This generation sucks.

And that goes right back to saying skinny jeans are gay, who cares ?

but in all honesty you can tell a lot about someone by what they wear its their incarnation of their sprit in threads basically... You can tell when some honkey white kid from the country dresses gangster as his small group of peers do that he's most likely insecure about himself and try's to model his appearance after someone he looks up to, maybe there wasn't a strong father figure and xibit is his role model.. I know you can't judge a book by its cover but if you look through the book store and see a cover of a monkey jacking off a squirrel don't expect to open that book and read about dark matter, you can judge using some preconceived notions to guide your inferences
And that goes right back to saying skinny jeans are gay, who cares ?

but in all honesty you can tell a lot about someone by what they wear its their incarnation of their sprit in threads basically... You can tell when some honkey white kid from the country dresses gangster as his small group of peers do that he's most likely insecure about himself and try's to model his appearance after someone he looks up to, maybe there wasn't a strong father figure and xibit is his role model.. I know you can't judge a book by its cover but if you look through the book store and see a cover of a monkey jacking off a squirrel don't expect to open that book and read about dark matter, you can judge using some preconceived notions to guide your inferences

Makes me wonder what people think of me, but then I don't give a fuck again just as quickly. I dress for comfort, not for anyone's viewing pleasure.
I'm not saying I wear a suit everyday I dress for comfort when I'm at home.. But when I need to project professionalism and authority I dress as so, everyone has different hats its really what image you want to project. I'm just trying to get out of this rat race as soon as I can, if I have to dress the part for a couple decades so be it
I'm not saying I wear a suit everyday I dress for comfort when I'm at home.. But when I need to project professionalism and authority I dress as so, everyone has different hats its really what image you want to project. I'm just trying to get out of this rat race as soon as I can, if I have to dress the part for a couple decades so be it

I refuse. If that's your thing I'm cool with it, I only ask I not be judged for my refusal to participate in the upkeep of false appearances. But if you want to judge, I'm fine with that too. I'm all about freedom.

Peace and Happiness.
everything comes back into fashion, in a different way but still always a throw back to something else

they wore pretty tight pants in the 60s/70s
the 80s had beyond tight pants , and cropped tshirts for men
even in movies like waynes world, the jeans are still tight fitting, so idk wtf yall are going on about this "tight jeans skinny fad" cause its been around for decades.
everything comes back into fashion, in a different way but still always a throw back to something else

they wore pretty tight pants in the 60s/70s
the 80s had beyond tight pants , and cropped tshirts for men
even in movies like waynes world, the jeans are still tight fitting, so idk wtf yall are going on about this "tight jeans skinny fad" cause its been around for decades.
Everyone in those pics look gay af. ijs
Oh, I totally forgot I was going to type this :

I have a facebook page, I damned sure don't play any of the stupid ass games on it. My facebook is for keeping in touch with the few people in different states that still speak to me. Sorry if that offends your delicate sensibilities, but it does have other uses besides pissing, moaning, or fucking off on stupid flash games.

But hey, you're awesome and can think what you want. Freedom.

Peace and Happiness.
:cry: OMG--- you guys are making me feel freaking ANCIENT!
You're talking about "these damned kids nowadays" like you were MY parents or something! LMAO!!! And you are in your 20's!!! YOU guys are the ones WE bitch about! LOL!

My Generation we dealt with all the disco Fads/music/movies.... Molly Ringwald, Star Wars, (woohoo!) Cindi Lawper, and Tom Cruise (oh yeah- we still deal w/ him....)
We all wore fitted jeans, short-shorts and Printed T's--
the "Preppy" kids wore Khaki pants and Polo's....
We had just (thank GOD) started to out-grow the "double-knit Polyester" era... (OMG! ITS BAAAACK! NOOOOOOO!)

And a Stupid Song about "Valley Girls" started a whole generation of chicks talking like total idiots.. (Oh My GOD! Gag me with a spoon! it's like- you know-- Orange! Like- You know-- WHO would- you Know- WEAR that?!) (*pukes*)

We were just before anyone had EVER heard of "rap" or "Gangsta" but break dancing and beat-boxing had just begun....

If ANYONE had their pants down below their boxers it was because a Bully pulled em down- not a sign of civil disobedience or a fashion statement! LOL!

And back then-- you NEVER saw a bag with buds in it... weed was ground-up and you had NO idea of what might be in it... and they measured in "lids" not ounces!!!

OMG!...... Call AARP!!!! I'm Geriatric!!!!