This is how we do it on the other side (Was the $26,500 Thread)

icebox only needs one pump.

icebox is totally different from liquid lumens.


and much safer, imho

I am not sure I see how they are different. One system is sending water through a "radiator" and one is sending water through the housing.

In liquid lumens the water in the housing surrounds the bulb and transfers the heat away in the water.

On ice box it puts cold water into a radiator and has a fan blow the hot air from the light through the radiator having the water in radiator take heat away and in turn if you have cold air coming out into the room, or in his case removed in the duct he has set up.

But in both systems cold water delivery is what the goal is. If I am understanding him correctly he is trying to cool the water as it passes by the chiller. That would only work on a very slow flow so the water has time to stay in the chiller. And at that the chiller will be running all the time which it shouldn't.:joint:
If you only have one pump you cant have a cold res. you just have a res. of water that has hot water dumping into into it sort of staying in the top especially if you have a baffel system. then water being pumped to the chiller and to the lights.

The two pump system would allow you to keep the water in the res. cold so as hot water is dumped in the water is being chilled so it has more cold water to cool it quicker kind of like ice in a glass.

It is hard to explain these systems much eaier to draw out or just put together.:joint:
i think you may need to take a look at the manuals on hydro innovations website if you dont have one infront of you right now ;)
i think its quite simple really, ....

chiller pumps to cold res ..... cold res pumps through lights and dumps back into chiller .... chiller pumpsto cold red again ... ? maybe im wrong i dont know ive never used one but thats the kinda idea im getting ?

Refer to page 5 for setup instructions.

I'm reconfiguring the chiller today to go to reservoir to chiller to reservoir and then a smaller pump to go from reservoir to iceboxes. My goal is the water pumping to the radiators should be 10(f) below room temperature. That's what the chiller is MORE than capable of for a 1hp chiller *PER ROOM* (Yes, 4 of them). And yea, the chillers are outside of the room and so are the radiators. All are in a gigantic a/c'd area with tons of ventilation etc. No concern on placement of the units that's for sure, jsut the way the hoses work and the air intake is.

LoudBlunts: If it is cooling to room temperature it isnt cooling. The 72(f) that the chiller is keeping water at is at the chiller. It should be COLD coming out of there.

Thanks everyone for the continued constructive help.
ahhhhh makes more sense now ... chiller and res on one system then another pump from res to room .... easy as abc lol

Refer to page 5 for setup instructions.

I'm reconfiguring the chiller today to go to reservoir to chiller to reservoir and then a smaller pump to go from reservoir to iceboxes. My goal is the water pumping to the radiators should be 10(f) below room temperature. That's what the chiller is MORE than capable of for a 1hp chiller *PER ROOM* (Yes, 4 of them). And yea, the chillers are outside of the room and so are the radiators. All are in a gigantic a/c'd area with tons of ventilation etc. No concern on placement of the units that's for sure, jsut the way the hoses work and the air intake is.

LoudBlunts: If it is cooling to room temperature it isnt cooling. The 72(f) that the chiller is keeping water at is at the chiller. It should be COLD coming out of there.

Thanks everyone for the continued constructive help.

your res chiller needs to be set way lower

Refer to page 5 for setup instructions.

I'm reconfiguring the chiller today to go to reservoir to chiller to reservoir and then a smaller pump to go from reservoir to iceboxes. My goal is the water pumping to the radiators should be 10(f) below room temperature. That's what the chiller is MORE than capable of for a 1hp chiller *PER ROOM* (Yes, 4 of them). And yea, the chillers are outside of the room and so are the radiators. All are in a gigantic a/c'd area with tons of ventilation etc. No concern on placement of the units that's for sure, jsut the way the hoses work and the air intake is.

LoudBlunts: If it is cooling to room temperature it isnt cooling. The 72(f) that the chiller is keeping water at is at the chiller. It should be COLD coming out of there.

Thanks everyone for the continued constructive help.

WOW 4 1HP chillers you are setup man. By doing what you are today you will stop your chillers from running hardly at all. If you remove your ducting from the exit side of the ice box you should have almost too cold of a room at that point. Wow you aren't F'in around at all with your setup.

