Thieving section....

Dont kill him, aim at his knees then take your plants and let that fucker drag himself to the nearest road.
You smell like a cop to me anyways.

If you caught a thief on your property you'd better kill it or you'll be stuck in the justice system loop for some time if it lives. Maim first then kill.
remember dude said it was his buddys property, so someone is putting a grow on someones private property thats bull shit, they should pull it out, otherwise if the choppers see it his buddy will get the blame. Hes a dumb ass anyway they are full sativa in a northern climate, they will never finish anyway. Growing pot on someone elses private property is just as bad as stealing IMO
Growing pot on someone elses private property is just as bad as stealing IMO

This is not even an opinion, it's a fact. People come here all the time and say "I WOULD KILL THEM WITH AN AK47 IF THEY EVER TOUCHED MY GUERILLA SHIT" that's sad. I hope people who have lots of land that don't grow pot read these threads and keep an eye out for trash that thinks they can just go plant shit wherever they want to and attempt to claim the land as theirs while they grow. Remember kids, just because you go out and plant in the forest, doesn't man someone doesn't own it. Get off their shit.
2 years ago I had a great Sativa crop, huge. An AC repairman came in my yard to work and during that night, he stole them all, ripped 'em right out of the ground. When I discovered it. I was going out to harvest it all. it was all from bagseed and awesome. So heartbroken. And no, repairmen don't come in my yard anymore unless I'm standing beside them.
I always go overboard when it comes to the 'repairman'. I once put off buying a new refigerator for 3 weeks because I had some indoor plants budding out & you could bearly smell it, but I wouldn't risk the delivery guy's coming into the house. We lived out of a giant ice chest, like camping! lol!

I always schedule any repairs around bud cycles. Right now I wouldn't let a repair man anywhere near my house!

FWIW, I have dogs. Big, trained dogs that become vicious predators after hearing a single command. I kid you not when I say that folks are scared to come to our front door. Repairmen are watched by me and...the dogs. Always the dogs. They know their jobs and they have a sense of sorts of who belongs and who doesn't. They watch the house, they watch the grow, they watch the children, they watch everything. It can be starting to see.

Honestly, within the confines of modern homes, 00 Buck is a poor choice. You would be much better off using low brass (I'm assuming 12 gauge) in a #6 shot as the 00 has a terrible tendency to whistle those nine .32 cal pellets through quite a few sheets of drywall & whatever is on the other side. In addition the #6 will open into a bit larger pattern at closer range than will the buckshot.
BTW, your post count rocks !:hump:

I'm shooting whatever I have. The problem is, I've been stolen from before so I'm ready to blast someones knee caps off. Especially a certian someone I know who is a junky thief.
Dispite my smelling like a cop reefermaster don't be so quick to shoot. Shoot him and most likely you will lose your grow anyway and even more importanly your own freedom.

Just make the first two round out of your shot gun rubber single ball or buckshot and make your next few number four buckshot in case he is insistant. Personally all I need to hear is the action of a pump shotgun being worked. Scariest dam sound in the world. :peace:

Hey budski.. I have a bit of an ethical problem I would like to run by you if I could...

Friend "A" has a nice piece of property that HE does not grow on because of past run in's with the cops and such for a lot of stuff and has even done some short time if there is such a thing.

Friend "B" happens to have a grow on Friend "A"'s property. Not only has he shown me his grow he has actually shown others as well. Don't ask why I guess he does not plan on harvesting.

What would you do as a neutral bystander. Would you let Friend "A" continue to have his freedom and property threatened or would you let him know. I like both these guys a bit but would be crushed if one guy took the fall for the other. Think I should just draw him a map and stick it in his mailbox without signing it or just mind my own business? I'm pretty sure what I have to do and I have to do it soon I believe. Rock On Cary and thanks for letting me pick your brain in private.:peace: