This isn't over.

Got to wonder what kind of shit Trump will try to pull if he can successfully shut down the government.

Hopefully the Republicans have had enough and override Trump's temper tantrum.

Anyone else feel like Trump is testing all the levers of our democracy to figure out which roles of our government they need to have trolls planted into before the Russian military tries to pull this shit again.
This is the DAB, not the omnibus bill, so the government would not shut down because of this veto. The votes are there for the over ride, just have to see what kind of games the dead enders play. But the government might shut down if he doesn't sign the other bill.
This is the DAB, not the omnibus bill, so the government would not shut down because of this veto. The votes are there for the over ride, just have to see what kind of games the dead enders play. But the government might shut down if he doesn't sign the other bill.
Thank you, I thought it was the omnibus bill was wrapped in with it. I guess I am still experiencing some flashbacks from the last shutdown. Glad to be wrong.
I knew it was a first step.

Trump issues 26 new pardons, including ones for Stone, Manafort and Charles Kushner
President Donald Trump on Wednesday evening announced 26 new pardons, including ones for longtime ally Roger Stone, former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner's father, Charles.

The pardons of Manafort and Stone reward two of the most high-profile and widely condemned former advisers of the President, both of whom were indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller, went to trial and were convicted by juries of multiple crimes.

Manafort, who is serving home confinement, initially agreed to cooperate with Mueller then lied to prosecutors, while Stone never cooperated after lying to Congress to protect the President. Manafort spent close to two years in prison for bank and tax fraud, illegal foreign lobbying and witness tampering conspiracies before being released because of the Covid-19 pandemic, while Stone's sentence for obstruction of Congress and threatening a witness was commuted by Trump earlier this year days before he was set to surrender.

Charles Kushner, meanwhile, had been prosecuted by then-US Attorney for New Jersey Chris Christie in the early 2000s for tax evasion, witness tampering and illegal campaign contributions.

He eventually pleaded guilty to 16 counts of tax evasion, one count of retaliating against a federal witness -- his brother-in-law -- and another count of lying to the Federal Election Commission.
Also included in Trump's pardon list Wednesday evening is former California GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter's wife, Margaret, just one day after Trump granted Duncan Hunter a full pardon. Margaret Hunter had pleaded guilty last year to conspiring "knowingly and willingly" to convert campaign funds for personal use.

I was watching the news a couple hours ago and he's screaming for that lousy $600 check to be raised to $2000 so isn't that also a possible veto route with an override too?

What the fuck does Putin have on this guy to make him want to destroy his own country? I can't imagine the turmoil you real Americans must be going through while all this is going down. I don't dare talk to my US relatives about this as they are all ReTrumplicans and I'd end up having another stroke for sure.

I'm praying it all ends well for you guys but it sure is a shit show atm.

I was watching the news a couple hours ago and he's screaming for that lousy $600 check to be raised to $2000 so isn't that also a possible veto route with an override too?

What the fuck does Putin have on this guy to make him want to destroy his own country? I can't imagine the turmoil you real Americans must be going through while all this is going down. I don't dare talk to my US relatives about this as they are all ReTrumplicans and I'd end up having another stroke for sure.

I'm praying it all ends well for you guys but it sure is a shit show atm.

It must be something more than pee pee.

I read this article someone posted over at r/politics about a 3 party system. Sounds plausible and a bit scary.

Rick Wilson on Republicans after Trump: I'm worried about 'more competent' version

The Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson offers a very bleak outlook into the future for Republicans after four years of Donald Trump. In an interview with DW's Ines Pohl, he predicts the emergence of a third party in the US.

Personally I doubt that the hard core ReTrumplicans would accept a competent version for their new messiah. Hard to say tho.

The GOP is screwed.

They're going to have a slew of batshit crazy Trump wanna-be's come out of the woodwork to fill Trump's shoes, each one wanting to go further off the deep end than the other in order to "win".