Good luck I am sure with your new configuration your chillers will hardly run at all!!:joint:
your res chiller needs to be set way lower

There you go posting again without thought. The res chiller is set to 65(f) and it never goes below 71-72(f). Please stop wasting our time already, this is like your 5th stupid post in this thread trying to be constructive.
Originally Posted by LoudBlunts
your res chiller needs to be set way lower
There you go posting again without thought. The res chiller is set to 65(f) and it never goes below 71-72(f). Please stop wasting our time already, this is like your 5th stupid post in this thread trying to be constructive.

WOW this is harsh. I thought the posts in this thread were going along well. People helping others, brainstorming ideas and solutions.

Why the flame?

Unless I missed a post of LB's I don't see the reason or need for your reply.

WOW this is harsh. I thought the posts in this thread were going along well. People helping others, brainstorming ideas and solutions.

Why the flame?

Unless I missed a post of LB's I don't see the reason or need for your reply.

Sorry, I just get tired of people posting without any thought to their posts. "Oh, do this". Ok, WHY do you suggest that? Its almost insulting to think he'd think I would set a chiller to room temperature. I mean, duh. What idiot sets their air conditiong to 81(f) wanting it to be 71(f). Too many people focus on post count rather than post *quality* here. +rep to anyone who posts constructively and can keep a thought to one post instead of five. ;)

WOW this is harsh. I thought the posts in this thread were going along well. People helping others, brainstorming ideas and solutions.

Why the flame?

Unless I missed a post of LB's I don't see the reason or need for your reply.

Thanks for the defend, orzz...

no need though. This came from a noob who is on his 2nd grow....

he OBVIOUSLY thinks im here to blow smoke up his ass... so let him fuck up on his own.

he'll learn from burning bridges.

sigh... can we get the special olympics done allready? i want some more pics, i will be purchasing the iceboxes soon and this thread is very helpful. people need to smoke some more of what they got in their gardens and quit with the ego. anywho. gj benvegas, all is looking good!
vegas - sometimes you just have to relax a bit and maybe smoke some of the shit you are growing.

I have watched LB post on these forums for 2 years and he always has some good info and is always trying to help people, but he will also tear into you if you talk shit to him. Cept for me, cause I will flame him with words he can't understand unless he breaks out a dictionary ;-)

This was a misunderstanding between the both of you because you are new here and have probably not seen LB post before. He comes off like he may be talking down to you but it's not the way he is. He knows his stuff and probably more than you.

We can see you have some brains but don't get an ego here son. This thread has been excellent and let's keep it that way :hug:

Now back on topic.

I'm very much thinking about these ice boxes but I can see the initial investment would be quite a bit........for me anyway. I have two 1000 watters so I would need a minimum 1/2 hp chiller. They cost around $800 to $1000 US.

I would also need two Ice boxes($300), one res(they say you can use a 25 gal res easily with a decent chiller but I would probably go with 30 - 50) ($75) and a 700 gph pump($100). Then all the other doodads and poopypops to connect them all :shock:

So startup costs for these items would be around $1500 or so. Not bad I guess.

I have one question about the chillers. Is there a way to capture the hot air the chiller blows out when it's on and use ducting to vent it somewhere else? I ask this because I would have to keep the chiller outside my tent but I wouldn't want the hot air in my room. I would like to vent it outside if I can.

Is this possible? Thx 8-)

Also, I hear that there may be a moisture buildup problem on the grills of the ice boxes as the hot air continuously blows over the cooler grill. This in turn forms water droplets which will eventually gather momentum and cause dripping.

Not sure if this is 100% true but I can see this happening. I suppose it would depend on the temperature variations because when hot air hits cold "anything", moisture usually forms.

Have you checked this at all? I'm just curious about this.
I have one question about the chillers. Is there a way to capture the hot air the chiller blows out when it's on and use ducting to vent it somewhere else? I ask this because I would have to keep the chiller outside my tent but I wouldn't want the hot air in my room. I would like to vent it outside if I can.

