if a higher conscious is aware and active in the universe. Can you come up with another explanation?
You can drop a ball from anywhere on the earth and it will fall gravitational pull ?? same thing can apply for our galaxy and distance from planets why is there, no life on the moon if it comes from the same substance of that of earth ?? yet there is no life ??? its in close approximate to the sun yet nothing is alive ..
Why is the north pole not really at the north pole ???
If a person was to look at a GOD or Jesus or any mythical person SPIDERMAN ???? one must ask where are they ,, how many prayers come true... how many people are suffering on the earth ... why is there so many gods ?? and religions out there who is right who is wrong
I would say that consciousness has nothing to do with chemistry or electricity. Realism and Materialism have been proven false as physics theories.
Where/how do you believe consciousness originates?

What do you mean exactly by 'realism' and 'materialism'?

Maybe I used the wrong terminology, I think we're splitting hairs. I would say the statement that "the universe isn't hospitable to life" is either false or not knowable. The fact that we're here refutes it. Obviously, I know about the vacuum of space.
That doesn't make very much sense to me, we occupy one tiny fraction of a percent of the available space in the known universe, and as far as we know, we're the only life there is. The amount of space that doesn't support life is magnitudes greater than the space that does, furthermore the one thing we do know life as we know it requires is water which is an extremely scarce resource outside Earth. Being able to support life isn't the same thing as being hospitable to life, one is the bare minimum requirements like thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean, the other is flourishing resources like the surface
All we are really is a fluke of nature is there life in other galaxies of course there is just look at uncle buck ??? perfect example of a alien :)
But reality with millions of galaxies and suns and much older we are not alone
Where/how do you believe consciousness originates?

What do you mean exactly by 'realism' and 'materialism'?

That doesn't make very much sense to me, we occupy one tiny fraction of a percent of the available space in the known universe, and as far as we know, we're the only life there is. The amount of space that doesn't support life is magnitudes greater than the space that does, furthermore the one thing we do know life as we know it requires is water which is an extremely scarce resource outside Earth. Being able to support life isn't the same thing as being hospitable to life, one is the bare minimum requirements like thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean, the other is flourishing resources like the surface
"life as we know it" and "the known universe" are the key phrases here. We know next to nothing about our universe. I'll speculate that 100 years from now our level of understanding will be laughable. You're using terms relative to us as humans and what we're capable of perceiving but again I refer to my infinity theory. I'm just a glass half full kinda guy!
"life as we know it" and "the known universe" are the key phrases here. We know next to nothing about our universe. I'll speculate that 100 years from now our level of understanding will be laughable. You're using terms relative to us as humans and what we're capable of perceiving but again I refer to my infinity theory. I'm just a glass half full kinda guy!
"Next to nothing" relative to what? We know quite a bit about the universe imo. 100 years ago Einstein had just recently published his theory of general relativity, a theory that is still just as strong today as it was then. I can assure you, in 100 years they won't. The laws of physics are very well understood, they likely won't be fundamentally changed by the next 100 years, built upon and updated as technology improves yes, but fundamentally changed, probably not
Where/how do you believe consciousness originates?

What do you mean exactly by 'realism' and 'materialism'?

Realism - The universe exists outside of our influence.

Materialism- The universe exists due to mass and the energy on it.

My wording on the above is woefully inadequate, and I apologize for that. Hopefully the links shed more light on this. The main point is the world as a tangible, physical thing has been proven impossible. What is left is consciousness embedded in a hologram
"Next to nothing" relative to what? We know quite a bit about the universe imo. 100 years ago Einstein had just recently published his theory of general relativity, a theory that is still just as strong today as it was then. I can assure you, in 100 years they won't. The laws of physics are very well understood, they likely won't be fundamentally changed by the next 100 years, built upon and updated as technology improves yes, but fundamentally changed, probably not
we don't even know what "space" is made out of. We use terms like dark matter and dark energy but we're still in the infancy of our understanding of the universe and physics. I have a feeling we're just starting to get a grasp on the "basics" but with new advances in quantum mechanics those might even be off. Just recently scientists are saying the speed of light might not be constant...that would change everything. Bottom line, we as humans don't really KNOW anything, relatively. We can speculate all day but people that have certainty (not you) with things that are uncertain are unsettling. These are usually the religious folk who try to explain away the incredibly complex with a 3 letter word.
we don't even know what "space" is made out of. We use terms like dark matter and dark energy but we're still in the infancy of our understanding of the universe and physics. I have a feeling we're just starting to get a grasp on the "basics" but with new advances in quantum mechanics those might even be off. Just recently scientists are saying the speed of light might not be constant...that would change everything. Bottom line, we as humans don't really KNOW anything, relatively. We can speculate all day but people that have certainty (not you) with things that are uncertain are unsettling. These are usually the religious folk who try to explain away the incredibly complex with a 3 letter word.
I love it

scientific faith and religious faith both require you to accept some pretty ludicrous presumptions about reality before you can proceed down their yellow brick road.

dark nrg, dark matter. the speed of light? oooh. fuckin jokers.
god the merciful? christ the redeemer? delusional ramblings of a few convincing schizophrenics

find god in the cherry of a J
we don't even know what "space" is made out of. We use terms like dark matter and dark energy but we're still in the infancy of our understanding of the universe and physics. I have a feeling we're just starting to get a grasp on the "basics" but with new advances in quantum mechanics those might even be off. Just recently scientists are saying the speed of light might not be constant...that would change everything. Bottom line, we as humans don't really KNOW anything, relatively. We can speculate all day but people that have certainty (not you) with things that are uncertain are unsettling. These are usually the religious folk who try to explain away the incredibly complex with a 3 letter word.
Science is a process, you can't make progress if you're held back by the notion that we don't know anything because we don't know how much we don't know. We focus on the things we do know and that's what propels us forward
I know I'm hungry.

Can science prove to me with the same level of certainty anything at all? Can you convince me of any scientific theorem or principle with that level of certainty?

Science is a better tool than religion for advancing humanity, but it is thoroughly fallible.
Science can't prove anything, the main function of science is to disprove something

There is no such thing as absolute proof
Science is a better tool than religion for advancing humanity, but it is thoroughly fallible.

Science denial can certainly give you free reign to assert or believe anything. Coming from a heavy science background, I always find this amusing when people summarily dismiss science as biased.
Science can't prove anything, the main function of science is to disprove something

There is no such thing as absolute proof
No but it can lead to a completely logical understanding and by trusting logic we can determine with great practicality was is true and what is false.
I love it

scientific faith and religious faith both require you to accept some pretty ludicrous presumptions about reality before you can proceed down their yellow brick road.

dark nrg, dark matter. the speed of light? oooh. fuckin jokers.
god the merciful? christ the redeemer? delusional ramblings of a few convincing schizophrenics

find god in the cherry of a J
I myself am schizophrenic, but thanks to my medication I'm not delusional lmfao. I worship weed more than any god, but still I find the unexplainable pointing the finger at a higher being.