This Is Why US Healthcare Sucks


Well-Known Member
You should see (some of) the sleazy docs that deal with the mentally disabled. These docs really push any pill possible on the disabled. They get their pharma sales #s up this way, and the patient has the mentality of a 1 year old.

Been the same in different states we've lived in.


Well-Known Member you're looking at it from both sides. The former implies it is a Giffen good (demand down, price down).
The latter is orthodox supply & demand. I think you are onto something more profound with the Giffen good idea...

Not quite that basic.

i know what that is..i've studied our business we call it "modified declining model"..your CVI improves at the high end, however still have CVI at the low end.


Well-Known Member
it should be against the law for pharm to give doctors kickback, period..they get cash and trips.

you are concerned for your health and more than likely at a weak moment for which they prey upon you.

there used to be a day when the doc would say "no don't take that, too expensive..this will do the job nicely".
You just described nearly every military doc.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
it should be against the law for pharm to give doctors kickback, period..they get cash and trips.

you are concerned for your health and more than likely at a weak moment for which they prey upon you.

there used to be a day when the doc would say "no don't take that, too expensive..this will do the job nicely".

My primary care doctor received over $43K so far from pharmaceutical companies in 2013 alone. I haven't finished adding up his income from pharma in 2014.

Needless to say, I'm looking for a new physician.

Check your doc here


Well-Known Member
You should see (some of) the sleazy docs that deal with the mentally disabled. These docs really push any pill possible on the disabled. They get their pharma sales #s up this way, and the patient has the mentality of a 1 year old.

Been the same in different states we've lived in.
the mental health industry is an abortion.

desert dude

Well-Known Member

New class of Cholesterol drugs? $1000 a month.

Nowhere else on the planet is this allowed. Since the Unites States has become the United Corporation, they are allowed to subject us to this. All under the guise that we have the best health care system on the planet. We're sicker, fatter, don't live as long and are generally miserable. I'm not seeing any studies where we excell in anything except waste and fleecing of the common man.
Lately the medicos are saying that Cholesterol is no big deal.


Well-Known Member
My primary care doctor received over $43K so far from pharmaceutical companies in 2013 alone. I haven't finished adding up his income from pharma in 2014.

Needless to say, I'm looking for a new physician.

Check your doc here


how did you find that out?

and once again this is nothing but shifting money..income dispragement..something the repubs do nothing but cry about.

everyone already knows the system, our system is corrupt..get rid of lobby! take money out! shouldn't be in health or government!

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member


how did you find that out?

I typed in his name on that site.

My mother, another physician, has received $17 over the course of 2yrs, I spoke to her and the $17 is pharma coming into her office with sample packs and food for the employees. She refused further 'meetings' with pharma.

Now my PCP, seems to be accepting checks to pay his hotels, meals, fuel for his vehicle, not to mention the regular $1500 check here and there for who knows what?

Its disturbing.


Well-Known Member
I typed in his name on that site.

My mother, another physician, has received $17 over the course of 2yrs, I spoke to her and the $17 is pharma coming into her office with sample packs and food for the employees. She refused further 'meetings' with pharma.

Now my PCP, seems to be accepting checks to pay his hotels, meals, fuel for his vehicle, not to mention the regular $1500 check here and there for who knows what?

Its disturbing.
you mean in the OP? disturbing? it borders on criminal to suggest to a patient to take something because he gets a bonus..geeze and car sales people have a bad rap.

i only go to the doctor for refill authorization..if i'm sick, i go to urgent care $75 and they see me right away and give me what i need and out..i'm gonna say they don't do the pharm thing because they don't have that kind of patient's refreshing..they give me no hassles.
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Well-Known Member
i know what that is..i've studied our business we call it "modified declining model"..your CVI improves at the high end, however still have CVI at the low end.
Pardon my ignorance, but could you explain what CVI is? "Core value index"? That sounds like secret trucker lingo... :mrgreen:
And which "business" are you referring to? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Pardon my ignorance, but could you explain what CVI is? "Core value index"? That sounds like secret trucker lingo... :mrgreen:
And which "business" are you referring to? :lol:
consumer value index..which is far from trucker lingo.

why did you put business in quotes? with an lol? guess you're mocking me:sad:

not everyone can be you.


Well-Known Member
consumer value index..which is far from trucker lingo.

why did you put business in quotes? with an lol? guess you're mocking me:sad:

not everyone can be you.
Wrong interpretation. I was quoting it to distinguish it as being your words. I chuckled because I don't know what "business" (ahem) you were referring to. Do you keep records of people's CVs on here? o_O

I assure you, in the event I wish to mock you, I will make it overtly obvious. And thank you for the clarification on CVI.


Well-Known Member
Wrong interpretation. I was quoting it to distinguish it as being your words. I chuckled because I don't know what "business" (ahem) you were referring to. Do you keep records of people's CVs on here? o_O

I assure you, in the event I wish to mock you, I will make it overtly obvious. And thank you for the clarification on CVI.
it has nothing to do with weed.


Well-Known Member

New class of Cholesterol drugs? $1000 a month.

Nowhere else on the planet is this allowed. Since the Unites States has become the United Corporation, they are allowed to subject us to this. All under the guise that we have the best health care system on the planet. We're sicker, fatter, don't live as long and are generally miserable. I'm not seeing any studies where we excell in anything except waste and fleecing of the common man.
That's all the skill we need.


Well-Known Member
Universal health care.
People go to see doctor for preventative maintenance, not urgent care.
Practice healthy living, no need for $1000 cholesterol pill.

Demand for this shit goes down, so does the price for those who actually need it.
The problem is the very sick get triage into the same line with the not so sick, for diagnostics.

The tax rate in these UHC countries dwarf our rate. The heathcare is plain vinilla for all, if you are well.

But, what gets lost in UHC is you suffer and die early if you are sick. And I guess you just suffer patriotically. You don't have free Press in these countries, so what happens to individuals is very similar to the Veterans scandal, but just not reported.


Well-Known Member
Healthcare is fantastically more profitable in the United States than anywhere else in the world by a longshot. Blaming it on taxes is ignorant


Well-Known Member
The problem is the very sick get triage into the same line with the not so sick, for diagnostics.

The tax rate in these UHC countries dwarf our rate. The heathcare is plain vinilla for all, if you are well.

But, what gets lost in UHC is you suffer and die early if you are sick. And I guess you just suffer patriotically. You don't have free Press in these countries, so what happens to individuals is very similar to the Veterans scandal, but just not reported.
Not to sound rude, but do you have citations to support your claims?

Claim 1: "Tax rate in UHC countries dwarf our rate."
Claim 2: "Healthcare is plain vanilla for all, if you are well."
Claim 3: You suffer and die early if you are sick, in a UHC.
Claim 4: "You don't have free press in these countries, so what happens .... just not reported."

My opinion on:
Claim 1: We have lower tax rates among all competing industrialized nations. This is irrespective to healthcare.
Claim 2: Common sense and reality says different.
Claim 3: I don't know this statistic, but I find it hard to believe. Will need evidence to this.
Claim 4: Don't believe you.