This Is Why US Healthcare Sucks


Well-Known Member
Universal health care.
People go to see doctor for preventative maintenance, not urgent care.
Practice healthy living, no need for $1000 cholesterol pill.

Demand for this shit goes down, so does the price for those who actually need it.
That is an interesting perspective. Are you implying drugs are a Giffen good? That's what I'm reading, and at first I thought "no". However, you may be on to something there. :-?


Well-Known Member
Ineed, I worked in army care centers so my exposure to some specifics are lacking. I never had to deal with patients who couldn't pay, or didn't have insurance. I got to treat my patients, pretty exceptional in that regard.
really?..doctors and PAC's have become salesman these days..they have retreats and golf weekends and sports outings oh! just a sec in the conference room gotta get those tips and tricks to force my patients paying exorbitant fees (how to persuade or "close" the patient), so pharm can live to trade another day!


Well-Known Member
Nice to see some common sense among most on this thread. My wife and I were both in health care for years. She still is.

Too bad more here don't see the big picture crime.
What kind of costs were associated with your practice that most of us don't realize exist?

Insurance, etc...


Well-Known Member
My wife is diabetic. Her glucose was controlled with a couple 30 dollar vials of insulin and a 100 count box of syringes that cost 12.50.

She sees a new doc that put her on pens. One cost 700 a month the other is 1400 a month.

That is what is wrong with health care. Drug reps push new more expensive drugs when the new one works.

Don't bs me. When a med losses its patent they tweak it to change it enough for a new patent. Same drug, way higher price.

A Dr will tell you "I can only treat the symptom.

There are no new cures. There will be no cures.

There is no profit in cures.
right on! same with's because of pharm. god forbid someone should be okay with a few tokes at night when i could take ambien, benzo's?..who's to pay for the research? why would i want something non-addictive that i can tailor to my needs when i can become addicted, go to rehab and need to take MORE drugs to get off?

it's such a win-win for pharm.


Well-Known Member
That is an interesting perspective. Are you implying drugs are a Giffen good? That's what I'm reading, and at first I thought "no". However, you may be on to something there. :-?
if you have 1000 boxes, selling for $10 each, and nobody is buying them, what do you do? you lower the price.

if you have a cholesterol drug that is selling for $1000 a month, and 10,000 people are currently using it, then 90% of the 10,000 people begin a healthy diet and exercise regimen, and now 5,000 people come off the cholesterol drug, the pharm companies will lower their price in an effort to attract more consumers. OR they will jack up the price on the remaining 5,000 consumers until they can no longer afford it.


Well-Known Member
if you have 1000 boxes, selling for $10 each, and nobody is buying them, what do you do? you lower the price.

if you have a cholesterol drug that is selling for $1000 a month, and 10,000 people are currently using it, then 90% of the 10,000 people begin a healthy diet and exercise regimen, and now 5,000 people come off the cholesterol drug, the pharm companies will lower their price in an effort to attract more consumers. OR they will jack up the price on the remaining 5,000 consumers until they can no longer afford it.
or the insurance company's who are in collusion with them..won't pay for; suddenly is a formulatory not on anyone's list..or huge co-pay i've seen it both ways.


Well-Known Member
Geronimo this is true due to the processing & additives of fast food and the plastic packaging. Less because of the calories. But I agree


Well-Known Member
People need to watch 2 films.

1. Fed Up
2. Forks Over Knives
you know i agree..when i was still at kushy fortune 500, expense account and i ended up with some high blood pressure and my cholesterol was high..nurse practioner was insistent i take..told her "no way"..not putting that shit in my body..bought an ellipitical (gym model) put in my living room..she said this cannot be controlled by time i saw her..i was 20lbs lighter..reran the blood..clean as a whistle and my hypertension that would "never go away without meds" was suddenly gone!..hasn't been back since..i eat right and exercise..that's all i did..don't let them tell you can't do it..remember they're sales people now.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the cannabis helps not only with my chronic back pain and muscle spasms, but it also helps to keep me patient and understanding. I don't think I would be nearly so caring and empathetic if not for cannabis.

Also, it amuses me to see people get all riled up because you're not reacting to them getting all riled up at you.

Honestly, I decompress at work a lot, we have good avenues for that kind of thing. There are always people to talk to at work about it... And also, getting thank you cards from patients keeps me sane.

I got one the other day that said, "you broke four of my ribs, but you saved all of my life!" I teared up a little, I'll be honest. The gentleman who sent me that letter is on his way to see his granddaughter born, I'm ecstatic for him.

The good outweighs the bad, but there's so much shit to see through sometimes its difficult to see the good.
There are few things that give me a warm and fuzzy like a simple 'thanks.' After breaking a few ribs to do so, even bigger warm and fuzzy.
really?..doctors and PAC's have become salesman these days..they have retreats and golf weekends and sports outings oh! just a sec in the conference room gotta get those tips and tricks to force my patients paying exorbitant fees (how to persuade or "close" the patient), so pharm can live to trade another day!
Service docs are not allowed to do A LOT of things that civilian doctors are, they are limited by a specific code of conduct and their branches regulations. I have never seen a pharmaceutical rep in any of my treatment centers, they don't have authorization to come on post. Service docs are not allowed to be paid by outside sources, cannot get paid for research, the level of separation is pretty damn high. Additionally as commissioned officers they are constantly under the scrutiny of another person above them, reviews are conducted often for adherence. The military medical world is much more sedate when it comes to direct corporate corruption, AMEDD is slow to adapt and slow to adopt new treatments. Efficiency of treatment is their goal, multiply the force, don't waste resources. We were pretty partitioned off from the craziness of all that pharmacheutical nonsense. The wining and dining goes on at the politician level as far as contracts go, people with stars on their chest are the ones at the golf/lunch meeting.


Well-Known Member
if you have 1000 boxes, selling for $10 each, and nobody is buying them, what do you do? you lower the price.

if you have a cholesterol drug that is selling for $1000 a month, and 10,000 people are currently using it, then 90% of the 10,000 people begin a healthy diet and exercise regimen, and now 5,000 people come off the cholesterol drug, the pharm companies will lower their price in an effort to attract more consumers. OR they will jack up the price on the remaining 5,000 consumers until they can no longer afford it. you're looking at it from both sides. The former implies it is a Giffen good (demand down, price down).
The latter is orthodox supply & demand. I think you are onto something more profound with the Giffen good idea...

well, it's supply and demand..pretty basic.
Not quite that basic.



Well-Known Member
it should be against the law for pharm to give doctors kickback, period..they get cash and trips.

you are concerned for your health and more than likely at a weak moment for which they prey upon you.

there used to be a day when the doc would say "no don't take that, too expensive..this will do the job nicely".