This makes you wonder How many illegals are using stolen identities out there.

You don't know what I want. You guys are always trying to tell me what I'm thinking. What's up with that?

$33,000 per year is the median wage for a working adult in the US. There are plenty of people in this country who are single with kids. It doesn't matter that you are disgusted by their "bad" choices, they are here and part of our society. Their kids are part of our society's future.

Please explain to me how that person can pay rent, utilities, transportation, feed and clothe their kids, and pay $15,000 per year for health care coverage. Also save for retirement and their kids college education. $15,000 is the average cost companies pay for for a family's health care coverage.

Then consider trying to live on $10,000 per year.

Actually if working full time, each kid is worth 1k a pop more in tax credits, plus their welfare credit, and boom we now make 33k a year tax free with a 5-6 k bonus check to start every year off. Kids are covered for healthcare til the age of 18, single parent probably is getting free healthcare too.

These people are NOT living on 10k a year. They are living on nearly 40k a year tax free
So you wanna pay burger boy nearly 20 bucks an hour so they can work much less and have the same. Fine, but people already making 20 bucks an hour now will need a raise because they are still worth more than burger boy is per hour and always will be, probably why they made more before all the living wage shenanigans. Instantly every business owner and service provider who has a brain will raise their prices knowing everyone has more money with all the increases in cost of goods and services, well except burger boy but he couldn't afford those services before anyway. And now he still can't.

Ah damn.
It's not the woman's fault she won't have sex with you dude, women don't owe you sex.

You incels, the literal unfuckables, should stop being whiney little entitled cuckold bitches and some day a marginally good looking woman might find you attractive.
It's not the woman's fault she won't have sex with you dude, women don't owe you sex.

You incels, the literal unfuckables, should stop being whiney little entitled cuckold bitches and some day a marginally good looking woman might find you attractive.

How many times do you think you have to use that before it actually hits someone in the feels?

At least tell me to think of the last person that I cared about who died, and then laugh for them being dead and my upset feels. What if I've never dated anything and ended up marrying a good looking woman? Someone is dating these people ya know...
How many times do you think you have to use that before it actually hits someone in the feels?

At least tell me to think of the last person that I cared about who died, and then laugh for them being dead and my upset feels. What if I've never dated anything and ended up marrying a good looking woman? Someone is dating these people ya know...
I dont speak German, Nazi, try responding to me in English in future.
So you wanna pay burger boy nearly 20 bucks an hour so they can work much less and have the same. Fine, but people already making 20 bucks an hour now will need a raise because they are still worth more than burger boy is per hour and always will be, probably why they made more before all the living wage shenanigans. Instantly every business owner and service provider who has a brain will raise their prices knowing everyone has more money with all the increases in cost of goods and services, well except burger boy but he couldn't afford those services before anyway. And now he still can't.

Ah damn.
they pay the burger guys $20 an hour in denmark and their big macs cost about the same as ours

in australia they get $17 an hour and their big macs cost less

so excuse me for not putting any credence in your white supremacist musings, tax evading illegal
Actually if working full time, each kid is worth 1k a pop more in tax credits, plus their welfare credit, and boom we now make 33k a year tax free with a 5-6 k bonus check to start every year off. Kids are covered for healthcare til the age of 18, single parent probably is getting free healthcare too.

These people are NOT living on 10k a year. They are living on nearly 40k a year tax free
sounds like you're speaking from experience, mr. brokedick-who-grinds-his-own-flour
So all those who speak German are Nazis? Interesting. I bet you blame whitey for all the troubles, too.

Meanwhile in the fast lane of life, everyone is passing you, again.

i think he's making six figures working at his own pace while you have to evade taxes and grind your own flour to prop up your shitty, failing construction company
Actually if working full time, each kid is worth 1k a pop more in tax credits, plus their welfare credit, and boom we now make 33k a year tax free with a 5-6 k bonus check to start every year off. Kids are covered for healthcare til the age of 18, single parent probably is getting free healthcare too.

These people are NOT living on 10k a year. They are living on nearly 40k a year tax free

You imagine what I'm thinking. Now you imagine what other people are making. Without knowing anything you can imagine whatever you like to salve your conscience.

LOL. A person isn't raising children for tax credits, idiot. Raising a child costs about $14,000 per year (as of 2015). Two kids cost $28k/yr. Democrats put in place CHIP and the tax credits, not Republicans. In order to seem less of an ass, you quote programs that Republicans are trying to eliminate. Some states don't offer much at all for CHIP, dummy.

Being poor isn't a failure in morality. The help they receive isn't enough but I'm glad they have access to it. You just whine and complain.

I'm citing data from US ag that says farm workers earn about $10k per year. You go ahead and pull numbers out your ass to say otherwise. Too bad your conscience can't deal with facts and you have to make up numbers.
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You read about a made up word that LogDog labels others with so they won't see that he is a perfect representation.

