This is what liberals buy after bitching about minimum wage.

So when you say "liberals" and condemn an entire ideology you really mean one poster on this website. Hyperbole much?

You've still yet to show any evidence that Nordstrom's is shopped at more heavily by those with a liberal viewpoint versus a conservative one also. Of course you can't as I'm assuming this was a pot induced rambling from the beginning with no basis in any reality but your own.

Now maybe you guys know how your hill billy comments, etc, make us "conservatives" feel. But I doubt it.
remember the ag secretary who made the racist comments you so vigorously defended?

oh, you mean the chick who helped the white farmers keep their farm, and with whom she remains friends with to this day because she is so racist?

stop hating black people so much, it's ugly, even for someone as appalling as you.
uncle buck owner and king of rollup , I think you have great plants in that big greenhouse, you are surely one of the best, it would mean the world if you could please like and ....... me im not allowed to say the word again thanks
uncle buck owner and king of rollup , I think you have great plants in that big greenhouse, you are surely one of the best, it would mean the world if you could please like and ....... me im not allowed to say the word again thanks
Is that love in the air?
uncle buck owner and king of rollup , I think you have great plants in that big greenhouse, you are surely one of the best, it would mean the world if you could please like and ....... me im not allowed to say the word again thanks

what a waste of a good user name.
I like the name, but I agree with you, not my favorite food. I tend to stick with carrots and celery for snack time.

The name is cool though. Yeah I've been munching down like a rabbit on salads lately, passionfruit yogurt too, fucking addicted.
The name is cool though. Yeah I've been munching down like a rabbit on salads lately, passionfruit yogurt too, fucking addicted.

yogurt with nuts and/or berries is delicious. salads are what i eat for lunch every day. there is a wonderful restaurant across the street from my office, eat there every day.

i thank my holy stars every day for my health, my friends and my emotional support through this rough journey we call life.
I see those clothes on the people in line for Operation Santa each year.
They have tats, leather jackets, rings, bling and a fine hat.
They load 6 kids in the Cadillac and collect free winter coats and boxes of food.
I see those clothes on the people in line for Operation Santa each year.
They have tats, leather jackets, rings, bling and a fine hat.
They load 6 kids in the Cadillac and collect free winter coats and boxes of food.

We should embrace the notion that we all share in the wealth we call this great nation. If people choose to spend tons on clothes just to wear a few times and then donate, why can't others spoil in those good fortunes?

I think God intended us to be sharing, caring and loving.
We should embrace the notion that we all share in the wealth we call this great nation. If people choose to spend tons on clothes just to wear a few times and then donate, why can't others spoil in those good fortunes?

I think God intended us to be sharing, caring and loving.

You're hilarious. Those clothes are made in Peruvian sweat shops.
You're hilarious. Those clothes are made in Peruvian sweat shops.

I really appreciate your compliment about my personality. You are kind. And we should be kind to those who live in Peru, they are humans and they are our brothers and sisters in life.

Thank you very much for your comment. I am happy I was able to read it. God bless you.