This is where legends come from.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
I took 4 of the ladies out of the room. they were small and seeded out. The rest have seeds starting or almost ready. 3 more weeks is what these trannies get.


strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
6' diameter setups can do 1 lbs. a tier. Mine is not like the setups im familiar with. Its 5' diameter, which is part of my heating problem. next time im using 600 watters instead.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
This is some hollywood story right here. So now that the opening act went well and kept up the high spirits, the middle act is filled with defeat and depression. Now comes the final act. I just found out that a friend of mine, that I gave a couple (thank god it was only a couple) Mr.Nice clones also has seeds. That setup hasnt had any effects to stress the plants, and there are still seeds. So this means that the damn mother plant is or became a he/she, a tranny, a hermi, whatever you want to call it. Im going to burn that little bitch to the ground. It just so happens that I gave 12 Mr. Nice to the patient that gave me this mother, and now they have 12 trannys too. So moral of the story is...DONT PUT ALL YOUR GOD DAMN EGGS IN ONE FLIPPIN' BASKET!!!! especially if that egg has never been taken all the way to flower and produced what your looking for.


Well-Known Member
wow.. all hermie'd on you?? that's crazy. you really think it was heat stress?? I had some hermies once as a result of a light leak.. shitty deal. nothin seedless about hermies.


Well-Known Member
disregard my post.. somehow i missed your last one.
bad genetics eh? that BLOWS!!
I currently have SHIT TONS of seeds (seedbank seeds, and crosses i have made).. wish we could share

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
I have some seeds I got from Attitude, but Im not even sure I want to waste my time ever again on a plant if it isnt a proven female. Im looking into hashing it out, or pulling out all the seeds and rolling hundreds of joints. I hate seeds, irony can leave a sour taste in your mouth.


Well-Known Member
cool setup SS but horrible to hear about the trannies. u gonna flower out then start over i assume?


strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
ive got some Blue Dream Haze, Banana OG, and Chem Dawg clones to put in there when the trannys are done dyking out or whatever it is trannys do.


Well-Known Member
im laughing about the situation now. complete rookie mistake and the irony of the screen name is iceing on the cake.
Not just the screen name also the post title.
You came out bold with high expectations and shunned any advice I tried to give then sure enough your plants were too close together just like I said and then to fix it you had to trim leaves. (big roockie mistake)... And then seeded...

I'm not busting your balls about it, but maybe karma kicked you in the nuts a bit for being so cocky and unprepared and not listening to advice.

I don't know if it was a hermie that made your plants get seeded I haven't been reading every post in this thread but if so your trimming and having them too crowded may have been the cause of it all getting seeded in the first place and it all could have been avoided if you didn't have such a "I don't want your advice" attitude.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
look you fucking the whole fucking thread nefore you post your "im a fucking genious and I could have saved your grow" attitude.

me an 2 other growers have hermies from the same mom....the mom was hermie...thats the rookie mistake...and one of the people affected by this has more grow time the you are old.

i told you once to leave....let the door shatter your tail bone on the way out.

your a fucking duche bag and have no sense of people skills.


Well-Known Member
So big deal if the plants being too close together wasn't the cause of the hermies, it's still wrong and you still fail to accept any advice so fine, I will leave you on your own.

Karma will continue to kick your ass though if you don't listen to anyone or fix things you are doing wrong. You act like you're some big shot know it all grower... Hey everyone look at me I'm cool...

But there's always someone who knows more and it's dumb as shit to not ever listen.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
are you kidding me....your soooo right master weed grower.....i will never become a butterfly if i can not escape this cacoon of stubborness....i can only hope to have the vast wisdom you so willing hand out....i am not worthy and may karma strike down upon me for not seeing this sooner....i am sorry to have failed you....douche bag


Well-Known Member
I was just screwing with you because you got all in a twist a while back and showed me it was so easy to push your buttons. Then later in the thread you did have to start trimming leaves and I did want to say I told you so then but I kept my mouth shut per your request and didn't say anything up until "strictly seedless" got seeded and then you yourself started to laugh at the irony of it. I too got a kick out of it just because of the name and the irony of it, not because it can't happen to us all. But I admit I started off in this thread with attitude and it never got better and every time I talk to you I still want to push your buttons for some reason. I don't know why, but I'll move along and leave you alone. This bitchy fighting with people on the internet stuff gets old fast.