Things people won't admit to


Well-Known Member
What are things that everyone has done, but no one will admit to doing it?

I have come up with 3 so far...

- Scratching a part of your body then sniffing your finger afterwards.
- Not acting or dwelling on it, but for a moment you thought about what it would be like having sex with the same sex.
- Told a racist joke or laughed at one at least once.

Can you guys think of any others?


when i was 9 and Living in Georgetown , Guyana , all uk nationals had to have a guard on premises,
One night my parents had a dinner party and i was told to stay upsatairs,
@ 3 am in the morning i snuck down , ate all the after eights and set fire to the table cloth after supping some wine,
long story short it was a freeking mess , i wrapped up the table cloth (containing candlestick,wine,cake the lot and threw it over the back garden fence,
then i went back to bed.
When i woke up in the morning the place was swarming with police and the security guard had been arrested and sacked.
I never told my parents to this day.
I justify by thinking had the guard not been asleep , he would'nt have got the blame.
I seriously would have had my ass kicked lol.


Well-Known Member
"and set fire to the tablecloth"


I think he was looking for more general situations, maybe.

Pickin' your nose.
Peeing in the shower.


Well-Known Member
when i was 9 and Living in Georgetown , Guyana , all uk nationals had to have a guard on premises,
One night my parents had a dinner party and i was told to stay upsatairs,
@ 3 am in the morning i snuck down , ate all the after eights and set fire to the table cloth after supping some wine,
long story short it was a freeking mess , i wrapped up the table cloth (containing candlestick,wine,cake the lot and threw it over the back garden fence,
then i went back to bed.
When i woke up in the morning the place was swarming with police and the security guard had been arrested and sacked.
I never told my parents to this day.
I justify by thinking had the guard not been asleep , he would'nt have got the blame.
I seriously would have had my ass kicked lol.
Holly hell dude, what are you going to tell us next. Lets get some of those other skeletons out of the closet :D


Well-Known Member
"and set fire to the tablecloth"


I think he was looking for more general situations, maybe.

Pickin' your nose.
Peeing in the shower.
You don't admit to masturbating? Shit if I could I'd whip that thing out in public lol


Masturbating is nothing new , those who say they don't are usually telling porky's, or their penis is inverted and i wouldn't admit to that!!


New Member
when i was 9 and Living in Georgetown , Guyana , all uk nationals had to have a guard on premises,
One night my parents had a dinner party and i was told to stay upsatairs,
@ 3 am in the morning i snuck down , ate all the after eights and set fire to the table cloth after supping some wine,
long story short it was a freeking mess , i wrapped up the table cloth (containing candlestick,wine,cake the lot and threw it over the back garden fence,
then i went back to bed.
When i woke up in the morning the place was swarming with police and the security guard had been arrested and sacked.
I never told my parents to this day.
I justify by thinking had the guard not been asleep , he would'nt have got the blame.
I seriously would have had my ass kicked lol.
I just got the funniest gif in my head of a kid doing all this, the part "so I thru it over a garden fence and went back to bed" made me burst, can imagine the non shilont? (can't spell) look on your face while doing all this lol.
Watching porn. I've had a couple friends outright deny watching it and talking about how demeaning and blah blah blah it is.

Then I open up a browser tab on their computer to watch Netflix or something and their recently-viewed pages list looks like the video store order scene from Clerks.



Well-Known Member
"and set fire to the tablecloth"


I think he was looking for more general situations, maybe.

Pickin' your nose.
Peeing in the shower.
I pick my nose, masturbate, pee in shower, masturbate in the shower (while smoking a joint), scratch my balls and smell them, and fuck girls on their period with no condom.:hump:



New Member
For real tho, dunno how so many guys talk about licking assholes and getting off on it, and I don't care how hot you are, I'm not st cking my dick in there.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
For real tho, dunno how so many guys talk about licking assholes and getting off on it, and I don't care how hot you are, I'm not st cking my dick in there.
My girl gets her ass and vag waxed. Its gorgeous. She's also a ten. I'd eat candy out of her ass. I get all up in that asshole, dick and tongue. Don't be a bitch dude. Homophobic? Scared someone might think you're gay if you do it? It isn't like you stick it in and shit flies everywhere.

Oh and had a threesome once, girl was sucking my dick while the other licked my ass. I have never came so hard. Glorious.