Also, I hear that there may be a moisture buildup problem on the grills of the ice boxes as the hot air continuously blows over the cooler grill. This in turn forms water droplets which will eventually gather momentum and cause dripping.

Changed the chiller to a continual reservoir cycle and put the iceboxes on their own loop. Temps dropped 4(f) within an hour, so we'll see how it is tomorrow. There's not been any moisture buildup thus far, but the iceboxes if they were to drip wouldnt even harm anything. So far so good there!

The chiller is required to be outside of your tent. Otherwise you're just recirculating the same air to a different place and probably creating more heat. The reservoir can be inside the room but the water chiller may not. You can vent the exhaust of it, sure, it's not exactly a standard connector or anything you'd have to rig it, but very possible.
have you documented the temps when just exhausting the air with fans as opposed to running the chiller, and iceboxes, and dumping the air into the room?

im really curious to see how these work, if they work really well, i may just have to pick up a few of them.. id like to run 2 of em, but if need be i can run 4.. this would make having a fully sealed room with co2 injection an absolute breeeze!
Just read all of your thread and its going to be a lot of work, super job, keep up the good work. I'll be reading just like the others, most likely won't have to much to offer.
Its funny that so many ppl care about the where do you live b/s, who really cares. At this level of grow one would think that that person put some effort and R&D before they invest there time and money.
Anyways don't let the children get you down.
Plant it, water it, feed it, smoke it, and remember to pass it.

I have never needed a chiller guess Im lucky. Even with my res inside tents the water temps stay around 70 F max.
hahahah this dude is a fucking dork. And yes, I made this screenname just for you vegas boi.

Dude. go back to sportsbetting or poker of whatever you do and build this thing by yourself. It looks like you are wanting "GaGas" rather than answers. I love how this idiot comes to RIU for help but cannot take the haters. He would rather make everyone drolll at this overpriced laugh laugh grow room that hasnt produced ONE SINGLE BUD.

In the time you took to build this fabulous chiller that you do not need. i have dried and cured 2 harvests.

Have a great day in the 100 degree vegas heat.

Temp and humidity are same outdoors today, only 73(f)/22c. I will enjoy the heat when I do go to vegas in 3 weeks to play two world series event though, so thank you !!

The room hasnt produced one single bud. Its only on the third week in from germination. =) =) So at least your right on something!

This guy also posted a comment on the youtube video telling me I'm an idiot because my electricity looks the same as USA setups. Of course it is, you make the best transformer boxes with timers in the world. We have to use them, and they use 110 and 220. So thats whats run from the roads to the room. Here we generally have 220v/60cycle power so really for you to think that electricity in your country is better or special or only looks like that based on a video of an enclosed room is quite the amazing thing.

I dont want "GaGas" (not even sure what that is, but friend says its like people drooling or congratulating over a specified content matter, I thought you meant that blond person from poker face' at first). I been here for a short period of time, but I learn here as do all of us. My setup is unique, so is everyones. In fact, in my next post I get to thank a few people who have helped me with the water chiller setups because now it works like a champ. Others here have helped me with electricity in private since my situation is a little bit more unique in that respect. So you get the bonus of seeing this actually done in the real world and I get the benefit of the advice. So thanks, riu is working as intended.

It will be unique for the forum admins to compare your IP address with the IP address of other registered users to see who the man behind the mask is though. I look forward to your most certain banning.
HORRAY! The water chiller setup is now mostly optimized in the veg room.

Abellguy: Your advice did perfect. The reservoir is on a closed loop now only going to water chiller. The reservoir also has a 2nd pump now pumping to iceboxes and then back only. I set the chiller to 62(f) and it was at 64(f) this morning. That's 6-7(f) cooler than before. Once the ventiliation is setup properly I'd expect a few more degrees of temperature reduction. The change only took a few minutes and an extra pump.

Today is flower room completion time, we'll have it done by tomorrow for the most part and ready to take the first batch of plants out of veg. Pictures of flowering room to follow later this week, but its about the same as the veg room just more lights such.