Things I've learned

Lol threads getting off topic. Gotta think of another life lesson just to justify it ummm.... if you got a mixture of nutes and let it sit then spill it a week later your house will smell like poop..dry food diet...back to pics and chit chat lol
Heres a helpfull tip i learned for getting rid of White powdery mildew: Hydrogen peroxide kills and prevents white powdery mildew I've been treating a plant with white powdery mildew on it with 2 and a hald table spoons of hydrogen peroxide mixed in 20 oz of water and mist the infected area and all the plant lightly (the plant is 3 -4 weeks in bud)
I learned things like this DOES NOT cure the plant and that shit will come back and you have to keep spraying. The plant is sick with it and your conditions may be helping it. you may not see it, but have your bud tested when finished and I guarantee it comes back Positive
I learned things like this DOES NOT cure the plant and that shit will come back and you have to keep spraying. The plant is sick with it and your conditions may be helping it. you may not see it, but have your bud tested when finished and I guarantee it comes back Positive
If thats what you want to believe i cant stop you iv been uesing it for 4 years and IT DOSE TO WORK and i only have to spray for a week or 2 and its gone the rest of the harvest but whatever floats you boat bro believe what you want to i guess
Having done this for quite a while, here's what I've learned: Almost everything asserted on forums/Youtube/grow books will further an amateur grower's rate of failure. Who made the money during the gold rush? Those who sold picks and shovels. There's a vested interest in selling more and more goods on one end, and just as big of an interest in limiting success on the other. Most new growers fall for it and spend the bulk of their time trying to fix issues and buying products... instead of harvesting pounds of bud. I'm convinced that if people knew how easy it is to pull massive weight at virtually no cost, the industry as we know it would have no reason to exist. Dispensaries, as well. Feels good to get this off my chest. Carry on. :)

  1. has anyone used or have input on using Hydrogen peroxide added to water (1 tablespoon per gallon) oxidizes the fungus cell walls, killing it.

  2. ARTHUR on AUGUST 17, 2016 10:53 PM
    ! Have eucalyptus trees in my backyard full of brown ladybugs that are getting in my pot plants how can I get rid of them they are eating my plants up

  3. ELLE on AUGUST 24, 2016 2:07 PM
    I use peroxide to control pm it works great (lights off) but the second your humidty levels drop below 50% or gets higher then 75% it’s shows right back up . Also if your ph level is to high then your screwed bc the girls don’t get the right amount of nutes and they become week and become very very succeptible to diseases and can’t fight off the pm bc obviously it’s everywhere and always going to be part of the plants life no matter what . Unless u start from a seed in a new environment new hydro equipment ditch the old shit and understand that YOU have to control your humidity levels and watch your ph levels so your girls can get the right nutrients to keep them healthy to fight off pest and diseases commen sense think about u if your underfed your body doesn’t have the strength to fight off diseases .. Then u thrown in climate control if it’s to cold or to hot or humidity is to high or to low with not enough air flow not enough lights or proper lighting and your ph is wrong your screwed bottom line the in between its sucks I’ve got it and I know I watch my plants and when they are not on point that shit just comes out of know where literally just yesterday my humidity dropped to 46% all the old growth is covered in thick powder right now but the once I got it up to at least 55% it’s started to disappear without peroxide spray . But unfortunately I’ve got to get a good pm spray bc it’s gone to far and I am a beginner grower and learned by my mistakes and documented every move I make with my girls . My mistakes have taught me it’s always going to be there and it’s all about controlling the elements in there environment . Also make sure your outside plants , bushes roses whatever has it as well even if u don’t see it yet it’s there.. my advise spray the outside plants too ! Remember it travels in the air and it also gets in your clothes and u bringing it right back inside infecting your plants “again” there environment ” again “and all that cleaning and spraying just went to shit honestly waisted time lol .. I grow from seed indoor and also make my own clones and I will buy a clone and make cuts off them with no history about the moms or how they were grown and the only thing I had to control was the pm from someone else’s grow ! Shitty but hey as long as u have control of the environment your good ! My outdoor that I started indoor..( 3 from seed and 4 from clones I made from my Buddha Tahoe OG ) only 2 months left is a bitch to control the pm but (thankfully it’s only attacks the bottom original leaves ) not any new growth or the buds have it ! :) I beleive its bc there feeding schedule and ph is on point always that keeps those girls strong enough to fight tried the peroxide on them helps for a day or two with that u need to use the SM/PM spray that works excellent and is safe but I never spray the new growth or the flowers (bud) .
Mildew spores are carried by the wind, air ventilation systems, clothing, pets and just about any living thing that moves about. Mildew spores will remain dormant until environmental factors offer the optimum conditions for them to come to life. Humidity levels over 55% and warm temperatures, along with over crowding are conducive to mildew growth. Once awakened, powdery mildew spores are likely to attack young plants first. It will then spread over the entire plant, infecting stems and buds, in addition to leaves.
If thats what you want to believe i cant stop you iv been uesing it for 4 years and IT DOSE TO WORK and i only have to spray for a week or 2 and its gone the rest of the harvest but whatever floats you boat bro believe what you want to i guess
H2O2 only works on the outbreak of PM. PM is systemic and will come back when conditions are right if all you have used is H2O2. I use it for PM, but I know I have to keep spraying all the way through harvest.
I learned things like this DOES NOT cure the plant and that shit will come back and you have to keep spraying. The plant is sick with it and your conditions may be helping it. you may not see it, but have your bud tested when finished and I guarantee it comes back Positive
Then please enlighten me what dose get rid of it and prevent it ,,,

and budmanTX i have always gotten rid of it with h202 and my clientele actually like my product better than anyone elses where i live but by all means im open to new suggestions on how to prevent it and get rid of it
Mold is every where it's in the air we breath on the food we eat. Just looking for some warm and wet but who isn't.

Spraying it indeed helps rid of that immediate growth/ infestation but it's not forever bc the spores are still in the air and shit waiting for you to piss off so they can set up shop again, For the second time, Bc the parameters are still perfectly wet and warm for the spores still.

Lol your both half right let's be fraaaans again.
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I guess a newbie lesson for the day I learned with shrooms it clean your entire area not just the plants. Look up some of the sterilization teks of shroom growing. Gotta quadruple sterilize everything.

Plants aren't the same. When growing plants some strains of fungi are good for your plant. Check out the nutes you guys have. Alot of people use myco, fungi, bacterium inoculate....smells like a dirty nutsack.... They help break down the organic matter in your soil so the plant can absorb it easier. And If you sterilized everything the moment pm spores are introduced they will have no competition for space which is also no bueno.

Buuut if pm mold is already present it might help to clean your grow area and the area out side of your grow area as well as the plants with the same h2o2 mix

I surprisingly haven't had to deal with mold yet with weed growing. Mushroom growing was a bitch to fight off bad mold though