Yes, the cannabis helps not only with my chronic back pain and muscle spasms, but it also helps to keep me patient and understanding. I don't think I would be nearly so caring and empathetic if not for cannabis.
Also, it amuses me to see people get all riled up because you're not reacting to them getting all riled up at you.
Honestly, I decompress at work a lot, we have good avenues for that kind of thing. There are always people to talk to at work about it... And also, getting thank you cards from patients keeps me sane.
I got one the other day that said, "you broke four of my ribs, but you saved all of my life!" I teared up a little, I'll be honest. The gentleman who sent me that letter is on his way to see his granddaughter born, I'm ecstatic for him.
The good outweighs the bad, but there's so much shit to see through sometimes its difficult to see the good.