things nooobs say that just make you lmfao

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I would say this thread was started by a newb ,
Have you no imagination @ all umbre ?
I can't believe you sucked me into your pants thread , I guess the temptation to laugh at someone was to great,
God I'm evil:evil:


Well-Known Member
Ever broken a branch during some aggressive super cropping and then duct taped it back in place, only to have it grow back knotted and stronger than ever? It can be likened reattaching a human limb. There's no need to attempt with a leaf, but its no different with reattaching any other part of the plant. How ironic, that the Newb asking the question was actually more logically sound than the one starting this thread.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
can I use sugar water and yeast to make NITROGEN for my plants? My buddy says it will work and the added NITROGEN in the air will make them grow faster

All of my leaves are dying off and I just started flower last week...gave them blim blam bloom booster only....why is this happening?

males make buds too...but they are filled with seeds

I water once a day...why are my plants droopy?

my plants are 3 days long before I have bud to smoke?

AN is the best


Well-Known Member
Wannabe cousin grower told me his secret to purple buds. He says, "Put the seed in water and grape juice".


Well-Known Member
had a guy tell me that "only dry shitty mexican dirt weed resins up like that." lmao. cracked me up and had to tell all my buddies so they could pick on him becuz he says hes right and im wrong becuz of his experience. lol.


Well-Known Member
Best one ever!!!

i believe any pollen will seed a plant. the seeds won't be for shit but i have had the same issue, harvest then clean clean clean, also make sure the intake is screened off as not to risk any pollen in and doing the same to the next.. good luck and KEEP ON GROWIN
listen here you punk pussy troll, i have been growin for 20 plus years and have been in and outside growing so don't bother telling me what will make a seed form, you stupid fuck, when a breeder uses bullshit chemical powders to make a female plant seed and call them fem seeds , and you don't think an outside pollen won't seed a plant.. I DARE ANY ONE TO SIT A FULL BUDDED PLANT OUTSIDE IN EARLY EARLY SPRING WHEN THE POLLEN IS SO THICK IT UP YOUR NOSE AND SEE IF YOU DON'T GET SEEDS.. FUCK OOFF TROLL.
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