Thinking about marrying a fatty

such a disrespectful thread, really " i'm thinking of marring a fatty" why would you even say these words, your future wife ? and all you do is this ?

she's not a color of a car you know ...... " thinking of buying a red car "

glad i'm me ha ha !! sorry :(
Marriage is pretty old school. And there have been researches that show getting married will just make it more likely that you'll break up / get divorced. If you just live together without being married you'll be a lot happier, especially if you don't have kids to worry about.
So many things to address with this post.. Shit.. Okay.. First of all, any decent wife will be willing to do stuff for you, if you're willing to do stuff for her. That's how love and marriage works. I've had plenty of really hot girlfriends willing to do anything for me. Because I'd do the same for them. They bring to the table what you're willing to bring to the table.

If you want a slave, one that bring a lot to the table, even if you don't.. You'll have to settle somehow, correct.. Either in the personality department, or in the physical department.

OR, even better..Get a friend to move in with you. A male one. He can help you out, you make a bit of cash from renting out a room, and you can still fuck hot sluts on the side.
So many things to address with this post.. Shit.. Okay.. First of all, any decent wife will be willing to do stuff for you, if you're willing to do stuff for her. That's how love and marriage works. I've had plenty of really hot girlfriends willing to do anything for me. Because I'd do the same for them. They bring to the table what you're willing to bring to the table.

If you want a slave, one that bring a lot to the table, even if you don't.. You'll have to settle somehow, correct.. Either in the personality department, or in the physical department.

OR, even better..Get a friend to move in with you. A male one. He can help you out, you make a bit of cash from renting out a room, and you can still fuck hot sluts on the side.
That's too much work! If one of my friends moves in, he better be sucking dick or he's outta there.

Btw I'm looking for a room mate?
I tried marriage and she went 'fatty' and I left

with her skinny friend

in time she went fat and

I left

as every good man should

many of those of an effeminate mind may think that self-fish of me

but is not giving up on ones appearance the same ...?

please read the above again

and good luck
I have a pretty effeminate mind. Not selfish as long as your ass isn't allowed to turn into a fat piece of shit either.