This is what a police state looks like.

Aknight3, It was all local, State, and MA National guard. There was no outside Federal Military The governor asked for the shutdown, and gave permission to do what was nessecarry to capture the coward on the run. The blackhawks were for the FBI which is not a Military. Those armored cars belong to and are labled MA State Police. Watertown is being relaxed now, this one got away for now, you take shit too far.
And again, the media giving terrorists around the world a play by play!

I couldn`t agree with you more !i The "owned" Media is a huge problem in America, but they`re protected by Right !i When they did away with airways broadcast,...the general public was locked out !i That animal needs to be dealt with !i
no i dont think i did take it to far, and i hate to break it to you but the dept of homeland security and ''the joint task force on terrorism'' is federal, there was a 2 star general at the scene in watertown who was ignoring press requests and questions pertaining to the military and feds being there, thx but i dont get my info from parrots, i talk to people who are there and are witness to this.i respect your opinion, im going to leave it at that, we each can think what we will, it doenst change anything, have a good day:peace:
i cant beleive how many people here are literally asleep at the wheel, its like everyone else...scary shit...

coming to a city near you!

Its crazy how many paranoid fear mongerers there are too. Do you seriously think Boston is now under permanent lock down? Like this is forever? You have flipped your lid of that's what you think. They are already telling people to go ahead an go about youre daily life. They can leave home now. Not even under lock down anymore. Once again, complete overreaction.

From your fav new agency,
This thread is so full of fail. The sky is not falling.

Suspect down in Watertown. Looks like they got the second guy, and Boston can go about their business, NOT UNDER MARTIAL LAW! Lol/
no i dont think i did take it to far, and i hate to break it to you but the dept of homeland security and ''the joint task force on terrorism'' is federal, there was a 2 star general at the scene in watertown who was ignoring press requests and questions pertaining to the military and feds being there, thx but i dont get my info from parrots, i talk to people who are there and are witness to this.i respect your opinion, im going to leave it at that, we each can think what we will, it doenst change anything, have a good day:peace:

Who gave the order for the Military attack ? Which Services entered houseing ? What was the troops Primary Objective ? What real estate is taken away and held ?

You can`t leave it at that because it`s not a Military operation, 1) cuz Watertown is still there,... and 2) because it hasn`t been decleared !i

Unless you can answer those questions above correctly !i You jump`n the gun sir !i

There is gunplay on Franklin st right now !i Went down searching a boat in a yard, so they say now !i
View attachment 2622991i wish i could make pics big

there ya go, buddy!


the only reason this police state is so successful is arbitrary geographic location. you can chill.

if they find any grows while searching for a killer, it can't be used against them. constitution and all.
Its crazy how many paranoid fear mongerers there are too. Do you seriously think Boston is now under permanent lock down? Like this is forever? You have flipped your lid of that's what you think. They are already telling people to go ahead an go about youre daily life. They can leave home now. Not even under lock down anymore. Once again, complete overreaction.

Suspect down in Watertown. Looks like they got the second guy, and Boston can go about their business, NOT UNDER MARTIAL LAW! Lol/

im not fear mongering, im telling you exactly what is happening in mytown, USA. i respect your opinion but I didnt say that its permanent and going to be like this forever, can you show me where i said that? i would like to see it...what i am saying is that this is the begining of many more things exactly like this to come, i can promise you that, but i didnt say its going to be lockdown in boston from today on, sorry you read it that way. you shouldnt say or talk about martial law like its something funny and its a joke, because its not. i can guarentee if your city or town were under martial law you wouldnt be laughing about it, i know that for a do know what martial law is right?

''Typically, the imposition of martial law accompanies curfews, the suspension of civil law, civil rights, habeas corpus, and the application or extension of military law or military justice to civilians. Civilians defying martial law may be subjected to military tribunal (court-martial).''

this has been going on for over 10 hours, it certainly isnt an overreaction, im sorry you disagree. 'not even on lockdown anymore' you say it like it was only for 1 or 2 not going to fight its really not worth it
I see no issue doing everything they are for this. More power to them. I'm a little surprised that the paranoia is leading people to believe that a grow is going to be busted because of this.......come on, I think they have bigger and more important things to be concerned with than us.

Fewer sativas people.........or at least a strong indica before bed.

I for one am thankful for having these men and women fighting for us, and putting their lives on the line to protect us and our families. I hope this ends with no more lives lost.

I guess Tip Top is happy that more people have died now........make your day bud?
Who gave the order for the Military attack ? Which Services entered houseing ? What was the troops Primary Objective ? What real estate is taken away and held ?

