and this is sooooooo much different than fb right? Please.
dont get me wrong im all for getting wasted and baked but when your still a teenager its crazy when u hit that big 20 its like ur life changesWell i'm only 22 I used to want to party, and I still want to get fucked up, haha.
If you mean by this, that people pretend to grow crops in a virtual world on face book, (farmville)
quite a few folk on RIU also pretend to grow plants in a virtual world
you sir are very wise , thank you for the correction
that would be funny if somebody pretended to grow on RIU, whats even funnier is that theres actually a game called farmville where you grow virtual plants on FacebookIf you mean by this, that people pretend to grow crops in a virtual world on face book, (farmville)
quite a few folk on RIU also pretend to grow plants in a virtual world
you sir are very wise , thank you for the correction
that would be funny if somebody pretended to grow on RIU, whats even funnier is that theres actually a game called farmville where you grow virtual plants on Facebook
I saw that to it's by adult swim, it's called Hemp Tycoon.There is a pot farming game on FB use like Farmville... saw it on the news lol
I know, but the kids with there swag yolo bullshit. I feel like an old man saying that, haha.
I agree with you 1000% bro, this world we live in today is fucked up. I drive by my old high school every now and then, and see these young punks wearing wooden necklaces, corny ass snapbacks, waxed eyebrows, skin tight pants, its like wtf happened to my era, where we wore baggy pants jerseys fitted hats????haha lol I feel you, I am 22 first time i was drunk with friends was 8 llf drink from about 12, drugs from 14, at 18 had enough now don't drink or take anything only smoke weed.
Now I sit back and watch many people my age and older drink there selves to sleep and sit paranoid on drugs, many of them will be like that for many years to come. I had a fun childhood and fun teens and now i'm having fun staying away from trouble. Its a different time to the period I here so much about, prob a bad thing but now they are turning more and more feminine alcohol and drugs is one problem but another problem is why are most of the younger people pussies getting fake tans, caring too much about there hair, facebook.
The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.
The road of feminism leads to the extinction of man.
haha just a thought.
I agree with you 1000% bro, this world we live in today is fucked up. I drive by my old high school every now and then, and see these young punks wearing wooden necklaces, corny ass snapbacks, waxed eyebrows, skin tight pants, its like wtf happened to my era, where we wore baggy pants jerseys fitted hats????