This is an auto flower journal plues another grow with in


Well-Known Member
ok now all my ladys in flower and clones are repoted and will veg for weeks then strait to flower they will go. makeing roon to start all my auto flowers. did have two males trashed one and put the other in the house to let it flower its pollen. i plan on do a couple of seed runs on some of these autos. so i can do it again as a cycle. and keep it going. i figure i should be able to harvest every two weeks when set up and running.


Well-Known Member
Every two weeks?
Dam bro, you will constantly have weed in every state of growth. from seedling to drying.
With a harvest every two months I barely have time to clean up before I cut again.

Hum, I wouldnt have to clean up then.... good idea.


Well-Known Member
yea but whats there to clean when they are only 1-2 foot tall. small plants very easy to trim and hang. just ordered 30 more autos. but am going to do the seed run. but this way i have the seeds to start. 70 in all, soon aqs order comes in. figure with two area to grow, pluse a veg area, why not.


Well-Known Member
heres some new pic for this week. some clones that i think my grow pad was to hot so i turned it off and most seem to be bouncing back but all in all they will live i believe. i really dont need all them clones, but just have a hard time trowing them away.
the 6 on bottom are all hawaiians, 4 are clones off the mother in flower now with the bud. The other two are one that im thinking on trashing, those two were planted the same time as the one with buds on it. almost died, brought them back and they just arent growing fast enough, my clones are out growing them.
The ones in flower well they look nice well all but one. The one on th left is a sterching bitch. iv started training her buy tying string at the top and making her bend her self, and over the last few days she been bending alot. hey cruz remember that cats tail i had, thats what this ones going to come out like. All her bottom branchest have turned up, going to cheep her growing side ways. all the way threw.
The three in back dont kow what they are. Hoping that once they get done some one can identafie them buy pic. Premieum mix, ww, big bud, northen lights. very healthy plants stocks are thick. Big leaves. looking forward to seeing what they come out to be. will cut a few clones off of both in a week, want the branchest to a couple of nodes.
Now on the autos i germ...8 today,5 were double diesal ryder, and three were Afgan Kush ryder.



Active Member
nice grow man!~ 2 questions. how much did the beasty autos yield? by beasty i mean the big ones not the small ones lol and how was the high of the autos?


Well-Known Member
2 hits lol. 42gm, 17gms 2gm wet, i havent wayed it dry. i hope that these nexts eight will do better. its seems so far that they, grow big or small. its in the seed it self, i guess as far as the high its very strong head high. make you look chiniess. the high last a good time i would say. taest is pungie sweet , lung blower if to big of hit. not harsh but mine sits in jars for a good long time of curing. these plants did not get alot of nutes nexts will give alittle more.


Well-Known Member
thats the best description i could give. looking forward to these next eight. im going to spread these apart so that i can harvest weekly. in about 45 days and on. by germing 8 every week for the nexts 2 months or so. im thinking from the end of feb, it should start rolling out. last year i grew enough to provide me smoke all year this will do the same in less time. from seed to pipe lollllll


Well-Known Member
pic #2 has the new light, then you see the other side by side, i put those togather and have a mh in one hps in the other.


Well-Known Member
Ah, I gotcha now.
My bad, I had a four foot reflector on the brain.

So like you got what 42, 17, and 2 grams wet on those autos?
20 gms wet average would be about a quarter a plant dry then.

Lets see if you can get a better average weight this time around, make it worth while huh?

I know only 45 days flower but, 2 gms wet, puff gone. lol


Well-Known Member
Hey yo for got the one o no wait two hitter plant lol !! ill go out there and way it all and get back at ya


Well-Known Member
im sure the yeild will be much better next batch. i would be happy with 8 oz of this bad ass smoke a week for 8 weeks. i bet i can get oz or better off each plant.


Well-Known Member
ok all but one has poped open ill give them a day or two more them they go in the dome. 3 kush and 5 double diesal autos. will be the first eight. for this week


Well-Known Member
i put in a new cloneing system in today. it will hold up 25 clones. not than the other ways was not good i just like it so i got it lol now im going to add more light tomorrow and mount a little pc fan on side for air flow it it should work fine.

