Well-Known Member
yea bruv it is mate but yea mate il be startin a thread tomorrow id be highley honored if ya pop by mate and same for you cruzer. bet your having the most fun though cutman lol you got loads to smoke up lol but yea mate i did get seeds of them assassin guess thats why they where takin a lil bit longer to fin they even pollenated the snowryders lol an by looks off seeds i really misssed the assassins hermiein lol i reacon i could get them to germ lol il see next time round lol and this assassins destroys ya mate i nearly killed my black jack by dropin it
the pot hooked on another 1 n i was really battered mate lol but yh its picking up now id say its bout 4days behind otheres atmo i now its gona b smaller than others now but it'l pull threw all the rest are doing great now iv got 1 male auto soo far an rest are doing great to last 1 just popin up now so iv got autos from day 1 to like day 12 so happy with that but your see tomorrow mate like i said be highley honored if ya come say hi and what you think of my set up pretty bassic but it'l get i guess lol peace cutman