this look familiar?


Active Member
thanks for all the help... a little disappointing my journal couldn't share the same success as this thread lol.

Harry so u theorizing the reversal of nute flow is causing this... could be but the plant has been on a steady feeding schedule... maybe the soil is just now starting to become depleted. but its still getting the same FFBB liquid nutes.


Well-Known Member
i gotta wait for my lights to turn on so i can take a pic and show you. i always thought that thats how the genetics were too, but i did an experiment and i did 2 plants 1 strain (kush berry) which had redish/purple fan leave stems. i used the same nuitrients on both plants but with one i gave it 1 tsp per gallon and the other i gave 1 1/2 tsp per gallon after 3 weeks of this i found the plant that redish/purple fan leave stems were starting to turn green, bright green. eventually by week six the fan leaves are completely green. again i will show you pics when my lights turn on


Well-Known Member
Agreed your plants look pretty good. Check PH to ensure that is not a cause for P lockout which would make for purple stems


Active Member
this bud has been red / purple from the beginning but sometimes its so vivid it looks neon i sware. might also be the CFLs enhancing the color of the plant. ya i got sum pics let me upload a few...


Well-Known Member
Big Bloom wont provide for the plants long term well being its quite low on micro nutes and has less than adequate N for sustained growth. Have you used any other ferts


Active Member
harry i did have a PH issue in some of my smaller plants it was right around 6! so i added some baking soda to water and honestly they look much better. i did not do that baking soda thing to the big plant because she didnt look like she had a PH problem. my other girls were showing the 'rusty leaf' look... that tipped me off to test the soil PH. water is either bottled or tap... i live in a major city with decent water.


Active Member
N is through the roof! im using a color coded test kit at the moment (i know not accurate but its what i have) and the nitrogen is higher than the highest reading they have.


Active Member
i gotta wait for my lights to turn on so i can take a pic and show you. i always thought that thats how the genetics were too, but i did an experiment and i did 2 plants 1 strain (kush berry) which had redish/purple fan leave stems. i used the same nuitrients on both plants but with one i gave it 1 tsp per gallon and the other i gave 1 1/2 tsp per gallon after 3 weeks of this i found the plant that redish/purple fan leave stems were starting to turn green, bright green. eventually by week six the fan leaves are completely green. again i will show you pics when my lights turn on
This is only one strain you are "experimenting" on. That doesn't say anything for any other strain. All it says is YOUR plant was deficient.


Well-Known Member
Your soil must be jacked up, thats good but you still need the micros. Tap water tends to be "hard" which if excessive can buildup and lockout other nutrients I switched to botlled distilled water about a year ago and have reduced my issues significantly.


Active Member
ok as for soil its not just soil. it has a pretty good macro / micro fert blend. im not an amateur gardener just an amateur ganja gardener. yea the choice to go tap was more or less just one day saying fuck it lets see if it will work... and it pretty much almost owned my smaller NY47. the bigger plant has gotten local spring water its life... maybe one or two tap waterings. Thanks for the help guys i appreciate it, especially the different points of views. and SS i think that nocal was showing his grow to add some authenticity to his claims.


Well-Known Member
Cool man ya dont sweat it too much as long as the bugs arent a major issue you're doing pretty good better than my first couple attempts. Keep your thumbs green


Active Member
harry thanks for info about hard water. i really never gave it a lot of thought to be honest... i didnt think mineral levels were that high but ive never looked with a meter so that could be the reason for the potential P deficiencies (or just a P lockout). will these salts / minerals breakdown or do i have to apply a treatment to reduce them?


Active Member
ohhhh also as yall know im growing CFL... ive some full spectrum, 27k, and bright daylight. i know the lower kelvin is better for flower but would having extra full daylight bulbs HURT flowering?


Well-Known Member
Fox farm claims big bloom will breakdown salt buildup and I use it in my flush waterings between feedings for that purpose but I dont know about breaking down the minerals I would just flush with distilled or RO water mixed with a small amount of FFBB and then "start over" with low ppm water and your normal feedings and you should be fine but really doesnt look like you have much of an issue.


Active Member
ya. slight overreaction on my part... the bugs got me freaked out and now im thinking about stuff thats not even rly an issue. I dont know much about these designer nutes everyone seems to be using, but you cant really argue with the results. ive just been using different meals, mycorrhizae for the roots, and and some espoma stuff. it pretty much didnt take any food at all till maybe 2 weeks ago. that was its first FFBB feeding and im barely giving it any cuz i dont wanna burn a flowering plant this large (for me). so i guess my question really is what nute combo do you recommend for soil growers? i really just want something high in P for the flowers like bone meal.