I run the site... the reason I started the site was out of bordem from designing other sites.... It was my getaway hobby that has turned into a full time job. You guys keep me very busy, although you don't see me posting much I am usually here and available if needed. When I started this site I honestly did not think it would take off, but we lucked and and started with an excellent userbase and they are extremely helpful. All of you are very helpful and make this community what it is, a small family if you will we all heard about russ and a couple people are keeping tabs on him in case he needs our help, really thats what makes it worth while to me. There is nothing illegal about this website and therefore secure, yes we discuss information that if put into use can be illegal however the little thing of freedom of speech is what keeps us safe. Just remember, I do my best to keep everyone safe and anon on this site, but I cant stop stupidity so just be careful. Again thank you to all the helpful users on this site you make it what it is.
btw, thank you friend =]