You do understand that if they are "motherfvckers" then they are in fact having sex?

You idiots make this almost too easy. ;)

Made up or not it describes a lot of the racist losers on this site and their sexual frustration to a t. It really does explain a lot. I used to work with one of those guys. Doesnt know how to act around women, vapes, listens to anime soundtracks at work to go with his fedora and trench coat. Greasy long hair and a shit moustache.

How many people here did I just describe?
You still upset about Buckold using your pic?
It still doesn't reflect well upon your argument that you can't answer with anything but an insult.

Could it be that you can't think of an answer?

Survey says......Yes! ;)

Again....the mirror would be a really good tool to use at this point.

I don't need your to prove it anymore to know that you're full of shite, but keep doing exactly what Buckold does.
Ohhh, does Cousin Itt object to being called INCEL? Dude, it's obvious from your posts. I'd offer you advice but I prefer that you not procreate. For the sake of humanity.
If you got balls get on bus and talkin about yr shit ......
I haven’t seen any rasist have once
It's blue crab season on the Chesapeake right now. But nobody is picking blue crabs for crab cakes due to the lack of temporary visas (of course Mar a Lago got theirs). The funny thing is, most of the crab fisherman voted for Trump but now they can't process their product.

Oh well, at least they are still white.

Cold weather killed off a third of adult Chesapeake crabs this winter, but juvenile crab population surges in 2018

The Chesapeake Bay crab population is down by 18 percent in 2018 compared to last season after cold weather killed off more than a third of adult crabs.

But the number of juvenile crabs swimming into the bay is up by a third as crabbing season begins.

That means watermen are expecting a slow start to the season, which technically began April 1. But the harvest could get busier in late summer when many of the young crabs have grown big enough to be considered legal catch.
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Ask them how much their processer is paying right now.

Abundant crabs not too pricey for Maryland's Fourth

Owing partly to tighter catch limits, the Chesapeake Bay's crab population has rebounded in the past few years from perilously low levels.

While this year's crab population isn't quite up to last year's robust levels, the supply remains abundant enough to keep prices in check.

Crab prices are determined by multiple factors, including demand from consumers, costs for watermen and the price of out-of-state crabs coming into the local market. A number of popular restaurants — including Cantler's Riverside Inn in Annapolis and The Point Crab House and Grill in Arnold — say increased supplies of local crabs have let them lower prices in recent years.
You seem to know LogDog well. ;)

I don't know, do you have an issue w/ it and is that why you keep casting it around so you won't be (even more) alone?
Most things seem obvious to idiots when they exert the enormous effort to try to perceive things.

Makes me proud my sperm has been proven to be potent enough dash your hopes of my childlessness. ;)

Now can we get back to illegal immigrants stealing identity and evading tax and how the first instance of breaking the law (illegal immigration) doom the immigrant to commit further criminal acts just to be able to earn a living because of that initial criminal act?

Tell us more about how women should simply give up vaginal sex for anal. as a means of preventing conception. As obtuse an argument as I've ever heard. "If the bitch gets pregnant she has to carry it to term". Oh yeah, that line is going to get you laid, INCEL.

Cousin Itt, you've become ridiculous. You have no credibility. Nobody can take you seriously.
Actually if working full time, each kid is worth 1k a pop more in tax credits, plus their welfare credit, and boom we now make 33k a year tax free with a 5-6 k bonus check to start every year off. Kids are covered for healthcare til the age of 18, single parent probably is getting free healthcare too.

These people are NOT living on 10k a year. They are living on nearly 40k a year tax free

You sound jealous
Then why don't those immigrant laborers just stay at home where that $10,000/yr. sum is a princely yearly income? ;)
Let's try again:

Could it be that the country they emigrate from is not able to offer even that poverty level income potential to the majority of the population?
You know, the country made up of people that want to leave the country they are from.

If these people cannot be bothered to:

a.) Learn the language of the country they want to emigrate to

b.) Apply for citizenship by coming to a port of entry just as every other immigrant citizenship petitioner has

If that's too much of a hassle, perhaps that's a reason that these people from this country they so desperately want to leave, have a country they so desperately want to leave.

You not only want to invite them in but subsidize their income?

INCEL got so lonely he started talking to himself.

This is my favorite part:

Of the 313 employees whose records were examined, 123 were found suspicious and targeted for arrest and criminal charges of identity theft and, in nearly all cases, tax evasion.

It's pretty Sad but I guess it's just the price we have to pay to allow illegals to take American jobs and drive down wages. To hell with the law.

my favorite part:

they take jobs white men won't work and pay taxes they can never file for or get SS/Med.

we get to keep pricing stable..if they weren't around everything would be much more expensive.