Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
No poopin in the sandbox.......I still remember playing in my sandbox with my little earthmovers-dumptrucks.

Ninja you know some kids crying its eyes out over that dog,Im sure you will do the RT thing....Might even get a reward!
Ya, i know, right after i talk to all you guys im going to check craigs list for lost dog adds. I just hope that the parents of the kid thats crying its eyes out were smart enough to post an add. The fireworks probly scared it off.....


Well-Known Member
Hey dank don't sweat it man I haven't been keeping up with a lot.

Ninja good luck with the dog man tha was really nice of you. I prolly would have kept driving to be completely honest. So I nod m head to you sir as chivalry is surely not dead :).

Getting the kiddo into a dance class is on the short list. We took her to a class to check it out and he teacher had her join for the whe class..... However my 3 yr old doesn't listen very well. It kills me because I know how smart she is and she knowingly doesn't listen or do what she is told. My wife says I expect to much cus she's 3. if you guys could see the level of comprehension and reasoning my daughter has. That's why I hold her to a high level. Anyway yes we wanna get her into a dance class soon. She seems very interested in it and excited about the idea.

Yooo raiderman it has been along time! How things been man?

Well guys I installed my new bulb earlier and it wouldn't light.... Errrr! So I unhook my venting again and put the old bulb back in and it fires right up. ? No clue why but it wakes me feel like I should have spent the extra money and got a hortilux like I have EVERY other time. Any way lesson learned now I have to return it the next time I'm in that town.

The res isn't filled yet but they girls are under the light and look good. The house ventalation is currently cooling th light I'm testing to see how hot it gets with out the booster fan. I've got one of my veg lights up and e second is ready to mount. I've got almost exactly half the ceiling covered in both rooms with panda film as well. I've still got a bunch more work but its taking shape well. I think we are about to get some dinner and then work for a few before fire works. Hope everyone is having a great fourth!

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Lol nope phone still this that time, but that post took like 30 minutes to type. I had to take a break for a bit my wrist was killing me again from working on things. Thankfully I don't thinking have any more sawing to do, at least not today. I need to go tomorrow and buy a door to hang at the top of the basement stairs to keep my daughter and pretty much anyone else out. I will have my ceiling covered and inner door up tonight. Checked the light after over an hour of running with just the house air pulling threw it, and it was as cool as it used to be. Once I hook up the fan and filter it should be great. Well back to work for a few.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah bro! Sounds like the rooms coming along. Any kind of progress is goo! ;) even if its alittle here & there, atleast your working towards it, and trying to get it finshed.. I catch myself sometimes starting projects, and either loosing interests halfway through, or just say the hell with it sometimes! Lol..


Well-Known Member
With he addition of he duct fan she is running cooler then it ever has :)! The ceiling is almost covered all but one spot in the corner. Both my veg lights are up and on light lifters this time. I need to redo my DIY hoods they are getting pretty tired and rather warped. But that is a project for another time. I should have things about 95 % buttoned up tomorrow I think woot!


Well-Known Member
Sweet, 95% sounds good, then you can start unpacking lol ;) ive had people calling off the hook about this dog. I even had one guy call back three times after i told him it wasnt his dog. He finally insisted on coming to my house and confirming it wasnt his dog. It was the same kind of dog but not the same dog i told the guy but no way would he listen and i could tell he was pissed. I took the dog out on the front porch and waited with my pistol under the chair cause the guy was on one i could tell. Him and his wife show up and he gets out wearing a shirt that says firearms, alcohol, and somthing else i dont remember. And his wife jumps out of the car and hollars Baby bear! I had my doby outside with me sitting next to me and the other dog on my lap. The little dog didnt even flinch. They looked at it and you could see the mood fall right out of their faces, mr firearms and alcohol almost cried while he was saying how much the two dogs looked the same and how much their little girl missed the dog and cried when it ran away. After they left i called them back and told them if i didnt find the rightfull owners of the dog they could have it. I told em that i wouldnt be attached to it yet and if it would make their little girl happy they could have it. Mr. Tuff guy refused the offer, i wasnt surprised, he seemed like a dumbshit from the word go. If it was my kids dog that was lost and i could get a clone for free id take it in a second. The calls started today at eight in the morning again, and im really starting to regrett leaving my number in the add lol ah well, im sure im getting some karma points outta the deal somehow :):):)


Well-Known Member
Dude... MAD karma points. It's exciting talking to folks anyways. Annoying, but exciting. ALways fun to see how much more crazy the next person is than the last.

You will be granted many lovely dogs to keep you company in heaven for this. lol Seriously though. It's a really good thing you are doing. It means alot to me as I would be sunk if I lost one of my furry little ones.

Good work on the room too TC haha.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys We'll see how today goes, I might even get some pics up :).

The calls gotta be getting old but you guys are right serious Karma points !


Well-Known Member
Well pics tonight did not happen :( but all the girls are in their new homes! There are a few finishing touches but otherwise the rooms are pretty much done. The seedlings and clones that were in cups took a little beating but I think there's only one or two I'm worried about loosing. I've to so much more space I'm really not sure what to do with it all :)...... Yet! I'm thinking about getting or building a 8tube floro light. It could cover more space then one of my cfl rigs and should still do a great job with light. If I do I'm gonna hang it over my 2 x 4 tray in my veg room and when I transplant clones they will go right into the final pots to build roots before going into the flower room. This would let me use my extra cfl rig over my mothers. I'm not sure how much heat those floro tubes would put out but I know it's less then a 400w my will cover more space. Anyway I told the wife to take some pics tomorrow for me while I finish some stuff up so it should actually happen:). Also gotta get my ass to some of the new hydro shops in the area to check them out!

