This dog will die ... by my hands

Shnkrmn, is right. Her mother made a choice and your wife and child came in second. I'm sorry, but it's not for you decide. If your wife to goes over there with your child it is her fault, not the dogs.

I would make a police report about biting your wife though.

This is the best, most ethical answer. You do not have the right to kill your mother-in-law's dog. It is her property and she has a right to keep it. You should simply continue to refuse to visit and make family contact happen on neutral ground where the dog is not allowed. Don't kill the dog. You have no human right to do so.
That's right bitches, call me Michael Vick if you want to but read the backstory first. This is a horrible rottweiler owned by my inlaws.

About four months ago it attempted to make a run at my four year old. If he didn't have quick reflexes he would have half a left hand. Immediately after that incident I punched it as hard as I possible could on the dome. For reference I'm about six foot four, 220 lbs and a took karate for 15 years growing up. I know how to throw a punch.

This dog is mean as hell. After I punched him he was stunned for a second and then made a run at me. My mother in law, the only one the damn thing actually listens to pulled it back. As I have opposable thumbs I'm not afraid of most animals but this thing looked like it wanted to use my juglar as a chew toy.

Fast forward to last week. After four months of promising to get rid of the animal and us not visiting our inlaws, which was hard for my wife because she feels like her mother basically chose her dog over her daughter and grandson, she finally caved and went for a visit. She was bit, tore a hole in her fav pair of pants and left a giant puncture wound that will no doubt be a scar for life.

They have still not gotten rid of this fucking animal. If it were up to me I would walk straight up to the beast and put a 9mm hollow point in its face. The situation being what it is I must be a bit more discreet. Thats where you come in. Help me decide the best way to off this mother fucker. Right now I'm thinking rat poison inside dog treats/meat something of that nature.

I'm really not an animal hater and, for reference have never killed a dog, cat, ect. This is a special circumstance that requires my attention. View attachment 1775973Your thoughts and musings are welcome and will be taken into consideration.

I don't believe in killing animals, but if one went after my daughters, it would be the last thought he had. Do what you have too. Animals love antifreeze... And it kills them.... Soak some bread in anti freeze and the dog will kill itself!!
I agree that the dog could be rehabilitated in a new home. But i definitely don't think that it's a great idea too keep it near children. No matter how much you train it you can never be sure it's completely safe to keep your son near it. It could be sweet for months and then suddenly explode into someone's face.
hmm.. weird.

like I said though, generally speaking, dogs aren't born aggressive and mean like your describing.

At some point in the dogs past, it is likely it was severely abused. Physically abused more than likely..

Best thing you can do, is take it either to your local vet or animal shelter, tell them the truth and let them know what has happened and that the dog

is very aggressive and everything.. but tell them also, that you don't necessarily want the dog to be put down and that you would really like to see that

the dog gets a chance at being rehabilitated so that they can eventually find it a new home.

That's the best thing you can do buddy.

Good luck to ya.
too true man too true...
"mean on command" is a different senario.

In my opinion, an animal should never be trained to be aggressive.

i see no point in a dog if it cant be protective over the family. and any dog can be a fighting dog if you know how to make them into one. not just certain breeds can fight they all can
"mean on command" is a different senario.

In my opinion, an animal should never be trained to be aggressive.

While I agree with you 100% on that, I will say that I do support the military and certain defense agencies in their k-9 programs. The dog gets to live a spoiled and well loved life, with a good family.. and also is trained to protect his/her owners. You know that 'Seal Team #6' (Navy Seals) that took out Osama Bin Laden recently, they had an attack/protection k-9 with them, while they entered Osama Bin Laden's 'house' the night they tracked and killed him?

So, there certain areas where I kinda agree with the professional training of a k-9 to protect our soldiers and other government agencies in certain situations.

Just my opinion though.. :)
Rottweilers are well known as being one-person or one-family dogs. They were bred for protection and that's what they do. My brother, who's a marshmallow of a guy had one from puppy and it was sweet as pie with his kids but visitors were not welcome. You could come in and sit down, and he would stare at you, but if you interacted physically with any of his family he didn't like it and would let you know it. Going into that house alone would have meant death. It's the breed.

hmm.. weird.

like I said though, generally speaking, dogs aren't born aggressive and mean like your describing.

At some point in the dogs past, it is likely it was severely abused. Physically abused more than likely..

Best thing you can do, is take it either to your local vet or animal shelter, tell them the truth and let them know what has happened and that the dog

is very aggressive and everything.. but tell them also, that you don't necessarily want the dog to be put down and that you would really like to see that

the dog gets a chance at being rehabilitated so that they can eventually find it a new home.

That's the best thing you can do buddy.

Good luck to ya.
i see no point in a dog if it cant be protective over the family. and any dog can be a fighting dog if you know how to make them into one. not just certain breeds can fight they all can

Protection is one thing. Commanding a dog to be aggressive is another.
Shnkrmn, is right. Her mother made a choice and your wife and child came in second. I'm sorry, but it's not for you decide. If your wife to goes over there with your child it is her fault, not the dogs.

I would make a police report about biting your wife though.

