This is trumps america

Stay safe, sister. We need you.
Yes , doing my best without losing my mind. The weed helps. I was going to let you know about my situation with the vaccine. I keep getting emails about healthcare worker stats with getting the vaccine . The say only 40% in our survey want the vaccine . I said I wanted it. They advise you to please realize it’s value and reconsider how important it is ....and please do your part and get vaccinated . Then go on to tell they are working hard to get it for us. When Joe releases all the vaccines Maybe one will be mine!!!! It’s going to be a wonderful day when he takes office and starts saving lives. We have a lot to look forward to.
CHEERS!! Have a nice weekend:joint::peace::confused::leaf::confused::confused::confused::D:joint::P:cuss:bongsmilie
With two part vaccines, I believe there’s a window in which the second shot must be taken. What happens if that second shot is delayed?
With two part vaccines, I believe there’s a window in which the second shot must be taken. What happens if that second shot is delayed?
Don’t worry about it. There is going to be so much dose being produced . It’s up to you to remember the day you need your second shot and work your schedule around getting it that day. Call in sick that day if you need to. This is your responsibility to yourself and everyone else so don’t skip it . Tell your boss and make arrangements to have the time ready . Don’t forget.
A good friends daughter worked at a senior care facility until about month ago, she couldn't take all the death anymore and quit even tho she was getting $100 a day hazard pay on top of her wages, she is driving for Amazon now.
That's a tough row to hoe.

That's also what they don't talk about. The mental damage done to all these workers in health care is immeasurable. It's going to make the PTSD of Afghanistan pale in comparison.
Don’t worry about it. There is going to be so much dose being produced . It’s up to you to remember the day you need your second shot and work your schedule around getting it that day. Call in sick that day if you need to. This is your responsibility to yourself and everyone else so don’t skip it . Tell your boss and make arrangements to have the time ready . Don’t forget.
Given that they’re no longer holding back second dosage, it all hinges on no hiccups and increased in production. No worries about me forgetting the second dose, I’m interested in whether anything physiological changes if the dose is missed or delayed (because reason stated), what’s the impact on my body’s ability to achieve ‘max van’ status?

A technical question, I know - I just wondered.
No one real
Given that they’re no longer holding back second dosage, it all hinges on no hiccups and increased in production. No worries about me forgetting the second dose, I’m interested in whether anything physiological changes if the dose is missed or delayed (because reason stated), what’s the impact on my body’s ability to achieve ‘max van’ status?

A technical question, I know - I just wondered.
No one really knows. You just got to it . And I guess get checked every so often for immunity. It’s a lot of on the fly work in progress stuff. I am sure Joe and the crew will figure it out. Cheers!
Given that they’re no longer holding back second dosage, it all hinges on no hiccups and increased in production. No worries about me forgetting the second dose, I’m interested in whether anything physiological changes if the dose is missed or delayed (because reason stated), what’s the impact on my body’s ability to achieve ‘max van’ status?

A technical question, I know - I just wondered.
But right now not enough doses is not the problem. It's getting it from the central location into people's arms. I know this a radical idea, but in India they are practicing what they will do once they get the vaccine. (they are using the voter registration roles to make sure no one is missed. About 911M in their latest election)
But right now not enough doses is not the problem. It's getting it from the central location into people's arms. I know this a radical idea, but in India they are practicing what they will do once they get the vaccine. (they are using the voter registration roles to make sure no one is missed. About 911M in their latest election)
I heard a doctor talking about the problem being people you pick not wanting the vaccine.

It may need to be something were people actively call to say they want it and those people get it first. But also makes it tough to get to people without ability to travel easily.

A lot going on.
That’s patently false, and written to instill fear instead of logic. That’s a stinky cologne.
So tired of your kind gaslighting what happened. We saw the videos taken from many angles and many perspectives.

A crowd with many Black people, marching for what? To end police brutality. Faced with police using military gear and broken up with gas, pepper balls and rubber bullets. The contradiction of police brutally suppressing a protest against police brutality is noted as well.

A crowd that is nearly entirely white men marching for what? To overturn our free and fair election. Faced with a small number of nearly naked unarmed guards, some of whom took selfies with the white terrorists after they had broken into and attempted to kidnap/murder congressmen. The contradiction of police doing the matador's move with the bulls while the crowd roars OLE', to allow them to illegally enter and trash a place where laws are written is noted.

So, I get it. You don't want to admit this is true. There is a double standard. The Capitol Police were/are compromised by fascist white nationalists who see dark skinned people as a threat and white ones as allies even though their behavior says the opposite. After all, its not as if you are threatened by them. Yet.

New name for the Republican Party
