Thinking of a new light ..


Well-Known Member
( I'll be dammed If I understood something ...Right ,english is not my native language ...
But where exactly that language is spoken ?
...Shit ,it doesn't make any sense ....

" ow no not like that man i realy dont care but if you were a women i kinda like women thats all.. no i . no no no i think you got me all wrong i was just shocked the other day with that avi that green dude that lives in a trash can from sesame street turn out to be a hot blond and she can grow two so i thought i guess not lolz! lolz '

What exactly have you been smoking there,bro ?
Take it easy on that ...
Breathe some air between bong hits ,man ...
You need some oxygen along with THC ...

FGS ! ...



Well-Known Member
MM, the rack of stacked bars is awesome, as are your thinking/execution skillz- mad I tell ya

Would love to see some plant close ups, including some side shots

FYI I'm months from 6.6 decades


Well-Known Member
Warm White Leds ....And scientific research .....

Couple days ago,I was "re-viewing' some scientific researches done ,
about leds lights and photosynthesis and/or plant growth ....

Well ...
It ' s ptretty logical ,the fact that most of them,are done with monochromatic led combinations ..

But ...
What about ,if the 'testing field' or the ' testing situations ' don't allow for monochromatic led arrays to be used ?

Which type of led can be used ?

I'll give you two examples (at least..There's more ,for the possible issue 'explorer' to find ...) ...:

1) ....
CISME: A self-contained diver portable metabolism and energetics system


(...) The front end of the flow head forms a small fluidic chamber of 5 cm diameter
when it is placed on a coral. Theupper surface of the flow chamber is sealed by a glass plate.
Behind the plate is an array of light-emitting diodes (LEDs,Luxeon warm white).
The LEDs are controlled by a constant current source that can be pulse width modulated (PWM) to
adjust the photon flux on the coral surface. Rather than fit the O2, pH, and T sensors into this small chamber, the system brings the water to the sensors by means of small-diameter tubing and a pump (Fig.3).
This design minimizes the contained volume around the sample organism, in order to measure small changes in oxygen and pH in the shortest period of time

2) The second example is a rather ...weird tool...

A bio-catalyst of burning coal fumes,that turn the CO2 into ..who knows what can be ..(medicines,Vit B12 ,alcohol,methane gas ,proteins,etc ...),is made with the same illumination .....

The 'tool' ... :

Z160 Multi-Cultivator is designed for small scale cultivation of algae, bacteria or cyanobacteria. It consists of 8 test tubes, each holding up to ca. 85 ml of cultivated suspension. The test tubes are immersed in a thermostated waterbath. Each tube is illuminated by an array of warm white LEDs that can generate incident irradiance, which is independently adjustable up to 1000 µmol(photon)/m2/s. Each test tube can be bubbled with gas. The gas is humidified and supplied to each test tube through a manually adjustable valve manifold.

So..when actually a photosynthetic illumination source is needed ,but not to study photosynthesis vs light,
but in order to i.e have a biologist/diver scientific self contained & portable metabolism / energetics ..lamp ..
(with some other sensors and systems ...Not a simple lamp ! LOL ! ) ,or

To make 'bio- catalysators ' with algae / phytoplankton/seaweed/microrganism cultures...

Hey !

They use just Warm Whites !

Hmmmm .....

Now ...
What do I want ?

To grow or make scientific experiments ,regarding light ,to my plants ?

Very 'contrasting' and totally dfferent types of leds can be used for
actually growing plants with some sort of production in mind ....

The more 'specific / targeted wls ' is a light ,the more 'pronounced' will be any
impacts ..Either positive or negative ....

The more "full " ,'complete' ,'full PAR range " ,the light is regarding it's specrum quality ,
the less 'pronounced' will be any impacts ..Either positive or negative ....
( I.e extremely high irradiations ...)

Oh ..yes ...
And spectrum doesn't affect so much the photosynthesis ...
It has other more 'indirect' ways of affecting a plant .
Photomorphogenesis.Circadian Rythms.Phototropism.
To name few of these 'other ways' ...

So still ,'spectrum ' has a valid importance on a led grow light ...

And a question pops -up again ...

What do you want ?
To grow or experiment ?

It took Hans plenty of tries ,to build a top-efficiency 'monochromatic leds combined' panel .

That works more than fine .:clap::clap::clap:...
Great work.Awesome panels.

But there's plenty of R&D 'behind' the looks of those slim fixtures ...:idea::hump::hump::hump:

-Do other mono grow led panels / manufacturers have the same level of R&D ? :confused:
-Of the experimentation ? :roll:
-Of the 'trimming/refining " ? :?

Probably few ...:-(
Less than 5-10 ,maybe ...

Still ....
He-hey ...

Even asian ,un-efficient warm white cheapos(combined with few reds ) do the job ...:cool:

Now imagine those CXAs or Veros ...:o
Or Q-D arrays ...:shock:

There are more than just a couple of 'ways' growing with leds ...
In fact,they are rather plenty of them...
Quite different in many aspects amongst them ,
but all of them sharing the success of effectiveness and high productivity &
the final product's high / finest quality .

Each grower/farmer / mj scientist has to make the choice that best
satisfies the needs,goals,limitations and allowances of the whole 'operation'...

I 'll leave you ,to your thoughts ...:bigjoint:


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Well-Known Member
MM, the rack of stacked bars is awesome, as are your thinking/execution skillz- mad I tell ya

Would love to see some plant close ups, including some side shots

FYI I'm months from 6.6 decades
Thanks from one nicely matured fart to another! The plants are now 4.5 weeks into flower with about the same left to go. The earlier picture was taken a week ago. Here are some shots of the girls now. I could have let them grow in veg a bit more but I had to move them to make room for 2 more in the veg tent so I probably won't see a record yield this time. I'm pretty certain the next one will. They're really starting to develop now. I love the wonderful sweet aroma of Kosher Kush!



Well-Known Member
I think I see a few scuffs around the right knob's only 99.9%

Can't wait to see how she fills out...helluva good start


Well-Known Member
Midway of 3rd week at 12/12 ...
(pics resized in Photoshop)

"Burn-in" time of the fixture ,is showing some ..."goooood" results ,up till now !

(...In fact ,growth rate/ plant phenotyping ,reminds me my old "HPS-era " ...LOL...
Like an brand-new 400W GreenPower ...If not-way- better ..! )

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Outstanding! Brilliant! That is one very happy girl. She speaks volumes to the quality of your light build.


Active Member
Midway of 3rd week at 12/12 ...
(pics resized in Photoshop)

"Burn-in" time of the fixture ,is showing some ..."goooood" results ,up till now !

(...In fact ,growth rate/ plant phenotyping ,reminds me my old "HPS-era " ...LOL...
Like an brand-new 400W GreenPower ...If not-way- better ..! )

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Seriously the new panel was going so good.
Can't wait to be see the final product(Quality) from this lady.

Also i want to be see what the panel can do in the veg mode from the start!