This sites safety

:) I run the site... the reason I started the site was out of bordem from designing other sites.... It was my getaway hobby that has turned into a full time job. You guys keep me very busy, although you don't see me posting much I am usually here and available if needed. When I started this site I honestly did not think it would take off, but we lucked and and started with an excellent userbase and they are extremely helpful. All of you are very helpful and make this community what it is, a small family if you will we all heard about russ and a couple people are keeping tabs on him in case he needs our help, really thats what makes it worth while to me. There is nothing illegal about this website and therefore secure, yes we discuss information that if put into use can be illegal however the little thing of freedom of speech is what keeps us safe. Just remember, I do my best to keep everyone safe and anon on this site, but I cant stop stupidity so just be careful. Again thank you to all the helpful users on this site you make it what it is.

btw, thank you friend =]
:) I run the site... the reason I started the site was out of bordem from designing other sites.... It was my getaway hobby that has turned into a full time job. You guys keep me very busy, although you don't see me posting much I am usually here and available if needed. When I started this site I honestly did not think it would take off, but we lucked and and started with an excellent userbase and they are extremely helpful. All of you are very helpful and make this community what it is, a small family if you will we all heard about russ and a couple people are keeping tabs on him in case he needs our help, really thats what makes it worth while to me. There is nothing illegal about this website and therefore secure, yes we discuss information that if put into use can be illegal however the little thing of freedom of speech is what keeps us safe. Just remember, I do my best to keep everyone safe and anon on this site, but I cant stop stupidity so just be careful. Again thank you to all the helpful users on this site you make it what it is.

I am sorry. I was wrong. Thank you.
THE MAN! :peace: Thank you so much for everything, Ive learned so much in the little time ive been here, Im on here reading random stuff daily

:) I run the site... the reason I started the site was out of bordem from designing other sites.... It was my getaway hobby that has turned into a full time job. You guys keep me very busy, although you don't see me posting much I am usually here and available if needed. When I started this site I honestly did not think it would take off, but we lucked and and started with an excellent userbase and they are extremely helpful. All of you are very helpful and make this community what it is, a small family if you will we all heard about russ and a couple people are keeping tabs on him in case he needs our help, really thats what makes it worth while to me. There is nothing illegal about this website and therefore secure, yes we discuss information that if put into use can be illegal however the little thing of freedom of speech is what keeps us safe. Just remember, I do my best to keep everyone safe and anon on this site, but I cant stop stupidity so just be careful. Again thank you to all the helpful users on this site you make it what it is.
I feel pretty safe on this site, but I go on this secretely. As long as u dont tell any of ur information and u delete ur history and cookies I think u should be fine, its not like any of us on here are doing real crime like violent stuff.... I hate to ask, but what happened to "That one guy", how did he get busted and what happened?
This is :twisted:weird.
I"m no narco. I've done my time in the joint and now I'm trying to make some money. I think I'm about done here anyhow. There's being smart and being just fucking dumb. I'll leave the rest of my comments to myself. Peace.
How kind of you to address this thread personally. I love this site and am so glad that you created it. I have learned so much from this site that I can't possibly express my gratitude. When I found this site I couldn't believe it was for real but I am so glad I found it. In my opinion,
This site ROCKSSSSS!!!!! :mrgreen:
Thanks site creator!!!! :weed::D
:) I run the site... the reason I started the site was out of bordem from designing other sites.... It was my getaway hobby that has turned into a full time job. You guys keep me very busy, although you don't see me posting much I am usually here and available if needed. When I started this site I honestly did not think it would take off, but we lucked and and started with an excellent userbase and they are extremely helpful. All of you are very helpful and make this community what it is, a small family if you will we all heard about russ and a couple people are keeping tabs on him in case he needs our help, really thats what makes it worth while to me. There is nothing illegal about this website and therefore secure, yes we discuss information that if put into use can be illegal however the little thing of freedom of speech is what keeps us safe. Just remember, I do my best to keep everyone safe and anon on this site, but I cant stop stupidity so just be careful. Again thank you to all the helpful users on this site you make it what it is.
This is really well written. I really like reading people's points of view.
Not one of us should ever admit that we have even committed a crime,this is nothing but an act of civil disobedience,disagree with the police and claim you have done nothing wrong and hurt no one,you have just been participating in an act of civil disobedience to get an unfair and unjust law changed.

Also try to remember that without dealers millions of people including medical users would have no weed so don't forget to respect the guys that sort you out as without them you have nothing.

Dont admit to cannabis being a crime,claim all the way through that you have not committed a crime,ask them to prove that Marijuana is a crime and explain why it is a crime and then ask for a trial by jury and present all of the evidence that proves that cannabis is not criminal.

Make them work so hard to get each and every one of you,the only crime thats being committed in reality is that we have had our free will revoked to such a point where its become personal and God gave us that free will and any man that tries to take it away when we are doing no real harm is evil and against Gods law that they propose to uphold.

Seeing as all of the laws are supposedly based on the bible how can a jury then find you guilty in Gods courts of law where you must swear on the bible when you have in actual fact committed no crime because cultivating cannabis cannot be a crime only a rule that they have imposed upon the world in their fear.

God made cannabis are they saying God is a criminal?

Long live civil disobedience,if we stick together they will eventually have to give us,the public,what we want and at least the right to smoke and grow in the privacy of our own homes.

