

Well-Known Member
just spray with GO FUCK YOURSELF, every day.
sweet why didnt i think of that!
where do i get it?!
can i buy it from your mom?
or is she giving it away for free like always!

why dont you go troll somewhere else? or is your life so sad and pathetic you have to start shit with someone on the internet because you didnt approve of the wording of their post?
get a fucking life.


Well-Known Member
for anyone actually wondering
the answer is

Othene / Acephate

stuff kills Everything.... including forum trolls ;)


Plant Vitality Plus (PVP)
if you can get hold of it in canada i dont know, the ingredients i also dont know because they are not listed but if you smell the shit u will realise theres some strong shit in that tiny bottle, it smells a bit like a fresh plastic inflatable beachball but mega strong, like burn your nose hairs out of your head kinda strong ha. i would always recommend plant vitality plus to any1 for any bug problems. its amazing stuff. its about 10GBP for 50ml and it dilutes to 2L then spray away and drown the little bastards. this stuff is really amazing, during my last grow i went away for a week and when i came back i had thrips, aphids, white fly and spider mites, i thought my grow was for the chop but 1 spray of this and everything was gone, no exagerration. i gave it another go just to make sure but im sure that wasnt necessary. also PVP brought my weary looking girls 2 full health litterally over night. its like a foliar feed aswell, it breathes fresh life in2 them and they looked extremely healthy.


also if you do use it, i know it sounds obv but spray all round you grow room and everything that has been in your grow room since the infestation and clean everything, if you think about it you only have 2 miss a spot the size of 1 thrip and then ur back 2 square 1, good luck


Active Member
Hot Shots no pest strips worked on my thrip issue, and within a couple days. They cost about $7 each and are sold at hardware stores. The life cycle is supposed to be about 5 days, I left them out for 10 days just to be safe. I have heard mixed reviews regarding the safety of using them, I definitely wouldn't use them in a bedroom closet grow or something. But for a closed off basement grow, seems safe enough. Spraying a buncha big plants with anything is a pain in the ass. Any bug problem arises I just put them up for 2 weeks and then they are gone. Worked for 2-spotted mites also, though in some areas I beleive mites are resistent.

You want to turn off your exhaust fans because you have the let the stuff build up in the air. I've had luck with hanging them on the front of my oscillating fans. It has kinda a hint of a smell, so you can tell when it is in the air. I've heard people complain about skin sensitivity from being in the room with them, and my wife has complained a bit about itchiness when she is around them too long. I just minimize my time in my grow while I'm using them. I hang about double what is reccomended for whatever sq footage it says on the package. They are supposed to last for months, but I use them for much less than that. If you use pesticides at less than full strength, that is what would help a bug develop a resistance to it.

I can say I have used them, and I'll work around them for an hour or 2 at a time even, though I don't think that is a great idea. I have done research and as far as poisons are concerned, all the risks seemed within reason to me. Probably want to keep any animals away from your grow area too.