Today is a sad

day. This morning I buried my dog Shy. Shy was attacked and killed by what appears to be another mountain lion. One of my other dogs Sky has a few scrapes and small puncture wounds luckily she survived. I followed the mountain lions tracks about a mile through the ️ desert. The mountain lion suffered some good damage as I found one small blood pool about 1/2 mile from my property where it stopped to clean itself. I will be spending the next few days getting my remaining dogs back into patrolling the property as a pack (the two dogs having puppies has completely stopped them from patrolling as a pack). I am unsure if the Mt lion took enough damage to outweigh the possible food source (my dogs) and not come back so for the next week I will be spending my nights outside with the mp5 at least until these dogs get back into there rhythm of patrolling together.
Shy you will be missed.