This dog will die ... by my hands

im not advicing u at all to kill the dog, but yes antifreeze is tasteless and odorless on food and is very fatal to dogs...
secondly a stray had bitten my 3 year old cousin right on her butt cheek, the hospital requested to bring the head of the dog inorder to give the right medication and injections, donno for what bloody reason? Oh and yes my uncle had to kill it using the method i mentioned...

just stay away from the animal mate, killing aint gonna make things right, u might even regret it...
I put my own dog down several years ago. :( I miss her. I used drugs like Dr. Kervorkian :o
I had to put a dog down once, I did the same thing, I doped her up real good and said goodbye before I had to take her in...she was really old and couldn't walk anymore, it still made me feel like shit was the 1st and hopefully LAST time I have to take a dog in to be put Dog I had through childhood died natural causes at home, thats what I'm hoping for with my old Lab when it's his time
He's still pretty spunky for 13 it'll be a while, I hope.
Dude call animal control and make a complaint!
Or do you just get off sounding so tough on the internet????

Chimps taught to use machetes.
Dude call animal control and make a complaint!
Or do you just get off sounding so tough on the internet????

read the whole thread boss. I clearly said I'm not full of rage and don't advocate violence against animals. I'm simply in a rough situation that is mostly driven by a hard assed mother in law who refuses to admit her dog is a hazard to everyone except her. Who knows, given its behavior it could snap on her has well. Just looking to start a civil conversation about what others would do given this set of circumstances.

If I wanted to get off on the internet I'd be surfing through a vast quantity of free pornography.
i am totally for violence against animals-

for some weird reason. most dogs are easily controllable. you just have too think like a dog. this would be a good case for the dog whisperer. ae3452338a0af79fa7f8c2d656188bd6.jpeg

others are not. rosieterrorist.jpg
I am one of those "PETA" people and I definitely know how you feel. My parents dog (a small breed) recently attacked my 1 1/2 year old son. He bit him on the arm, abdomen, and face. The dog is old as hell and he is blind. My alternitive to euthanasia is complete separation of the kids and animal. If it happends again I will deal with the animal.

So as one of those "PETA" people do you think its fair to keep an old as hell & blind dog alive? It would probably be kinder to put the poor thing down it could be in all kinds of pain. But your last statement 'if it happens again I will deal with the animal' Firstly it's hypocritical to all your other arguments about the rotty and secondly after it biting your kid on the arm abdomen & face you think there is a chance it might happen again?!!!
So as one of those "PETA" people do you think its fair to keep an old as hell & blind dog alive? It would probably be kinder to put the poor thing down it could be in all kinds of pain. But your last statement 'if it happens again I will deal with the animal' Firstly it's hypocritical to all your other arguments about the rotty and secondly after it biting your kid on the arm abdomen & face you think there is a chance it might happen again?!!!

You left out a very vital part of my statement. I said we separate the dog from any children at all times. There is always a chance a mistake will happen. If the dog bites again he will have to be removed from the home. He isn't dying or sick. He is just old and blind. Should I put him down because he is old? No. Should I put him down because he is blind? No. Should he be removed from the home and possibly put down because of aggression issues? Yes.

Saying an old blind dog should be put down is like saying all people in nursing homes should be put down. Your simpathy towards animals will lead them to their demise. He has quality of life he's not dying.

Check out the differences between Rotties and Basenji's and tell me if I am hypocritical or if the situation can differ between two different sized dogs. It's not that I think Rotties are "worse" or "dangerous", it's the fact that BJ is old, blind, and stuck in his ways. He's just a grump. Actually thats what I call him when I see him his name is "grump" now. He remains separated from children at all times.

He doesn't go out of his way to cause harm either. He just wants to be left alone. It's more on the lines of us keeping the kids away from him than him away from kids.
If it has bitten you then call animal control. In most places its the law to put down a dog that bitten somewhere.
If it has bitten you then call animal control. In most places its the law to put down a dog that bitten somewhere.

In the state of Maryland, if a dog bite victim is even 1% liable for the bite, the victim is not entitled to recover any lost funds or medical expenses. Often times a dog will bite once, get reported, and be destroyed. I'm against this rule if the bite was from the victims neglegance. If an owner had company and the dog bit a child because it was pulling it's tail the dog should be given some leniency. If the dog hopped a fence, tore down the road, and attacked a child with intent to kill, then yes, that animal should be destroyed immediately. There is a difference between a bite/nip (a "bite" can also be three seperate warning bites if you've ever been bitten before) a mauling is way different than a bite is. The problem with the dog in the original post is that is has shown to be aggressive several times. Since the wife has been bitten its been proven the dog will become aggressive even if unprovoked. That is a huge issue. The dog should be removed. My dog (actually my parents dog) on the other hand does not show aggression towards people unprovoked. BJ will only show aggression when provoked. Hense the reasoning behind the separation tactics.

My sister, as an example, was bitten in the face by a Australian Shepard. She was attempting to pull a tick off the dog when it snapped and bit her in the face. The dog completely severed her lip causing her to retrieve medical attention. She ended up with massive scarring and may need cosmetic surgery to fix the scarring on her lip. In this case, the dog WAS reported by the owner. The dog was seized for 30 days and released after being watched carefully. The dog was deemed to be non-aggressive and allowed to return home. My sister CANNOT sue for the bite since she was partially liable for her bite. The point is, this bite was not an act of unprovoked aggression. The dog is not liable for its actions, nor the owner, and my sister is not able to receive any sort of compensation.
i am totally for violence against animals-

for some weird reason. most dogs are easily controllable. you just have too think like a dog. this would be a good case for the dog whisperer. View attachment 1776077

others are not. View attachment 1776078

Wait, I'm misunderstanding your statement here.

i am totally for violence against animals-

for some weird reason. most dogs are easily controllable. you just have too think like a dog. this would be a good case for the dog whisperer. View attachment 1776077

Are you saying your against cruelty and violence against animals.. or your 'for' cruelty and violence against dogs?
You left out a very vital part of my statement. I said we separate the dog from any children at all times. There is always a chance a mistake will happen. If the dog bites again he will have to be removed from the home.

The vital part of your statement is that you will wait till next time... But I do like the fact he's called BJ
So as one of those "PETA" people do you think its fair to keep an old as hell & blind dog alive? It would probably be kinder to put the poor thing down it could be in all kinds of pain. But your last statement 'if it happens again I will deal with the animal' Firstly it's hypocritical to all your other arguments about the rotty and secondly after it biting your kid on the arm abdomen & face you think there is a chance it might happen again?!!!

I grew up around dogs my entire life. I'm almost 30 years old now, and I have two dogs to this day. I will always have at least one if not two dogs my entire life. Their great company, and if you treat them like they should be treated, like you would treat a human being... the dog in return, will show you great loyalty and love. Hell, might even save your life one day.. you never know.

If an 'old as hell & blind dog' isn't showing you that its suffering or hurting or in pain.. and trust me, dogs have ways that they express these feelings.. then yes, leave the dog alone and let him/her enjoy what quality of life it has while he/she can.

If the dog was showing signs of suffering and the vet told me this, or if I noticed it myself, then yes.. I would think about putting the dog to sleep. However, I'm responsible enough to know that if this were the case.. I know that the best thing you can do for the dog is to take it into a vet somewhere and have the dog examined and get a second opinion.. and then go from there.