thread name change

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i personally wouldnt mind. its about spreading the knowledge. so if hes getting paid to spread knowledge then more power to him. we all end up in the ground. chill
ok soooooo do people watch the videos? did they learn something? is the information bastardized? edison stole ever patent from his workers but he helped change the world. its fuck head like him that do untold good from shadey acts of business.
when you're angry, just remember, he is just sitting around wasting time on the internet until it's time to sleep so he can do it again in the morning. i mean... that's failure right there. he's flooded the website already. im sure he has a job and all but ehhhhhhhhhhhh
I am a little bit mad that I had to read through two pages of this thread trying to figure out what the fuck the title had to do with the first post, and it wound up being a boring ass after-the-fact change.

EDIT: This post was from before the title because "thread name change", I'm not THAT dumb.
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