This N That


Well-Known Member
thats true man true but a kick can leave you scarred for life. Taps are bitchen, i know that exact feeling, but a kick vs a tap? look at the muscle on your leg for a second, now comparte to your arm.


Well-Known Member
Adderall. I am afflicted with ADD and take Adderall XR 20mg every morning.

I think that most people didn't know what you were referencing ...

Think first or ask questions later?


Well-Known Member
Ahh man adderall makes me dumb, kind of like a down off coke, ritalin is tight shit, ever tried it? Though different strokes for diff. fokes so idk.

you got to learn to think first.

drop in on a surfboard on the wave in my avatar or kite surf in the burmuda triangle?