Well I'm off to bed night guys! Hope every one has a great Saturday!


Well-Known Member
Its all good bro.. we all knows how it is with the updates. Lol. I know I've said it a few times, thinking I was really going to get to update w/pics & just couldn't get round to it. No worries. Hey I posted a few pics of the KKxBP if you care to check her out bro.. Thanks.

Well pics tonight did not happen :( but all the girls are in their new homes! There are a few finishing touches but otherwise the rooms are pretty much done. The seedlings and clones that were in cups took a little beating but I think there's only one or two I'm worried about loosing. I've to so much more space I'm really not sure what to do with it all :)...... Yet! I'm thinking about getting or building a 8tube floro light. It could cover more space then one of my cfl rigs and should still do a great job with light. If I do I'm gonna hang it over my 2 x 4 tray in my veg room and when I transplant clones they will go right into the final pots to build roots before going into the flower room. This would let me use my extra cfl rig over my mothers. I'm not sure how much heat those floro tubes would put out but I know it's less then a 400w my will cover more space. Anyway I told the wife to take some pics tomorrow for me while I finish some stuff up so it should actually happen:). Also gotta get my ass to some of the new hydro shops in the area to check them out!

Well I'm off to bed night guys! Hope every one has a great Saturday!


Well-Known Member
Thanks dank I try not to sweat it but it still bugs me. I'm working on being more consistent and disaplined about various things in life. I've always had a problem with putting things of till later. I should have had my room done a few days sooner but it is what it is. I can't be to hard on my self I guess. It's done now and I suppose I can just be thankfull all this didn't happen a few weka ago when I couldn't do any of it after the surgery. Hope everyone's Saturday is going well. We are running errands today, then tonight I'm harvesting the rest of the plants that are about ready and getting my Rez setup for the other plants. I'm gonna give the clones just a few days to relax before I switch them to flowering. Here in the next couple weeks once everything settles down and I have things dialed in I'm gonna start some more seeds. I'm gonna put in 4-5 of the sinmints, 2 lemon g, and possibly a new white widow or 2 or on of my other freebies. Anyway l catch you guys tonight!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan,be a good summer night to surf ,,i'll bring some East coast purple diesel from my las grow,i'll pass a fatty around,lol..stay cool bro.


Well-Known Member
Well boys and girls I have yet another new room!!! This makes room number 3 since I started this thread way back in 08!

Its really great to have all of you guys with me, its amazing having this place to share this part of my life with some people that have the same passion. I gotta give a special thanks to those of you that have been around since the beginning when I talk about you guys with my wife I call you friends because I really feel that way. Thank you guys for your support over the years and great advice whether I listened or not :p.

This room is going to be my next step and advancement in growing. I will have lots of new genetics getting flowered in the next 6 months :) and I fully plan to try a few new things along the way. I hope I can get it all dialed in fairly quickly with the strains I have a feel for already. I've got alot more veg space so once I get my next light set up, in the next couple months I've got a few ideas to streamline my whole operation and perhaps really improve the growth rates. I know a few things I've lacked over the years... my plants always grow, usually grow well, but are not the fastest kids on the block getting into flower. One goal is to eliminate the transplant I currently do from the cups to the 6 inch pots. So I'll be going straight into the pots as soon as they root as clones. I will also finally be venturing into hydro cloning since I now have plenty of space to set it up :). I think eliminating the peat pellets from the equation should help the possability of over watering. This last round I had a few issues with it because I had sank the stem lower in the pots to add some extra support. In turn the pellet was sitting in the water rather then above the water line like I usually put them in. Well anyway I'll stop going on about the future, and post these pictures of the present/last few days :).

Heres a few pics from the build to start. Well late in the build.... The first pic you can kinda see the AC return I tapped into on the left. The fan is in the wall on the right, this is in the veg room, the wall is between the rooms. The second pic shows the flower room side of the fan wall before the ducting and light were in.

This is the right side of the flower room, and the then the left side, still no light yet :(....

Here is the bottom of the table I built. (thanks for the design idea goes to Friedrice where ever he ran off to when he left) I forgot to take pictures of the whole thing before I put plants on it.

Here we have the veg room!! You guys should be able to tell from the old pics where you can see the walls on each side of my lights, this room is much bigger! I think I got 4-6x more space in here just at a guess. This picture is form the door to the room, so you can see most of it, the light to the left is up against the flower room wall, the black plastic on the left will be the door to the flower room tomorrow( I ran out of staples after wrapping most of the ceiling in both rooms and part of the walls in the flower room.

Heres a few of the various clones, one I believe focuses on 3 Sin's OG that have gotten fairly large now!

Finally but not least is a crappy pic of the flower room with the light on. I do have a floro tube in my flower room in the future now for photo shoots, but wasn't busting it out tonight for a quicky. This shot you can see the ducting from the light into the fan. I'm very pleased with how stream lined I was able to do it.

I'll have some more pics next week some time, when I take more clones and put the current clones into flower. Now that we are settling in, its time to get down to business, and get a cycle going for real :)!

Hope you guys are having a great weekend mine is going decent, spent the day out with the family running around. Didn't get much other then watering and the pictures done today, but it was nice to relax after the last week. I'll catch you guys in a few hours when I wake up :).

Peace TC