:'( these are hard times in this growers life

So i made a thread in here a few days back about my little grow i had set up, which was in my closet, sadly i had to take everything down and get the plants out of my house and off my property. My girlfriend said that if i ever grew or sold it that would be the end of our relationship so there was too much at risk for me to keep them here. Luckily though i didnt have to kill my rando-plant and 2 blue grape ice plants, I now have them at my buddys house who i also help with his grow, there's now a total of 7 plants that have deffinitely sprouted and 2 of them have gotten big enough and are already showing that they are females (That achieved feeling all growers get when they know their plants are females is so incredible lol) but anyway just figured id update you all for anyone who bothered to read my initial thread.


Well-Known Member
Man I have to agree! I feel we all should be able to live how we want last thing I would want is someone telling me I can't grow, it's my livelihood.

on the other side of things way to respect her wishes its that kind of compromise that keeps relationships goin. Gotta find a happy medium. You can still grow and she is happy the ladies aren't at the house.


Active Member
Dump that retard bitch man! Who the fuck is she to tell you what to do and what not to do,youre god damn MAN in the house!GET SOME BALLS AND KICK HER OUT!


Well-Known Member
if she wont let you grow, its only a matter of time before she will want you to stop smoking all together.


Well-Known Member
if she wont let you grow, its only a matter of time before she will want you to stop smoking all together.
Agreed, you cant let a hoe control you either man. No one needs sex more than they need weed. Get all 50 shades of grey on her ass and lay down the law like a man, she will love it.


Well-Known Member
personally I'd resent too much to continue in that relationship.
Anybody that puts an ultimatum like that down I have no use for and if you comply with that then there will always be something else.

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
I have to agree with these people, if it's even partly your property you have a say in what goes on there and if she thinks you don't well there's a problem


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA I like how this went from being about his plants, to how much of a bitch his girlfriend is being

But hey man Honestly if she really cared for you, something like growing some plants , wouldn't matter for shit ,I'd say dumb the girl and get even more plants and find a chick who would like you so much that , she might want to even learn how to grow from you,........Sometimes you gotta say bitches ain't shit and roll one up!


Well-Known Member
personally I'd resent too much to continue in that relationship.
Anybody that puts an ultimatum like that down I have no use for and if you comply with that then there will always be something else.
This is true, if growing is something you like to do, put your foot down. If not she will go for weed altogether down the line. Maybe you get lucky and she doesn't, but if she does... Do you comply again? Or move on? And if you would move on don't waste the time and do it now. All in all it is your life do what you will. Good luck
Dump that retard bitch man! Who the fuck is she to tell you what to do and what not to do,youre god damn MAN in the house!GET SOME BALLS AND KICK HER OUT!
Okay first off, Id appreciate it if you didnt insult my girl. Second of all we dont live together. Third, I would agree that she cant tell me what to do but its still 100% illegal here in PA so shes really just lookin out for me so i dont get locked up.
Okay. Everyone saying dump her and do it anyways, and the ones saying that its matter of time before she makes me quit smoking all together. You're wrong, I would agree with yall 100% IF it was legal to grow and shit in PA, its not though its completely illegal. Now To address the specific ones saying she'll make me quit smoking. She wouldn't and she won't, It's what i use as my antidepressant and to help me sleep at night, she knows this and knew this since we began the relationship (about 8 months back) and I have told her many times throughout that I'm not gonna quit smoking weed unless I chose to, she used to smoke herself but she has scholarships for softball and decided to quit so she doesnt lose them. Also I didnt quit growing i just have my plants with my buddy and his plants, which she is fine with, she just doesnt want them on my property or in my house. So please errybody chill out and quit disrespecting my girl. Thanks and keep on tokin! :bigjoint:

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
So i made a thread in here a few days back about my little grow i had set up, which was in my closet, sadly i had to take everything down and get the plants out of my house and off my property. My girlfriend said that if i ever grew or sold it that would be the end of our relationship so there was too much at risk for me to keep them here. Luckily though i didnt have to kill my rando-plant and 2 blue grape ice plants, I now have them at my buddys house who i also help with his grow, there's now a total of 7 plants that have deffinitely sprouted and 2 of them have gotten big enough and are already showing that they are females (That achieved feeling all growers get when they know their plants are females is so incredible lol) but anyway just figured id update you all for anyone who bothered to read my initial thread.
lol, fucken pussy


:weed::weed:You just need to weigh out the pro's and con's. Personally, I live in my own apartment and the girlfriend is ok with me growing stealth (she's never smoked before but is open to trying it... so I'd prefer her smoking the dankest green cured straight from the tree).

That being said, if I were given an ultimatum between her or growing, I'd boot her straight out of the door. Not because I like weed more, but because of principle. I'm the type of guy that listens to reason moreso than responding to ultimatums. It's not a "pants wearing" thing. I won't do what someone wants just because of a threat.

All I can say is go with what you value (to include your morals and pride). If you can live with your ladies being tended to at your friends place, more power to you. :weed: