Thinking of giving my daughter dreads?

What's your stance on child labor? It could be the right time to take her on swimming pool openings :) She could bathe and make some money to afford the hair processors. @Clayton Bigsby could help us out here with some strategies. He was very supportive of his nephew. Best way to raise a kid so they do not end up entitled and lazy get 'em earning the extras early.

I kind of do feel that most kids today are soft. Child labor laws are just a way of pussifying the next generation. My wife has her do some gas tank siphoning now and then but that's about all the real work she's done so far.

Well u can help ur water being off. its called paying ur bill. I really hope you're not being serious right now. Because this is how I grew up and it is terrible. Its horrible going to school and kids making funny you because you smell because your parents are to worthless to pay the water bill

The water bill is so outrageous nowadays. $100/month just to run some water through sand and shit. I did that shit in elementary school. Sorry to hear that your parents didn't love you. My daughter will never have to worry about that.
I kind of do feel that most kids today are soft. Child labor laws are just a way of pussifying the next generation. My wife has her do some gas tank siphoning now and then but that's about all the real work she's done so far.

The water bill is so outrageous nowadays. $100/month just to run some water through sand and shit. I did that shit in elementary school. Sorry to hear that your parents didn't love you. My daughter will never have to worry about that.
Yea it is outragous But im not allowing my daughter to go without
Well u can help ur water being off. its called paying ur bill. I really hope you're not being serious right now. Because this is how I grew up and it is terrible. Its horrible going to school and kids making funny you because you smell because your parents are to worthless to pay the water bill
Yeah this deserves a post in @Pinworm 's hug thread. Pin gives the best hugs around here.
Swartzkopf can't save me! I tried the black bottle range.
I use Kerastase which is salon sold and pricey but works. Aveda used to be one of my favourites, you should try it as its natural and organic.
When I say it can lock together, I can literally plait it and it stays. It's not frizzy unless I brush it. But only underneath. I've got a right mane of hair which is so heavy it can give me a headache if I wear it up. Definitely it's a bit of hard work, I ride a bike too and the crash helmet/ wind don't help either! :)
Well colour me purple and call me a muffin. If even my emergency measures dont work then we are talking the curls of death here lmfao... Yeah agreed on one thing, curly hair is pricey to take care of that's for sure. Brushes... are the devil.
Well colour me purple and call me a muffin. If even my emergency measures dont work then we are talking the curls of death here lmfao... Yeah agreed on one thing, curly hair is pricey to take care of that's for sure. Brushes... are the devil.
I think my best all round rec for all hair types is to use that Morroccan Oil (argan oil) which only comes from the Argan tree in Morrocco. It's great for blow drying or leave in damp hair. Best natural serum.
In all honesty my hair lasts 3 mths before its desperate for a cut again and it's been long overdue!! I'm not as high maintenance as people think!
I prefer the straight hair to my curly hair as it damages less. I've learnt over years to work with it and not fight the curl.
You'd be surprised how many women go the shave and wig route..I know i was. 3 girls i know do it, i was always wondering how they could rock different hairstyles within a few days of each other. They have 2-3 wigs ready to go, different do's..slap it on and go..I was half joking about it, but I bet your daughter would like it..get to play dress up every day.
You'd be surprised how many women go the shave and wig route..I know i was. 3 girls i know do it, i was always wondering how they could rock different hairstyles within a few days of each other. They have 2-3 wigs ready to go, different do's..slap it on and go..I was half joking about it, but I bet your daughter would like it..get to play dress up every day.

If I was banging a chick and pulled her hair and it fucking fell off I'd probably run out of the room thinking I just banged a tranny.
If I was banging a chick and pulled her hair and it fucking fell off I'd probably run out of the room thinking I just banged a tranny.
I've had thing for shaved head/short hair chicks for awhile, luckily never ran into any trannys. My cousins 103yr old grandmother asked me to remove a clip from her hair..the whole F'ing wig came off and i thought i just pulled her hair all out..i almost died, she laughed her ass off.
I've had thing for shaved head/short hair chicks for awhile, luckily never ran into any trannys. My cousins 103yr old grandmother asked me to remove a clip from her hair..the whole F'ing wig came off and i thought i just pulled her hair all out..i almost died, she laughed her ass off.
That's the grandma version of grandpa's pull my finger 'trick', remember, just say NO!