They seem scared to death about this bullets thing for some reason

How about the little monster that shot a woman this week out with a stroller. She didn't have any money, so he shot her in the leg.

No hesitation he turned and shot the 1 year old in the face.


No hesitation.
Fox did a piece on this yesterday. Yea yea I know you all hate fox. whatever take it as i heard it.
supposedly DHS purchased less this year than last year or the year before.
Imagine how many people RAN to the store when B-Wheezy got reelected. Then double that amount for the people that RAN to the store after sandy hook.
Think about how many DHS officers there are. There are more than just DHS , i cant remember all the alphabet agencys, that use the same purchasing. All those officers that carry have to stay proficient so they shoot a lot of practice rounds.

All that said Im pretty sure they have FEMA camps and black helicopters and I wear my tin foil hat everywhere. But this one doesnt smell right.

They bought 500 times as much as the year before and in addition bought tanks and sub machine guns. Fox lies bro. See what I mean about them being scared to death about this, I bet you whatched an older report because at first they were denying it and saying shit like this.
It could be about keeping arms manufacturers afloat. With the shift toward UAVs, the defense dept. has likely spent plenty more than enough to not only satify it's need for weaponry but also likely has less use for such munitions. Since the DOHS is a ministry level department, it's budget is not included as defense spending. So this could be a way for the federal gov't to sneakily subsidize the military industrial complex with out breaking the implied promises by the administration to cut defense spending.

Not a solid theory but a guess for the sake of speculation. It is ominous to think that we have a gestapo with tanks, submachine guns and hollow point rounds. Any idea how much was spent?

the US military is prohibited by the geneva convention from using hollowpoint bullets, and only a conspiracy nut would conclude that DHS is buying this shit to help arms manufacturers. thats just retarded.

DHS is tooling up for serious business, and since they operate solely within "the homeland" he onoly people thay could possibly use these arms against are US, unless they plan to actually try and secure the borders but thats about as likely as Eric "CockBreath" Holder suddenly discovering that weed isnt a narcotic.

SMG's light combat vehicles and hollowpoint rounds are NOT a sneaky backdoor pentagon arms appropriation. the pentagon doesnt even use these items in any significant amount. DHS is preparing for action, and the target is americans.
Published federal notices about the ammo buy have agitated conspiracy theorists since the fall. That's when conservative radio host Alex Jones spoke of an "arms race against the American people" and said the government was "gearing up for total collapse, they're gearing up for huge wars."
The government's explanation is much less sinister.
Federal solicitations to buy the bullets are known as "strategic sourcing contracts," which help the government get a low price for a big purchase, says Peggy Dixon, spokeswoman for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Ga . The training center and others like it run by the Homeland Security Department use as many as 15 million rounds every year, mostly on shooting ranges and in training exercises.
Dixon said one of the contracts would allow Homeland Security to buy up to 750 million rounds of ammunition over the next five years for its training facilities. The rounds are used for basic and advanced law enforcement training for federal law enforcement agencies under the department's umbrella. The facilities also offer firearms training to tens of thousands of federal law enforcement officers. More than 90 federal agencies and 70,000 agents and officers used the department's training center last year.
The rest of the 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition would be purchased by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the federal government's second largest criminal investigative agency.
ICE's ammunition requests in the last year included:
_450 million rounds of .40-caliber duty ammunition
Though exact claims about the purpose and nature of the camps vary from one crank to another, a common trope is that they will be used to detain dissenting US citizens after the consolidation of the North American Union in preparation for the establishment of a one-world government. The camps allegedly come complete with boxcars for moving people around and plastic coffins for burying them. (Why not just burn the corpses Nazi-style? Or, since the proponents of this theory also seem to think environmentalists are the root of all evil, wouldn't the bad guys be using biodegradable boxes? ...what? They've got to be environmentalists - boxcars are a form of mass transit. Wake up, sheeple!)
FEMA, naturally, is the shadow government which will run the show after the puppet government dissolves through a series of executive orders issued by the President. The idea that FEMA could pull off enough of a masterstroke to seize power is surprisingly widespread, considering their massive display of incompetence during Hurricane Katrina.
There are several videos purporting to show footage of the camps, as well as shots of ominous-looking fences and webpages listing locations of over 800 camps, allegedly all fully guarded and staffed full-time despite being completely empty.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP] In addition to the utter implausibility of such a massive conspiracy being kept totally silent,[SUP][3][/SUP] the evidence is damaged somewhat by the fact that the videos and pictures actually depict everything from National Guard training centers to Amtrak repair stations to North Korean labor camps.[SUP][4][/SUP]
The FEMA camp conspiracy theory has been alluded to by Republican leadership candidate Michele Bachmann, though she did not say FEMA.[SUP][5][/SUP] Glenn Beck, who to his credit later backpedaled and hosted a debunking segment featuring a government shill guest from Popular Mechanics, promoted the theory as well.[SUP][6][/SUP] Still, the theory remains popular among the survivalist community and the militia movement, and there's no shortage of adherents on the Internet.
So far the only flaw in this otherwise brilliantly executed conspiracy was the mistake of publicly advertising jobs to work at the camps.[SUP][7][/SUP] It's always the small details the conspirators slip up on.
The idea that the US government is planning to intern masses of people has some history: In the 1980s, opponents of Ronald Reagan's Central America policy on the left thought that FEMA was planning a mass roundup of them just before the imminent U.S. invasion of "Nee-ka-hah-gua." Barely skipping a beat, it became a theory on the right-wing black helicopter/militia circuit in the '90s, among Alex Jones followers and truthers in the 2000s, and today by the more insane opponents of the Obama administration
Then why are there scores on them just like the "enemy?"

