This sites safety

the map says once you come to the fork in the road to look for the dead crow and lift up the trap door in the ground and you'll find fdd's place,sorry,i think i said to
the map says once you come to the fork in the road to look for the dead crow and lift up the trap door in the ground and you'll find fdd's place,sorry,i think i said to

now you'll be seeing his chisseled mug soon...

hiding behind a sight...

The party is at my place. And ill show everyone my marijuana plants that I have growing.

i'll bring the scale and bags and tape and car so we can pack all our possessions in it then drive across the border while blazing one at the checkpoint

i mean, wait, nevermind....
i hate the dark,im not going in the trunk again,unless the weeds back there with me...yeah!,lets go!...and i think your right fdd,lol
crazy stuff... what does the crow just chill there all day?
cuz... I'm going... and he better be there... is it thoes crazy black slave crows from dumbo?... theyre crazy loco
silly elaphant... drugs are for kids!!! ... dumbo looks fucking blasted!!! while thoe pink elephants are doing there crazy shit...
I think that would scare the shit out of me!!! ... It was scaring me just now... I wanna go home :(

I joke... but it was pretyy freeky
I will answer this. Sorry im not reading all the posts BUT.

Your IP is irelevent in some cases. What is to say the IP thats is logged is not a proxy? Unless the police are already monitering you and what sites you visit in which case your fucked anyways. Then it wont matter. If you use WiFi then they can easily crack even a 128bit enxryption using something like Backtrack2 or Auditor Linux within I believe I read 10 min if there lucky otherwise maybe days. With computers as real life. There is no such thing as perfect security. We can only secure what WE know is vulnerable. So nothing is safe dude. NOTHING!!

But I seriously doubt youll get in trouble man. For example with pics, whos to say you were growing it in the USA and not other country? They cant do anythign to you if you grow in another country then come back here. The grow was not in this country so it did not violate THIS countries laws.

So chill out its okay and just relax man.
Thank you. The question was brought to me from another user. I think it is fairly safe. I posted a few Q. & A's yes, but since it was brought to me and I could not answer, I posted in the forums because I also wanted to know. I'd say at this point it's no biggie. Thanks again.
i still don't get it. do you see a lot of people talking about getting in trouble on this site? after 80 posts you should have looked around a little i would assume. did you see the thousands of pics? would any of us be here if we didn't feel it was safe? so to answer your question......i feel it's safe.
Yes I do agree with you. I remember that "one guy" getting nailed. Not cool. Anyhow, who maintains this sight? It's a very well run site. Like, does somebody do it out of the kindness of their own heart or what? This costs money. And when I ask a personal and serious question and fire an email off to the "contact us" people, I NEVER get a response. Why? I'm just asking why.
I asked a similar questiong a few months ago... and I got way more info than I needed about how safe this site is...
theres people that have been on here for quite some time and have very large grows... and there still here... except that one guy...