You can`t leave it at that because it`s not a Military operation, 1) cuz Watertown is still there,... and 2) because it hasn`t been decleared !i

Unless you can answer those questions above correctly !i You jump`n the gun sir !i

There is gunplay on Franklin st right now !i Went down searching a boat in a yard, so they say now !i
if i could answer your questions we all would have alot more answers let me ask you, who do you think ordered the military action? who do u think they sent into the houses? i didnt know they needed to declare anything before driving armored PC's with turrets and armored hum-v' sucks cause it seems like im blowing this out of proportion, but really lets all sit down logically and think about this shit for 1 min. was this what is was like years ago? during ww1 and ww2 did the govt come marching out artillery and armored carriers in its own country to 'show force' or 'manhunt' or whatever the fuck you want to call did YOU ever think you would turn on your TV in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and see LITERALLY militarized men, in combat and riot equipment, automatic rifles with PC's and turrets on top, walking down the street in formation, guns drawn. DID YOU EVER THINK YOU WOULD SEE THAT? I sure as hell didn't...i dont know maybe im the only one, sometimes i feel like im the one that i cant trust...but i doubt it..

ps thx buck, teach me plox?

im not fear mongering, im telling you exactly what is happening in mytown, USA. i respect your opinion but I didnt say that its permanent and going to be like this forever, can you show me where i said that? i would like to see it...what i am saying is that this is the begining of many more things exactly like this to come, i can promise you that, but i didnt say its going to be lockdown in boston from today on, sorry you read it that way. you shouldnt say or talk about martial law like its something funny and its a joke, because its not. i can guarentee if your city or town were under martial law you wouldnt be laughing about it, i know that for a do know what martial law is right?

''Typically, the imposition of martial law accompanies curfews, the suspension of civil law, civil rights, habeas corpus, and the application or extension of military law or military justice to civilians. Civilians defying martial law may be subjected to military tribunal (court-martial).''

this has been going on for over 10 hours, it certainly isnt an overreaction, im sorry you disagree. 'not even on lockdown anymore' you say it like it was only for 1 or 2 not going to fight its really not worth it

Gov. Patrick was there and gave the nessecarry permissions, What more do you need ? He`s the only man in the State that can do that,`s not Martial law, it`s stratigic policeing, Martial law is against the citizenry !i They`re asking, not telling !i
im not fear mongering, im telling you exactly what is happening in mytown, USA. i respect your opinion but I didnt say that its permanent and going to be like this forever, can you show me where i said that? i would like to see it...what i am saying is that this is the begining of many more things exactly like this to come, i can promise you that, but i didnt say its going to be lockdown in boston from today on, sorry you read it that way. you shouldnt say or talk about martial law like its something funny and its a joke, because its not. i can guarentee if your city or town were under martial law you wouldnt be laughing about it, i know that for a do know what martial law is right?

''Typically, the imposition of martial law accompanies curfews, the suspension of civil law, civil rights, habeas corpus, and the application or extension of military law or military justice to civilians. Civilians defying martial law may be subjected to military tribunal (court-martial).''

this has been going on for over 10 hours, it certainly isnt an overreaction, im sorry you disagree. 'not even on lockdown anymore' you say it like it was only for 1 or 2 not going to fight its really not worth it

Yeah but it's all over now. Get over it, Bostonians can leave their houses now. If it happened in my town, I'd be glad the. We're trying this hard to catch the motherfuckers responsible. If the authorities caught the guy, and maintained that type of presence in my town I'd be pissed. That's not what's happened.

if i could answer your questions we all would have alot more answers let me ask you, who do you think ordered the military action? who do u think they sent into the houses? i didnt know they needed to declare anything before driving armored PC's with turrets and armored hum-v' sucks cause it seems like im blowing this out of proportion, but really lets all sit down logically and think about this shit for 1 min. was this what is was like years ago? during ww1 and ww2 did the govt come marching out artillery and armored carriers in its own country to 'show force' or 'manhunt' or whatever the fuck you want to call did YOU ever think you would turn on your TV in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and see LITERALLY militarized men, in combat and riot equipment, automatic rifles with PC's and turrets on top, walking down the street in formation, guns drawn. DID YOU EVER THINK YOU WOULD SEE THAT? I sure as hell didn't...i dont know maybe im the only one, sometimes i feel like im the one that i cant trust...but i doubt it..

ps thx buck, teach me plox?

I`m convinced you don`t live in the city,...this sh*t happens all the F`n time, BUT, this is the largest I`ve seen,...I think !i