This generation sucks.

I don't think adult men should have facebook accounts .. that crap is for kids and ladies to gossip
Too much farmville will turn anyone's brain to fudge.

A lady facebook addict even murdered her children because they interfered with her farm, .. true story

peace and be-careful :)
Becaue "This Generation" is no different than every other generation.. You just HEAR about it more because of the Media and internet...

Draig started drinking, smoking & toking before he was 12... so did a LOT of City kids "back then".. and in the 60's... and the 50's (minus the pot) etc...

There is always a group of kids in every generation that Grow-up fast due to lack of parenting- either because their parents suck- or because their parents are somewhere busting their ass to make a better life for their kid, but forget the part about needing supervision.....

And to say "Men don't facebook" is like saying "Men don't shop"... or "Men don't ---whatever" Don't Stereotype people..
you are stereotyping YOURSELF as an out-of-touch out-of-date hater.... and it may not (?) be the truth...

Besides- Even a lot of us WOMEN who DO facebook use it for joining Political groups, Activist groups etc... not to exchange recipe's, gossip or play childish games (all the games CAN be blocked- as Mine are!)

Again- you are making assumptions based on your own perception of how certain stereotyped groups of people behave-- and you are wrong...
@ OGKush:D ... I know! I am almost 50... and the way kids talk today is just as stupid as the way they talked when WE were in H.S.... an are mimicking what they see/hear on TV or on the street/at school...

The more things change, the more they stay the same!!!
Perhaps do some research , anyway, get off of facebook, are you peter pan ?

what is your problem, is facebook designed just for women? dont you think it would be called twatbook, if it was only for women? you sound stupid as hell. what does peter pan have anything to do with facebook. are you just upset that your facebook gets shown no love???
You are the one with a problem, that is why you started this thread Lol
you seem to be having an issue with Children and facebook,
that's a problem i am glad i do not have

good luck with your farm
really whats wrong with 12? I was 13 been at it for 21 years now... smokes and ciggs I was 12..

but of course I wouldn't want my 12 year old to toke or drink, I think 16 would be a better age to try it at
Yeah Grojak, it's okay to try it, but these 12 year olds smoking cigs drinking vodka, and getting baked. Minors shouldn't smoke it will fuck them up.
Yeah Grojak, it's okay to try it, but these 12 year olds smoking cigs drinking vodka, and getting baked. Minors shouldn't smoke it will fuck them up.

I don't know if I'm an exception, but I was drinking ilke 3 nights a week in junior high... shit helped me go to bed some school nights I'd sneak into the kitchen and mix up a screwdriver or 2 (i have insomnia) and I turned out just fine lol hell look at what my love for booze and weed led me to.. growing primo smoke and drinking expensive scotch!!
I don't know if I'm an exception, but I was drinking ilke 3 nights a week in junior high... shit helped me go to bed some school nights I'd sneak into the kitchen and mix up a screwdriver or 2 (i have insomnia) and I turned out just fine lol hell look at what my love for booze and weed led me to.. growing primo smoke and drinking expensive scotch!!

Haha, that's awesome.
you should enjoy your teenage years cuz i just turned 20 and shit is different when you have that thought in your teenage head where your like shit im not a teenager no more, shit hit me pretty hard.