If a nutters a nutter he will kill some one whether hes toked or drunk or coked or wateva.
Normal people smoke and then sit down simple as that:blsmoke:
most of the busts are large scale ops meant to mass produce bud for sale. keep it small and secret and you'll be fine.

as to people worrying that the DEA or whoever could access this site's records, i thought we had established this site's non-American hosting, leading to a large lack of jurisdiction for American law enforcement.

as for admitting to selling drugs, in my country we can be charged with trafficking for passing a doob from one person to another so admitting to sharing a joint can land us in trouble too. either way, i'm lucky enough that marijuana laws aren't very actively enforced where i live (walk down a downtown street tokin' and chances are nobody will interrupt you unless they want a drag).
The gov't focuses its anti-drug efforts at the top of the chain to stop it from proceeding further down the pyramid. They don't care about end-users, or people who grow a few plants for themselves. Of course if you made it easy for them, they would gladly bust you, but they aren't going to spend man hours search forums to make thousands of arrests on home growers. This effort would not put a dent in the issue at all. If anything, they would like to bring the site down, so that it doesn't facilitate the spreading of information, or access to seeds. was busted because they sold seeds. This was the main reason they focused their efforts there. That and the fact that the site was high-profile, made it an ideal bust for them to brag about to the press and send a message to the users. During the entire bust, they didn't make any arrests on people who posted on the site. The only arrests where the owner, and some employees.

There is no proof that any of us live in countries where weed is illegal. Therefore they must give us the benefit of the doubt. Theres also no proof that we are actually doing anything illegal at all, unless you are stupid and photograph yourself next to said illegal substance.
In order for them to get any information on who you are it has to come from one of two sources.

1 yourself, if you don't put up personal information or do anything silly on here that will get you busted, you have nothing to worry about.

2 has its servers seized and then inspected by leo or the feds. This is what happened to overgrow because there were people selling seeds, trading seeds and providing M.O.M. (mail out marijuana ). The guy that runs this forum and maintains its upkeeping has a team of lawyers that he constantly checks with to stay within the law of providing a forum dedicated to the growing of marijuana for medicinal purposes and this is why the rules that are in place are in place.

If you don't follow these rules then you are putting the site in jeopardy which is why there are to be no proposals for sale or trade on the boards, you must be over 18 and you shouldn't give out any personal details.

I personally love this site purely for the reason that it is fairly easy going here, their aren't stupid amounts of rules here unlike other forums the rules that exist here are to keep you safe and to keep the majority of people here happy, so apart from the rule above the only other thing you really have to worry about is being decent to each other. This forum has a great sense of community with a lot of friendly people who are always willing to help you if they can. Stick around long enough and you'll be sure to make some really good friends who think the same way as you do. is the best growing forum on the net, its second to none.

Well said Drizzle and NGT.

"ALL HAIL ROLLITUP"! Thanks for giving me a safe place to come and check out some of GODs greatest herbs. :blsmoke:
Well Ralphie boy, I was assuming that this site was secured when I joined, hence the reason I put my ass out there. Also, I wanted to share a little bit with some of the men/women as to why I have come here. I wanted the members to know what kind of person I am. I'm a straight shooter and I say what I mean. It's how I am. As for your opinion with calling me a moron, you can go fuck yourself bro. I didn't ask for your opinion. Your lucky your not within arms length of me now punk :evil:

You posted a thread about this sites security, I then let you know that it is stupid to put the fact that you grow with the intent to sell out there.. Nothing is secure when it comes to your freedom.. You never know.. Lets not play this game of being cool behind a screen saying youd kick my ass. neither one of us know each other or our capabilitys.. I hate e-tough guys, but if it makes you feel cooler, hey what the hell.. go for it
You posted a thread about this sites security, I then let you know that it is stupid to put the fact that you grow with the intent to sell out there.. Nothing is secure when it comes to your freedom.. You never know.. Lets not play this game of being cool behind a screen saying youd kick my ass. neither one of us know each other or our capabilitys.. I hate e-tough guys, but if it makes you feel cooler, hey what the hell.. go for it

It appears clear to me that hydronoob you are not here for any other reason but to insult the longstanding members of this community, therefore i have removed you from the site.

he seemed like a liability anyways.. i gave up on him after reading "I"m no narco. I've done my time in the joint and now I'm trying to make some money. I think I'm about done here anyhow."
he seemed like a liability anyways.. i gave up on him after reading "I"m no narco. I've done my time in the joint and now I'm trying to make some money. I think I'm about done here anyhow."

I haven't seen him add anything worthwhile so far, he said his times done here now it really is. I gave him warnings already. in pm and in the form of an infraction, but he still seemed intent on causing friction.

There aren't many rules on this site but respecting each other is one of them and its very important.

What is the difference between an opinion and a judgement?
All I said was that this is weird. It is my opinion which I am entitled to. You said I am weird. Thank you! Yes I am.
So what!

You came on this site and asked a perfectly legitmate question. It wasn't a stupid one. If fact, it's probably one that most of us have wondered about but never asked. Well you did, which is cool. No problem.

You had an opinion about the person who operates the site and some of the members. Were you making a judgement or just an opinion?

I don't have a problem with the question you asked dude, I just happen to really like this site and, like others here, feel some kind of loyalty to it and it's members. The information I have learned here is priceless. I've been smoking for over 30 years(off and on) and growing for 15 years(off and on) and have learned more here in the last 4 months than I have in all these years. If I could reach out and shake some of these members hands and say "thanks for all your help' I would happily do so. I feel a kinship with these people and a need to defend them and this site.
It wasn't the question you was just the way you asked it .

I am not in conflict with you dude. I hope you get as much use and enjoyment here as I do.


And hydronoob! Jesus loves ya...

but I think you're an asshole!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

(just jokin' with ya :roll: don't freak.

Who the fuck are you to judge? If you can't say anything nice or comment on the grow. Shut your greasy hole. You're weird.