This is what liberals buy after bitching about minimum wage.

Pay me and I'll write gay scat porn raunchier than your soiled kitty litter fertilizer.

i'm sorry, i only pay writers who have talent.

yogurt with nuts and/or berries is delicious. salads are what i eat for lunch every day. there is a wonderful restaurant across the street from my office, eat there every day.

i thank my holy stars every day for my health, my friends and my emotional support through this rough journey we call life.

Hey Bucky, those capital letters are missing again, did you forget you were using your see4 persona?
so lemme get this straight, you have inferred that i ENVY dolts who spend $230 for jeans that are already half worn out, and even some with rips and bleach marks on em? your inferationator-inator is all out of whack i do not ENVY fools who shop at nordstoms, I Hold Them In Contempt i ENVY people who have farms, and someday i may have one of my very own, this does not imply i hate farmers. my attitude is well adjusted, your inference mechanisms are badly damaged.
I have some "jeans that are already half worn out, and even some with rips and bleach marks on em" that I will gladly sell for the bargain price of $200.00!
I would keep the litter box in the bathroom if I had a cat but then my dog would eat the cat shit. Dogs love cat shit.

my dog does try to eat the cat litter, but not cat shit. unless it's out in the backyard.

youre not gonna let him live that down are you?

i approve.

what's to live down?

it's hard to finish a crop in october in portland without massive dehumidifiers and heaters, the mold eats it up. the late crop is always just mids anyway. it gets sold for low amounts and probably moved out east for all i know.

so i really couldn't give less of a shit that i had to hang some by the cat box.

but it is nice to see people so butthurt by it.
my dog does try to eat the cat litter, but not cat shit. unless it's out in the backyard.

what's to live down?

it's hard to finish a crop in october in portland without massive dehumidifiers and heaters, the mold eats it up. the late crop is always just mids anyway. it gets sold for low amounts and probably moved out east for all i know.

so i really couldn't give less of a shit that i had to hang some by the cat box.

but it is nice to see people so butthurt by it.

I miss your uncle ben sig.
She gets federal government subsidies for Obamacare, yet has a Nordstrom card.
Can't think of a better way for my tax dollars to be put to use.

class warfare IS the goal....out tax dollars only provide the collateral for the loan...the loan is what is paid out as subsidies.
As irritating as it is to see welfare recipients driving "nicer" cars than me.....can't really blame anyone for taking something they were offered and given.