the map says once you come to the fork in the road to look for the dead crow and lift up the trap door in the ground and you'll find fdd's place,sorry,i think i said to
The party is at my place. And ill show everyone my marijuana plants that I have growing.
must have been the pic. kinda scares me.
crazy stuff... what does the crow just chill there all day?
cuz... I'm going... and he better be there... is it thoes crazy black slave crows from dumbo?... theyre crazy loco
silly elaphant... drugs are for kids!!!
i still don't get it. do you see a lot of people talking about getting in trouble on this site? after 80 posts you should have looked around a little i would assume. did you see the thousands of pics? would any of us be here if we didn't feel it was safe? so to answer your question......i feel it's safe.
Go to and you'll see what secure isn't. Also get a proxy and you will not have your real IP logged.
I asked a similar questiong a few months ago... and I got way more info than I needed about how safe this site is...
theres people that have been on here for quite some time and have very large grows... and there still here... except that one guy...
i wonder what happened to that guy?