Thieving section....

I have a shotgun and I have buckshot. My shotgun is a bit "modified". So there is no way in hell I'm missing.
Honestly, within the confines of modern homes, 00 Buck is a poor choice. You would be much better off using low brass (I'm assuming 12 gauge) in a #6 shot as the 00 has a terrible tendency to whistle those nine .32 cal pellets through quite a few sheets of drywall & whatever is on the other side. In addition the #6 will open into a bit larger pattern at closer range than will the buckshot.
BTW, your post count rocks !:hump:
I use a remington 870 loaded with highbase BB. I also have a surefire lighting system replacing my standard forend. works great.. if I'm hitting you with the bright ass flashlight .. I'm hitting you with a load.
I use an Yugo AK47 and my german boxer.....I welcome a thief! Come next month I'll be patrolling my backyard with my AK during the nights. Let me catch a plant snatcher!
I use an Yugo AK47 and my german boxer.....I welcome a thief! Come next month I'll be patrolling my backyard with my AK during the nights. Let me catch a plant snatcher!
One of my best friends is a S&W PSX with an aimpoint. She ain't pretty, she is black & totally bad ass.
Why can't rippers be banned. I sleeped in my tent to stop rippers like This. It fuckers like them that make me spend the night in a tent rather then sleeping with the little old lady. A rippers section would be good. Perhaps we can learn more ways to stop them.


Atleast I have a van now. But that does not make it any better you rippers. Thanks

Hey, does anyone know the username of that kid that said he "found" 6 plants? It was something like .roost. I was trying to find the thread again but I couldn't. Yea, that is messed up that someone would jack someone's plants and then try and post it on here and think that everyone would welcome him with open arms.
No, no don't ban rippers, information is power, the more we learn from these animals the better we will be at thwarting their efforts. Already we know that they won't always rip on the first go around, so game cams can if checked in time give you a heads up. Sifted sand can also show foot traffic which can tip us off. We are gorilla growers, we have to have very active imaginations to do what we do, lets put them to use, and not only stop these ripper animals, but really stop them! For example, if you have more than one small (six plants or less) gorilla grow and find that a ripper has discovered one, WAIT. Get your ducks in a row, find out or deduce when the ripper will return by hiding. When the ripper returns let him have his day in the sun, but try to follow him, if you can't than at that moment place a cell call, yup dime him out to 5-0 ha! Now the animal is in a world of hurt, and your karma is still intact. Than let the county inmates they have a ripper in their mitts, and let nature take its course. This is easier to do than you think try it and good luck.
Already have a mosquito tent set up cooler in place with 4 chairs for me and my bro's. Brothers fly in a week from today and well be drinking beer and hanging out all night long RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE. Thieves be warned!!
Why would any one post about thieving...just blows my mind...

Some people need attention, regardless of good or bad.

I think we all know stealing is wrong, no matter what.

I like what the OP said though, just give the fuckers their own section to circle jerk/bukkake themselves in.

I use a remington 870 loaded with highbase BB. I also have a surefire lighting system replacing my standard forend. works great.. if I'm hitting you with the bright ass flashlight .. I'm hitting you with a load.

Yup yup, nothing quite like a "shortened to legal limits" ;) , drop grip and pistol back grip 870 Magnum Express. I added a ten round extender on mine so I get 15 shots plus one in the chamber.

Greatwhitenorth has a point though, I tend to use a variety of shells, the first one is buckshot, but if I feel I would rather scatter pellets over a wider area, I just rack it once, and then go to town with my #6's.

My friend let me go to town on an old trailer. Don't have the video with me right now, but suffice to say, the trailer looked much, much, MUCH different after 16 shots from my baby girl, "Bertha".


PS doesn't mean I neccesarily think shooting rippers is ok. I think the sinful nature of man necessitates assholes like this stealing. If I go and commit murder over a plant, it makes me no better than any other asshole. While I DO think it is wrong, I DO NOT advocate death to the perpetrator. If I had to answer for all the bad shit I've done I'd be in hell already.

Best thing to do is learn from your mistakes and move on.
I am not even smoking and these thieves are making me paranoid. In fact, I am actually smokes, the irony of growing yet not having any green at the moment would be funny....if I didn't really want a smoke at the moment, lol.
It's great that you guys are well armed but it would not be to your benefit to shoot someone over your grow. I have an LTC but would happily give someone my wallet before I popped a couple of 9's center mass. Protect your grow but not at all costs...

A cop friend of mine has become a great weed hunter over the years. Always carries a shotgun cause it's crow season and he knows where to look for gardens. Seems to find a grow or two every year. (Yes he is a bonehead) He tells me that if someone was successful in a spot one year then they will be back next year and they never cover their tracks after harvest leaving stumps and other evidence behind.

Just be careful and think twice before sending a load of #4 buckshot on it's way and remember booby traps are more of an invitation than anything else. Small stealthy grows spread out were always my go to method in my outdoor days. Ain't no shortage of maggots out there but you can't kill them.
my shit got took 4 days ago,but the dumb fuck dident know i had a trail camera set up,looked at the pics and it was the guy next door,needless ta say hey cant see out of his eyes and is missing a tooth
It's great that you guys are well armed but it would not be to your benefit to shoot someone over your grow. I have an LTC but would happily give someone my wallet before I popped a couple of 9's center mass. Protect your grow but not at all costs...

A cop friend of mine has become a great weed hunter over the years. Always carries a shotgun cause it's crow season and he knows where to look for gardens. Seems to find a grow or two every year. (Yes he is a bonehead) He tells me that if someone was successful in a spot one year then they will be back next year and they never cover their tracks after harvest leaving stumps and other evidence behind.

Justly be careful and think twice before sending a load of #4 buckshot on it's way and remember booby traps are more of an invitation than anything else. Small stealthy grows spread out were always my go to method in my outdoor days. Ain't no shortage of maggots out there but you can't kill them.

Dont kill him, aim at his knees then take your plants and let that fucker drag himself to the nearest road.
You smell like a cop to me anyways.