Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
I found a gooood smoke. Its kinda hit or miss for us bucks but.....tiny bomb. Dick in the dirt high. Subcool. Tiny bomb. YES. Tiny yield but if you want your smoke, get one. It smells like cereal but ive never had nething like it....ever :):):):) 4x smiley fuckers approved.


Well-Known Member
when sum 1 finally finds a strain that will put the heaviest smokers on their arse, please let me know as I long for this strain..... My own Blueberry being the only one to get close so far. inc. a few trips to the dam sampling their finest, most of it crap if im honest, my trim smokes better hahahaha


Well-Known Member
I hit some ATF back a year or so ago, and all I can say is WOW! Talking bout feeling fucking "trippy feeling"! That shit is NO joke!! Well, that and Dad Sativa "Hubba Bubba"! That is 4 sure 1 hit wonder weed!! When I 1st toked on it after Dad grew it back in the day, I hit it fucking once & threw up every damn where! :spew:


Well-Known Member
Looks like a HPS by the look of the light in the video. Damn good looking cola's on those bitches though! Boy I bet its stinking so good in there right bout now! Lol


Well-Known Member
Holly fuck! Excuse the french! Lol.. ;)
Boy I know I sure wish I could run that much sun over mine! 1st time I di I know I would have every flying pig hovering right smack over the house from where it would be glowing orange! Lol.. right now its more then likely glowing purple.. ;)
hahaha and thats just 1 room the room next to it also has 6. plus my smaller veg room that has 3 more 400 watts lights...


Well-Known Member
Malacath great video man, garden looks NICE! Even with the Hps and shit you can totally tell how frosty those girls are man! Sadly my Sinmints didn't germ so I'm gonna buy a pack this weekend when they go on sale at attitude and give them another try. In the mean time I've got all kinds of other dankness to keep me busy :). I can't wait till I can step things up and expand my area, right now I don't know what I'd do with 12k in lights but I could make great use of 5-6k :).


Well-Known Member
Ive been subbed for a while now. Do i get to ask a question? Whats your usual g/watt without exagerating? ;) i have another question but ill pm it to you :):):)