There's this certain FISA memo......


Well-Known Member
I'm not as scared as you seem to be or else you'd offer your home to help them being the devout believer in diversity that you are, but instead you want everyone else to do what you deem is "right" so you don't have to.

As to the memo, you may be right if the history of gov't "transparency" proves true, but many are claiming the Schiff has hit the fan and if other reports are true that we'll both get to make up our own minds later today.

It seems you are much more triggered than I. Can you explain how the quote is "out of context" when such practice is SOP for the congress?
Never mind.
You have never demonstrated the capacity to be able to verify anything you say before so why start now? ;)
View attachment 4082741
it took you 20 minutes to compose that abortion of a post?


sorry you're so scared of muslim refugees. i guess i can't force you to not be a pussy.

so why did nunes have to edit the memo and why is trump saying its only purpose is to discredit the criminal investigation into him?

and you realize 'many are getting arrested' is making fun of the corrupt racist nazi-coddling criminal you voted for, right?

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
The memo is being passed back and forth like a grenade with the pin pulled. Nobody wants to be holding it when it goes off.

Nunes sent it to the wh to release. Trump's wh easily could have redacted and released it. Instead they identified redactions and sent it back to nunes to release.

Whoever releases this pos will get a visit from muehler-clause if it contains factual errors (which it obviously does) since it was designed to obstruct the investigation; trump has admitted that in several phone calls with "friends" who promptly leaked it..

But they have their base so spun up over it they have to release it. But nobody wants to be the one to do it.


isn't that the truth. their base is going into frenzy mode for the release. they want red meat.

homeschooled losers


Well-Known Member
Will the memo embarrass democrats or will republicans be embarrassed by having overplayed it? Inquiring minds want to know.


Well-Known Member
If it says what the media is pushing then the Muller investigation is over. That damn reasonable doubt thingy..... Even if he indited Trump it would not stick. If the memo is garbage the GOP will all look like fools. Either way I'll just be sitting here eating my popcorn


Well-Known Member
If it says what the media is pushing then the Muller investigation is over. That damn reasonable doubt thingy..... Even if he indited Trump it would not stick. If the memo is garbage the GOP will all look like fools. Either way I'll just be sitting here eating my popcorn
the mueller investigation will continue, more arrests and indictments coming soon, racist. enjoy.


Well-Known Member
it took you 20 minutes to compose that abortion of a post?
No, It took me 28+ min. to come back and change a period to a comma and change the graphic to one I knew it would bunge up the Buckold's panties. :D
sorry you're so scared of muslim refugees. i guess i can't force you to not be a pussy.
How does my wanting such a proponent of diversity to practice what he preaches equate fear?
Put your money where your mouth is and be the change you want.
Until you can do that, you are a hypocritical SJW with absolutely no moral high ground whatsoever.
so why did nunes have to edit the memo and why is trump saying its only purpose is to discredit the criminal investigation into him?
and you realize 'many are getting arrested' is making fun of the corrupt racist nazi-coddling criminal you voted for, right?
I don't know and I don't care.

What I do care about is being able to read and interpret the importance of that memo (as well as its democratic counterpart) myself and not relying of Nunes, Dumph, Schiph, etc. to assume they can do that for me.

What I have seen in recent history is that the memo was circulated to congress, then McCabe was called into closed session to be questioned, and suddenly he decides to exercise "terminal leave" until his retirement date which leads me to believe that there might be something to the congressional members reactions in the OP.

Since the latest news about its release points to tomorrow as a release date we'll both be able to read it and form our own opinions (or at least as a non-hypocritical thinking person I will. I wish you had the same ability). ;)


Well-Known Member
No, It took me 28+ min. to come back and change a period to a comma and change the graphic to one I knew it would bunge up the Buckold's panties. :D

How does my wanting such a proponent of diversity to practice what he preaches equate fear?
Put your money where your mouth is and be the change you want.
Until you can do that, you are a hypocritical SJW with absolutely no moral high ground whatsoever.

I don't know and I don't care.

What I do care about is being able to read and interpret the importance of that memo (as well as its democratic counterpart) myself and not relying of Nunes, Dumph, Schiph, etc. to assume they can do that for me.

What I have seen in recent history is that the memo was circulated to congress, then McCabe was called into closed session to be questioned, and suddenly he decides to exercise "terminal leave" until his retirement date which leads me to believe that there might be something to the congressional members reactions in the OP.

Since the latest news about its release points to tomorrow as a release date we'll both be able to read it and form our own opinions (or at least as a non-hypocritical thinking person I will. I wish you had the same ability). ;)
have fun with your phony edited memo and being scared of muslim refugees.

those of us who aren't pussies will be sitting here laughing as the indictments and arrests keep pouring in.


Well-Known Member
It's much more fun to watch Buckold weasel and contort itself trying not to address valid points and its own hypocrisy.

Come tomorrow (hopefully) we'll see what's the hubbub, bub.
you don't have any valid points.

fuck, you won't even condemn neo-nazism.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Well surprise, surprise. Devin Nunes is under criminal investigation for his part in the russia scandal. Guess he found out during the unmasking and is panicking along with the white house.


Well-Known Member
you don't have any valid points.
fuck, you won't even condemn neo-nazism.
That is your definition of a valid point on this topic?
That shouldn't be nearly as surprising and funny as it was, but this home made bubble adds greatly to the effect. ;)
Oh no. I am terrified! I am just slightly less frightened by his memo as I am the contents of Seth Rich's laptop and the truth behind pizzagate.
You mean Weiner's laptop and the emails McCabe sat on?