These can't possibly be the same pheno... right?

are we talking about breeding with amy schumer now?

@evergreengardener yea, you caught me =\

I just thought I was beating all that by getting the same expression! But yea, as noted above, only way to be sure is to do it yourself....

well now that we've gotten to punnet squares, just to clarify:

Genotype in those days is considered to be the genetic possibility from the makeup- if one color eyes and another color eyes breed, the genotype is the 'mix' of those genes, even though they're mixed and expressed differently per child. Mendel essentially discovered genotypes vs observed 'phenotypic' characteristics. (The genotype of the brood may would be 1/4 blue eyes and 3/4 green eyes or whatever) which is technically the correct way to view the broods possible phenotypes.

The Phenotype itself is the 'locked-down' set of characteristics possible from the genotype. Mendel didn't really know what was going on, he just knew phenotypic observation (in respect to breeding) was crazy. The phenotype is the Aa in the 2x2 square.

(inhales the deep rich smug surrounding him)


EDIT: and eventually figured out that breeding for genotypic possibility yielded better results than just breeding types of the desired expressed phenotype. Even if a plant doesnt express a phenotype, you can predict what the chances are of it carrying the desired suppressed gene set.
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Blue Dream seems to be a staple around here. Definitely dig it, it's a little more couch-lock than I'm into, but not too much that I can't enjoy it ;)
Blue Dream seems to be a staple around here. Definitely dig it, it's a little more couch-lock than I'm into, but not too much that I can't enjoy it ;)
They didn't by chance tell you which lineage of bd? Short/hso? Would be awsome if you got one of each.
Nah, I wish I knew. Unfortunately I did most of my reading on the strain after purchase (they were out of the Chem I really wanted) and yea, seems to be two rather different lineages. Maybe I got both? lol
Nah, I wish I knew. Unfortunately I did most of my reading on the strain after purchase (they were out of the Chem I really wanted) and yea, seems to be two rather different lineages. Maybe I got both? lol
I've never done the HSO version but that cut on the right sure looks like the short cuts i had. Who knows where they came from though, could be a random selected cut from a bd pheno hunt
I've never done the HSO version but that cut on the right sure looks like the short cuts i had. Who knows where they came from though, could be a random selected cut from a bd pheno hunt

yea, thats what I worried about. Was naive enough to think they would be clones from whatever pheno they had going for rec at the time, but who the hells knows. Could very well be a pheno hunt
yea, thats what I worried about. Was naive enough to think they would be clones from whatever pheno they had going for rec at the time, but who the hells knows. Could very well be a pheno hunt
I would call and ask, if they cant give an answer then ditch those guys
ok wow, read a bunch more about the genotype thing.... got that totally wrong before. So the genotype is the EXACT pairing in a certain offspring, phenotype is the expressed characteristics, and the brood is a collection of possible genotypes, which will express that same number or less phenotypes for that characteristic (ughhhhhh)

So 'long leaves' is the phenotype. You could have multiple genotypes that expressed that (an Aa vs an AA), but using the punnet square you can figure out the probably that a phenotype is a certain underlying genotype....

TL;DR- The clones should all have the exact same genotype, but they're not even expressing the same phenotype... so fuck
TL;DR- The clones should all have the exact same genotype, but they're not even expressing the same phenotype... so fuck
You're confused. They wouldn't express the same phenotype. The phenotypes are different possible combinations of expressed genes within a genotype. It's the multiple phenotypes that make up a genotype. You probably should have read instead of saying "TL;DR." It'd be in your best interest to pay attention.
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But multiple genotypes can express then same phenotype, if they're genetically identical, they should have the same genotype too (no one plant will have a different combination of dominant/recessive alleles). The phenotype is the observable characteristic, the genotype is the underlying 'invisible' genetic makeup.

EDIT: 2 blonde people share the same phenotype, but one of them may be more capable of producing blonde children because of their underlying genotype.