The "liberals" are targeting children. Global warming, vaccines (especially flu), abortions and other "family planning" are all excuses to reach their goal of mass extermination population control. Now that people are living longer and there are fewer wars, they need other means to control population growth.

The children are first because they're easy targets. Don't think you can never be next.

I hear they bought all that ammo to shut down Alex Jones :o

You better get over there.
Canna, I believe I may be retarded. Are you trying to say Elkins doesn't look like his FB pics, or something else?

Because, other than the gun, all the DHS targets could've been former Martha Stewart guests. While, that poor innocent murderer could've been the guest on every Jerry Springer or COPS.

And before your liberal bitch ass cries racism. The actor (guest) you play in life is how everyone typecasts if they're a first time watcher, unless they recognize your spin-off character.
Because, other than the gun, all the DHS targets could've been former Martha Stewart guests. While, that poor innocent murderer could've been the guest on every Jerry Springer or COPS.

And before your liberal bitch ass cries racism. The actor (guest) you play in life is how everyone typecasts if they're a first time watcher, unless they recognize your spin-off character.

My liberal bitch ass...

You are an angry suspicious guy aren't you? All these conspiracy theories, blanket statements, misguided associations...

You know if you weren't such a nasty person people in life might actually like you and you wouldn't have such an isolated and fear filled view of the world.
My liberal bitch ass...

You are an angry suspicious guy aren't you? All these conspiracy theories, blanket statements, misguided associations...

You know if you weren't such a nasty person people in life might actually like you and you wouldn't have such an isolated and fear filled view of the world.

Since you created the world and everything in it, ultimately it is your fault....
and the lefty chorus of morons sings in tune.

DHS is not resupplying by buying billions of rounds, or thousands of APC's and SMG's they are preparing for action.

you may chant in a circle about how Bwana Obama would never betray your trust, but when the next Hetman is from the other party youll be singing a different tune.

meanwhile, the greatest hypocrisy and stupidity award goes to...


for once again using creative editing and ignoring the arguments in a remark in his oh so clever image macro reply. YOU were the one crafting retarded conspiracies, and YOU were the one making statements about the Military Industrial Complex and backdoor deals.

every now and then you start getting rational but then you realize your betraying the Cause by thinking, and then it's right back to the two bit image macros and sloganeering.

youre the biggest hypocrite on the planet
DHS bought 1.6 billion, make that a Billion with a capital B. 1.6 Billion rounds enough for a hot war for 20 years. WTF?
Here's a pic of the bullet resistant booths they are buying.

a1 - Copy.jpg

“This guard building features a standing seam hip roof, a thru-wall HVAC unit, (2) UL 752 BR Level 3 sliding doors, UL 752 Bullet Resistant Level 3 glass and a Low]E coating. Other noticeable highlights of this prefabricated steel building include metal halide security lighting, decorative window grille frames, and a “Stop & Go” light with controls,” states the press release.

The purpose behind the bullet proof booths is unknown, but the DHS has publicly announced that it plans to increase the number of unannounced checkpoints manned by TSA VIPR teams and other federal agents beyond the 9300 that were set up last year alone.

The DHS’ Federal Protective Service stoked controversy in January when it set up a checkpoint and posted agents armed with semiautomatic guns outside a Social Security office in Florida.

The armed agents checked identifications of locals as part of Operation Shield, an unannounced drill centered around “detecting the presence of unauthorized persons and potentially disruptive or dangerous activities.”

~ Again wtf?