this is interesting.


Well-Known Member
Damn for real it dug it up lol. Man and correction on me not having any last night turns out my girl been pinching my bags and not telling me till we run out :hump::hump::hump:. Hope it survives lol and wtf why did it dig it up lol thought something was under it?


Well-Known Member
dude i think they like sabotaging it.

sadly the death of one of my other plants was because of that.

i put a humidity dome on top so hopefully it comes through ok.
it looks better than it did at first.

so good sign right?


Well-Known Member
it would be such a shame if it dies! if its getting better now it will probally survive(lets all wish it survives real real hard and see if that doesnt help lol)


Well-Known Member
If its looking better then before then ya you got nothing to worry about. The ferret probably just shocked it. Put up some pic's.