I'm sorry, I disagree!! Big time!! Her mother did make a choice, and it is his wife takes his kid over there, it is her fault... But next time she takes their kid over there, and he doesn't know about it, might be the very last. I would never risk it. My kid, or a fucking dog?? You know your wife is going to take your kid over there sooner or later... If your ok with a strong possibility of your kid getting bit, let it go... If you're not however, whack that fucker! You are responsible for keeping your kids safe. Not the police.
While I agree with you 100% on that, I will say that I do support the military and certain defense agencies in their k-9 programs. The dog gets to live a spoiled and well loved life, with a good family.. and also is trained to protect his/her owners. You know that 'Seal Team #6' (Navy Seals) that took out Osama Bin Laden recently, they had an attack/protection k-9 with them, while they entered Osama Bin Laden's 'house' the night they tracked and killed him?

So, there certain areas where I kinda agree with the professional training of a k-9 to protect our soldiers and other government agencies in certain situations.

Just my opinion though.. :)

I do not agree with training an animal to be aggressive toward humans at any time with any military branch or police force.
Shnkrmn, is right. Her mother made a choice and your wife and child came in second. I'm sorry, but it's not for you decide. If your wife to goes over there with your child it is her fault, not the dogs.

I would make a police report about biting your wife though.

Can't make a police report right now. I'm in full flower mode and my whole basement smells like a Phish show. I might not do anything but it is a seriously frustraing situation, even you PETA people can appreciate my feelings of animosity towards this creature. Yes my mother in law is fit for a fucking straight jacket and also drinks ... a lot. What I am most upset with is the fact that both my mother and father in law swore up and down to find the dog a new home after it went after my son, four months ago.
how so? if some one is breaking in i want to be able to say attack and i want my dog to tare the person up. i dont want a dog who gets up and looks at them wagging his tail. so that being said commanding him to do something is part of being protected
File a police report for it biting your wife and the officers will show up and take the dog and euthanize it if it shows aggression when they arrive, simple as that.

Lol @ some of you saying dogs aren't aggressive by nature.
i see no point in a dog if it cant be protective over the family. and any dog can be a fighting dog if you know how to make them into one. not just certain breeds can fight they all can

Yeah, but when it comes down to the 'black market' and when it involves dog-fights in residential areas.. and the abusive training that it takes to make a dog protect itself and fight for its own life... I totally disagree and I think people that participate in these types of things.. should be kicked and abused just as they did to the dogs that they "trained" to fight.

Like the whole Michael Vick situation.. I wish he would have gotten a stiffer sentence for his actions and role in the whole dog-fighting thing. Makes me downright sick to even think of what those poor puppies and dogs had to go through... just makes me sick damn it. :evil:
By the same logic, you should start capping every dog in your neighborhood, on your kid's route to school, heck, let's kill all the dogs. There are some humans out there who could cause harm too. Let's preemptively take them out before they get the idea of doing something evil.

I'm sorry, I disagree!! Big time!! Her mother did make a choice, and it is his wife takes his kid over there, it is her fault... But next time she takes their kid over there, and he doesn't know about it, might be the very last. I would never risk it. My kid, or a fucking dog?? You know your wife is going to take your kid over there sooner or later... If your ok with a strong possibility of your kid getting bit, let it go... If you're not however, whack that fucker! You are responsible for keeping your kids safe. Not the police.
Yeah, but when it comes down to the 'black market' and when it involves dog-fights in residential areas.. and the abusive training that it takes to make a dog protect itself and fight for its own life... I totally disagree and I think people that participate in these types of things.. should be kicked and abused just as they did to the dogs that they "trained" to fight.

Like the whole Michael Vick situation.. I wish he would have gotten a stiffer sentence for his actions and role in the whole dog-fighting thing. Makes me downright sick to even think of what those poor puppies and dogs had to go through... just makes me sick damn it. :evil:

i agree with you on this 100 percent. my dog does not participate in fights at all though and was trained properly without abuse. and yes vick should have got at least 10 years
I'm sorry, I disagree!! Big time!! Her mother did make a choice, and it is his wife takes his kid over there, it is her fault... But next time she takes their kid over there, and he doesn't know about it, might be the very last. I would never risk it. My kid, or a fucking dog?? You know your wife is going to take your kid over there sooner or later... If your ok with a strong possibility of your kid getting bit, let it go... If you're not however, whack that fucker! You are responsible for keeping your kids safe. Not the police.

That is part of the problem. My wife loves her mother. No fault in that, but I know sooner or later she will visit again and I'm not sure what the hell is going to happen this time. Hence the whole taking the situation into my hands as it is my only son and I don't want to see him hurt or worse. You hit the nail on the head dLoc.
Can't make a police report right now. I'm in full flower mode and my whole basement smells like a Phish show. I might not do anything but it is a seriously frustraing situation, even you PETA people can appreciate my feelings of animosity towards this creature. Yes my mother in law is fit for a fucking straight jacket and also drinks ... a lot. What I am most upset with is the fact that both my mother and father in law swore up and down to find the dog a new home after it went after my son, four months ago.

I am one of those "PETA" people and I definitely know how you feel. My parents dog (a small breed) recently attacked my 1 1/2 year old son. He bit him on the arm, abdomen, and face. The dog is old as hell and he is blind. My alternitive to euthanasia is complete separation of the kids and animal. If it happends again I will deal with the animal.
i still think the mother in law is being an irresponsible owner.. it's her dog, and yet she's allowing people that she knows the dog is going to attack to come into her home and not do anything with the dog first.. how can she do this is beyond me..
if you have an aggressive dog, you just do what is needed to keep that dog away from people you know that it doesn't like, will bite, its common sense really..
how she lets your wife and kids walk into that house and not put the dog out is crazy in my eyes, as is your wife even walking into a situation with her kid like that.. how is she going to put the kid at risk like that? both of them..idk..