This is what a police state looks like.

i cant beleive how many people here are literally asleep at the wheel, its like everyone else...scary shit...

coming to a city near you!

So do you think wwe care ? Think we are gonna run ? Asleep at the wheel don`t mean sh*t if the car`s not move`n !i

Think about that !i
What's the "car" in this sense? What car you looking at?

It's not about running. It's about being aware. If you don't see whats going on right now for what it is, then you don't get it..
Yeah they're looking for a suspect, but its a POLICE STATE right now. Granted it's not mandatory yeah but still...

If you're in the area growing, you're getting BUSTED....No warrant needed if they think dude is in your area.
i cant beleive how many people here are literally asleep at the wheel, its like everyone else...scary shit...

coming to a city near you!

You sound like a gypsy or a runaway scared of being caught. What brotherhood are you kneeling to ?
Just an observation, it took how long to kill that dude in the desert and it seemed everyone and their grandmother were looking for looking for him, yet it took less then 48 hrs to have a complete profile and possible whereabouts of the alleged bombers, now either the bombers were extremely sloppy {which is quiet plausible} or the scrutiny under which the American people are subject to on a daily basis without their knowledge is at a deeper level then I thought originally.

Obviously you didn't follow it at all. They were sloppy as fuck. They announced who they were robbed a store and killed a police officer. It literally couldn't be sloppier
What's the "car" in this sense? What car you looking at?

It's not about running. It's about being aware. If you don't see whats going on right now for what it is, then you don't get it..
Yeah they're looking for a suspect, but its a POLICE STATE right now. Granted it's not mandatory yeah but still...

If you're in the area growing, you're getting BUSTED....No warrant needed if they think dude is in your area.

That`s not how the law works. Pot is no big deal in MA. In fact it`s been legalized for medicinal purposes. They don`t take your pot unless they owe you one !i It`s all fines and if you have that much in Watertown, warrent jail, need to be schooled on what not to do anyway !i
]i cant beleive someone has the balls to say to me,
'your taking it a little out of context here'

man, are you saying armies and police PCs with tanks and turret shooters strolling down the street in a boston suburb is out of context...HOW COULD THAT BE OUT OF CONTEXT LOL i think whats out of context here is the cops in army uniform strolling down an AMERICAN CITY SUBURB.


NO. WE should revolt and go hang him and every other american politican by their necks all down 'locked down pennsylvannia ave in wash dc' and anyone else who has commited treason to the const. should be hung or decapitated as well, WE DONT NEED AN ARMY MOBILIZING THROUGH OUR CITIES TO CATCH 20 YEAR OLD KIDS BOMBS OR NOT I DONT GIVE A FUCK. there is absolutley no excuse, its straight up police state, 'a drill' for whats really to come, dont beleive me, i dont give a fuck, you wont catch me in a fema concentration camp. good luck to the rest of you. i just heard on the news the police are going thru people houses, everyone just seems to let them do what they wanna do' HAHA FUCKING SHEEPLE

im an afghan wannabe?
the semen in my ballsack has more american pride than your whole little fucking body bro, your literally asleep, i dont talk to zombies, sorry

This kid has left several armed bombs in his trail. He has already used them, to let people out into a mine field is setting the city up for neglagence.

Just because you are "all set for life" doesn`t mean everyone else is. It`s obvious you don`t like America,...well in Boston we tell them,...If you don`t like America....Leave !i

If you don`t like law enforcement, go to a country that has none !i

America got started in Boston, and we aint give`n it up to some kids with bombs, you, or terrorists from over seas !i

The world is not perfect, with it. Stop kneeling to the US Constitution, it means you read it wrong !i
its funny even with a 9 hour police state martial law style 'manhunt' and they cant find

dude i from america my whole life born and raised, I AM NATIVE, i was born here, you have no clue what your even talking abut and you just get mad because you think your protecting your home and country by letting police state style roundups happen in your neighborhoods, THAT IS NOT FREEDOM. DONT YOU SEE THAT?????????????? i sincereley wish you would wake up and see if for what it really is, it has nothing to do with me being set up for life with anything, i AM NOT set up for life, i own almost nothing. its not the point, and IMO if you wouldnt kneel or put your hand over your heart and swear on the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION then IMO you shouldnt be here and YOU READ IT WRONG

guess what? breaking an oath to the const. is treason and punishable by nothing short of death, do you know that?
The people of watertown are pissed, and get`n restless, but they`re not complaining, so why are other F`n people ? They know the search will end and the city will be Hot for a while,`s not that big a deal !i They still have their Rights and will be on their toe`s for a while !i
The people of watertown are pissed, and get`n restless, but they`re not complaining, so why are other F`n people ? They know the search will end and the city will be Hot for a while,`s not that big a deal !i They still have their Rights and will be on their toe`s for a while !i

No ones complaining...Quote the complaints in your next post...
It's more like someone took the time to point something out to you, yet you wanna flame about it...

I'f I had a weed garden and living in watertown I would be SHITTING BRICKS

You obviously don't live in the area and are growing..
As cool, calm, and collected as you are.
Nah...I believe in goverment, but fuck If I'll trust them blindly.
I'll leave that for ppl like you.

So when your house catches fire, call your friends,...if you roll your car on the highway and you get out but you passengers are trapped, me !i

Never blind and never straight,..aware and forward !i Are you try`n to figure out why a Government elected by the People are there ? That`s where it counts, not the second, or your beliefs !i
No ones complaining...Quote the complaints in your next post...
It's more like someone took the time to point something out to you, yet you wanna flame about it...

I'f I had a weed garden and living in watertown I would be SHITTING BRICKS

You obviously don't live in the area and are growing..
As cool, calm, and collected as you are.

If you have a weed garden in Watertown, you`re a rookie or a fool !i
So Ak how would you see the situation being handled in a way that satisfies your position?

I would love to see a manhunt done in the style its correctly supposed to be done. there doesnt need to be soliders and armed combat vehicles rolling down the streets with turrets on top literally iraq/fallujah style, its uneccesary, state police, local police and even natonal guard could come in do some knock and talks, theres not need to search someones house in a free country, thats what the 4th amendment is there for, its for a reason, a reason exactly like this. as i said before, do you know what posse commitatus is? its a law that prevents any outside federal military from coming into states and in essence invading their town or city. here is the posse comitatus act it reads and i quote

The Posse Comitatus Act is the United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) that was passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction and was updated in 1981. Its intent (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) was to limit the powers of Federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce the State laws.

The Bill/Act as modified in 1981 refers to the Armed Forces of the United States. It does not apply to the National Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The U.S. Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is also not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act, primarily because the Coast Guard has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.

now with military crawling around this place, a blackout to all mainstream media, not just free media, thats when u know something is wrong, abc nbc cnn are all parrots, they say what the white house or govt officials tell them to, why would even they be blocked out? it doenst make sense..then when reporters ask about military no one will answer, the questions are just ignored, do you smell the fucking shit? cause i can smell it from 200 miles away...and IT STINKS:peace:

thanks kinetic for caring about my opinion. i respect people who disagree and voice their opinion, but to call me an afghan wannabe is straight ridiculous. to me i look at it like this: the govt and people doing this are the ENEMY, if you defend, stand up for or try to rationalize a straight up tyrant-like law then you are no better than the person enforcing them, and should be dealt with accordingly, to me treason still means something.

''In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.''
-george orwell
Obviously you didn't follow it at all. They were sloppy as fuck. They announced who they were robbed a store and killed a police officer. It literally couldn't be sloppier
I watched as much as I could handle and it was enough, sloppiness was the word of the day for both sides. I've never seen a more disorganized force of power...