This will make you paranoid! Why I must quit this site!


Well-Known Member
im not laying all problems on bush.. our entire government has been faulty for many many years.. what i am saying is everyone seems to forget that bush is the one that hicked out national debt to where it is... and we didnt much accomplish anything from that war.. that bush signed away our rights with the patriot act.. yes, obama is spending money.. his hopes are to jump start us.. but remember we are already IN debt... it'll take who knows how long to get out of debt.. even if his plan completely fails it cant make us any worse off than we already our.. whats another billion or two of debt compared to where we are now?? the government will just file bankruptcy and start over... if america is to come out of the shit hole we are in we need to stop blaming everyone else and start getting our shit together.. we need to become self sufficient again.. stop relying on the rest of the world for our needs as a country.. as much as we can at least... we cant fix our economy when our economy is across seas.. bottom line we need to come together as a country and get our shit together... and we need to do it fast..

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
yu guys could get ip vpn scrambler hider services. They are like a few bucks a month and ot changes yer ip whenver yu log in. Also do some other james bond work. I am legal but it is fun!


New Member
They've been doing this since after 9/11, and it's perfectly legal. I'm not defending anyone, but stop listening to people like this psycho on NBC.

The Feds have been tracking everything since 9/11. But only certain words trigger any tracking. If you text/write "bomb", or anything relating to "terror", then the gov't computer in that room will flag it, and review it electronically for any connections to other instances where that IP or phone number experienced similar trigger events. In fact, words in this message will trigger the entire thread. So I just flagged us for Gov't review by using the word "bomb" and the word "Government", and maybe the word "President". Oh now, look out. They're watching now.

Believe it or not, the feds will not knock your door down for MJ. It will most likely be the state authorities if you are in a illegal state. Don't go to Florida. They have the some of the strictest criminal policies for Mj in the world. Caught with 1 oz or more and you can easily get 20 years in prison. If you live in FLA, you should definittely not be here.
Under 25 plants in Florida is a misdemeanor.....


Well-Known Member
effin hell! im sure though that a few stoners talking bout there plants will be safe enough,the only ones to worry should be the big money dope dealers that sell at schools etc etc.i will only ever have 2 plants in flower and 6 in veg,uk laws now have cannabis class b.i love my weed but dont want to do time for it.!!!
MMJ in approved states seem to be immune to busts. Get your script. Move to approved state if not. Overgrow the government.



Well-Known Member
Feds have much bigger fish to fry then to go after some small time marijuana grower, or even large time marijuana growers... They're using these things as a way to catch terrorist acts before they happen.... If anything busting hard drug labs like meth and heroin and coke labs are much more important to them then going after us.

Most of us pretty much are fucked by going on this site and posting pics. If they really wanted to catch us they can request to track the IP we post from, and come to our house and arrest us. I mean TONS of people post pictures of our grows, the reason we aren't afraid to do it is because they cant be fucked coming. Plus they don't know who on here is a medical grower/user and who's not.