Old world conservatives are only going to have three choices:
  • Bite the bullet and go along with them and hope they can work things out later.
  • Start their own party.
  • Join the democratic party to bury the present batshit crazy GOP, then start all over once they're completely driven out of government at every level.
Trump is signalling that he will take care of those who were loyal to him (it does not cost him any). And you will see the pardons get more questionable as he goes. He is getting people desensitized to whom he pardons. And 72 million, not 74. The more contrivercial the pardon the more his base will cheer him on thumbing his nose to the rest.

wonder if he's going to get to the real bad boys like Ted K. and El Chapo.
Got to wonder what kind of shit Trump will try to pull if he can successfully shut down the government.

Hopefully the Republicans have had enough and override Trump's temper tantrum.

Anyone else feel like Trump is testing all the levers of our democracy to figure out which roles of our government they need to have trolls planted into before the Russian military tries to pull this shit again.

Rachel Maddow pointed out that if he just leaves the Hereos bill not veto or sign that it will auto expire 1/4 and completely null and void because new congress 2021 and bill is old congress 2020 and starting from scratch i believe she called it a 'pocket veto'.
If Trump had any actual compassion he'd have already pardoned Assange, Snowden and the Silk road guy.

I was kind of hoping he'd pardon El Tiberon, haven't seen that guy around here for years! :lol:

he's probably here in colorado super max with the rest- one big cement block in the desert no chance of escape.
the pocket veto is completely on par with the calendar and that would/could be the final fvck you as the bill expires by neither veto or sign and would have to be completely redone due to different congresses.

his people in red states are on unemployment too.
Trump's alternative reality.
Ohio Republican knocks Trump criticism of spending bill: 'Items he complained about' are a 'lie' or 'in HIS budget'

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-Ohio) rebuked President Trump over his criticism of a $2.3 trillion package to provide coronavirus relief and fund the government.
Gonzalez said Trump was misleading the public when he criticized the bill earlier this week, suggesting it was funding too many overseas projects and that it did not provide large enough stimulus checks to American families.
“If @realDonaldTrump didn't want money going to foreign countries, he shouldn't have asked for it. 100% of the items he complained about last night were either a lie (i.e. illegals aren't getting $1800) or things in HIS budget (all the foreign aid),” the Ohio Republican tweeted.

“Finally, people are conflating 2 things. The covid deal had none of the pork that is being discussed. It was, however, combined with the omnibus. The omni had tons of pork. Again, though, this was Trump's pork,” he added.

Republicans scramble to prevent year-end legislative disaster

Washington was blindsided Tuesday evening by Trump’s lengthy criticism of the $900 billion COVID-19 relief measure and $1.4 trillion omnibus that needs to be signed in the coming days to avoid a government shutdown.

Now, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), one of Trump’s most loyal Senate allies, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) are trying to salvage the $2.3 trillion package, GOP sources said.

Graham is pushing for a vote on $2,000 stimulus checks, instead of the $600 direct payments in the bipartisan bill, and a sunset of Section 230 in the Communications Decency Act that shields social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter from lawsuits for content posted on their sites. Trump on Wednesday vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act for, among other things, not including a repeal of Section 230.

But such a package — boosting the size of the stimulus checks and exposing social media platforms to liability over content — would face bipartisan opposition, as many Republicans are worried about the soaring deficit and many Democrats don’t want to take a punitive shot at tech firms.

McCarthy told colleagues that Trump hasn’t made up his mind about whether to veto the massive COVID-19 relief and omnibus package, which he could hold at his desk until after the new Congress convenes on Jan. 3. If Trump doesn’t take action on the legislation during the 10 days that he’s allotted by the Constitution, excluding Sundays, it would result in a pocket veto and Congress could not vote to override it.

Instead, lawmakers in the new Congress would have to begin negotiating another package, something leaders want to avoid since it took more than seven months to strike a deal on the bill passed earlier this week.

Trump’s opposition to the bill caught lawmakers in both chambers by surprise, in large part because Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows helped negotiate the package.

The $600 stimulus checks, which Trump now complains are too small, were first floated to Democratic leaders by Mnuchin in a Dec. 8 phone call.

Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) told his GOP colleagues in a Wednesday call that he felt “Trump threw us under the bus.”

“The president was updated on this bill every step of the way by the GOP leadership. The COVID supplemental is a good compromise and the president should take it,” Bacon said in a public statement after the call, standing by his comments.

Trump's alternative reality.
Ohio Republican knocks Trump criticism of spending bill: 'Items he complained about' are a 'lie' or 'in HIS budget'

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-Ohio) rebuked President Trump over his criticism of a $2.3 trillion package to provide coronavirus relief and fund the government.
Gonzalez said Trump was misleading the public when he criticized the bill earlier this week, suggesting it was funding too many overseas projects and that it did not provide large enough stimulus checks to American families.
“If @realDonaldTrump didn't want money going to foreign countries, he shouldn't have asked for it. 100% of the items he complained about last night were either a lie (i.e. illegals aren't getting $1800) or things in HIS budget (all the foreign aid),” the Ohio Republican tweeted.

“Finally, people are conflating 2 things. The covid deal had none of the pork that is being discussed. It was, however, combined with the omnibus. The omni had tons of pork. Again, though, this was Trump's pork,” he added.

Republicans scramble to prevent year-end legislative disaster

Washington was blindsided Tuesday evening by Trump’s lengthy criticism of the $900 billion COVID-19 relief measure and $1.4 trillion omnibus that needs to be signed in the coming days to avoid a government shutdown.

Now, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), one of Trump’s most loyal Senate allies, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) are trying to salvage the $2.3 trillion package, GOP sources said.

Graham is pushing for a vote on $2,000 stimulus checks, instead of the $600 direct payments in the bipartisan bill, and a sunset of Section 230 in the Communications Decency Act that shields social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter from lawsuits for content posted on their sites. Trump on Wednesday vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act for, among other things, not including a repeal of Section 230.

But such a package — boosting the size of the stimulus checks and exposing social media platforms to liability over content — would face bipartisan opposition, as many Republicans are worried about the soaring deficit and many Democrats don’t want to take a punitive shot at tech firms.

McCarthy told colleagues that Trump hasn’t made up his mind about whether to veto the massive COVID-19 relief and omnibus package, which he could hold at his desk until after the new Congress convenes on Jan. 3. If Trump doesn’t take action on the legislation during the 10 days that he’s allotted by the Constitution, excluding Sundays, it would result in a pocket veto and Congress could not vote to override it.

Instead, lawmakers in the new Congress would have to begin negotiating another package, something leaders want to avoid since it took more than seven months to strike a deal on the bill passed earlier this week.

Trump’s opposition to the bill caught lawmakers in both chambers by surprise, in large part because Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows helped negotiate the package.

The $600 stimulus checks, which Trump now complains are too small, were first floated to Democratic leaders by Mnuchin in a Dec. 8 phone call.

Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) told his GOP colleagues in a Wednesday call that he felt “Trump threw us under the bus.”

“The president was updated on this bill every step of the way by the GOP leadership. The COVID supplemental is a good compromise and the president should take it,” Bacon said in a public statement after the call, standing by his comments.

Like the information, hate the source.
I can see Trump vetoing the bills to mak himself feel like a king and the GOP finally saying no to his demands with the government shutting down and no relief checks for people. Over Christmas holidays it won't mater too much and then only three weeks until Biden. It would be the best thing for the GOP to use this as a way to rid themselves of Trump.
Once you're on tRUmps enemies list he will not stop till he gets payback in his mind, which is to destroy anyone on the list. How do you get on the list, it doesn't take much. He will try to punish anyone that he thinks tried to stop him from winning a second term, he's insane.
I can see Trump vetoing the bills to mak himself feel like a king and the GOP finally saying no to his demands with the government shutting down and no relief checks for people. Over Christmas holidays it won't mater too much and then only three weeks until Biden. It would be the best thing for the GOP to use this as a way to rid themselves of Trump.
To do the most damage, he can just sit on the omnibus bill until the congress runs out. Then they will have to start from scratch (while the government is shut down). If he does veto it in time, they could over ride the veto. But the 10 days (excluding Sundays) he is allowed to keep it on his desk without signing extends into the new congress. So we are screwed.
I can see Trump vetoing the bills to mak himself feel like a king and the GOP finally saying no to his demands with the government shutting down and no relief checks for people. Over Christmas holidays it won't mater too much and then only three weeks until Biden. It would be the best thing for the GOP to use this as a way to rid themselves of Trump.
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